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Statistics for Hist Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Sorted ascending
Jul 2020 48510 0 0 315 WebHome
251 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
162 AuthorBibliography
155 ColorCodes
129 InfoCatalogs
129 WebStatistics
110 WebSearch
102 VideosHome
 87 Catalogs2011To2020
 86 Info2007AISJudgesHandbook
 85 HistoryOfIrises
2014-05 75
(2 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
45 WebHome
  4 WebCreateNewTopic
  4 Info1917FlorExchPopularityPoll
  3 WebSearch
  3 Info
  3 WebPreferences
  2 InfoPopularityPoll1948
  2 InfoGoosKoenemann
  2 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
  2 WebChanges
2014-03 1266 0 0 945 WebHome
 32 WebCreateNewTopic
 28 Info
 27 Info1917FlorExchPopularityPoll
 27 WebChanges
 24 WebPreferences
 22 WebSearchAdvanced
 22 WebSearch
 20 InfoIrisesMoBotGardBulletin1925
 17 WebNotify
2014-01 1202 0 0 644 WebHome
100 WebPreferences
 61 Info1917FlorExchPopularityPoll
 48 InfoGoosKoenemann
 41 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
 41 Info
 38 WebCreateNewTopic
 37 WebChanges
 28 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
 25 WebSearchAdvanced
2013-12 1143 0 0 722 WebHome
 56 WebPreferences
 34 Info
 30 WebChanges
 30 InfoGoosKoenemann
 28 WebNotify
 28 WebSearch
 28 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
 27 Info1917FlorExchPopularityPoll
 26 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
2013-10 578 0 0 247 WebHome
 68 WebPreferences
 33 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
 29 InfoGoosKoenemann
 28 Info
 26 WebCreateNewTopic
 25 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
 22 WebSearch
 20 WebChanges
 17 WebNotify
2013-09 514 0 0 240 WebHome
 41 Info
 34 InfoGoosKoenemann
 30 WebChanges
 29 WebSearch
 23 WebPreferences
 20 WebNotify
 19 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
 15 WebCreateNewTopic
 15 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
2013-08 576 0 0 213 WebHome
 44 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
 41 WebPreferences
 40 WebSearch
 33 WebCreateNewTopic
 33 Info
 29 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
 29 InfoGoosKoenemann
 22 InfoWillisJFryer
 18 WebSearchAdvanced
May 2013 381 0 0 200 WebHome
 35 WebCreateNewTopic
 27 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
 21 WebSearch
 20 Info
 18 InfoGoosKoenemann
 10 WebLeftBar
  7 InfoWillisJFryer
  7 WebStatistics
  6 WebSearchAdvanced
  6 WebNotify
Apr 2013 349 0 0 161 WebHome
 36 WebCreateNewTopic
 30 WebStatistics
 19 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
 16 WebSearchAdvanced
 16 WebLeftBar
 13 WebSearch
 12 Info
 10 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
  9 InfoGoosKoenemann
  5 WebIndex
Mar 2013 309 0 0 107 WebHome
 65 WebCreateNewTopic
 17 Info
 15 WebChanges
 14 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
 14 InfoGoosKoenemann
 14 WebStatistics
 12 WebLeftBar
  8 Trash.MainWebSearchAdvanced
  8 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
  7 Trash.MainWebSearch
Feb 2013 260 0 0 111 WebHome
 35 WebCreateNewTopic
 16 Info
 14 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
 11 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
 11 WebPreferences
  8 Trash.MainWebSearch
  8 WebChanges
  7 Trash.MainWebSearchAdvanced
  7 WebNotify
  7 InfoGoosKoenemann
Jan 2013 370 0 0 126 WebHome
 66 WebCreateNewTopic
 29 WebStatistics
 26 Info
 24 InfoGoosKoenemann
 13 WebChanges
 10 Trash.MainWebSearchAdvanced
 10 WebNotify
  9 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
  9 WebTopicEditTemplate
  8 WebIndex
Dec 2012 257 0 0  80 WebCreateNewTopic
 74 WebHome
 12 WebStatistics
 11 Trash.MainWebSearchAdvanced
 11 Info
 10 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
  9 Trash.MainWebSearch
  9 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
  7 WebChanges
  6 WebLeftBar
  5 WebIndex
Nov 2012 251 0 0  98 WebHome
 32 WebCreateNewTopic
 13 WebStatistics
 11 InfoGoosKoenemann
 11 WebIndex
 11 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
 10 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
  9 Trash.MainWebSearchAdvanced
  8 Trash.MainWebSearch
  7 WebTopicEditTemplate
  7 WebChanges
Oct 2012 312 0 0 129 WebHome
 28 WebStatistics
 27 WebCreateNewTopic
 19 WebChanges
 14 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
 14 WebPreferences
 13 Info
 10 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
  9 Trash.MainWebSearchAdvanced
  9 Trash.MainWebSearch
  7 WebNotify
Sep 2012 188 0 0  82 WebHome
 25 WebCreateNewTopic
 21 WebStatistics
 10 Info
  8 InfoGoosKoenemann
  6 WebIndex
  6 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
  4 Trash.MainWebSearchAdvanced
  4 WebTopicEditTemplate
  4 InfoWillisJFryer
  4 Trash.MainWebSearch
Aug 2012 234 0 0 114 WebHome
 24 WebCreateNewTopic
 21 WebStatistics
 14 WebChanges
  9 InfoGoosKoenemann
  7 Info
  7 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
  6 WebNotify
  6 WebPreferences
  5 WebTopicEditTemplate
  4 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
Jun 2012 175 0 0 104 WebHome
 18 WebStatistics
 15 Info
  8 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
  7 WebCreateNewTopic
  5 AdmnHistWebInsert
  4 WebChanges
  3 WebIndex
  3 Trash.MainWebSearch
  3 WebPreferences
  2 Trash.MainWebSearchAdvanced
May 2012 481 0 0 222 WebHome
 52 WebCreateNewTopic
 41 Info
 31 WebStatistics
 21 WebChanges
 19 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
 18 AdmnHistWebInsert
 16 Trash.MainWebSearchAdvanced
 16 Trash.MainWebSearch
 12 WebNotify
 11 WebIndex
Mar 2012 298 0 0 149 WebHome
 43 WebCreateNewTopic
 18 WebStatistics
 14 Info
 12 WebChanges
 10 WebIndex
  9 Trash.MainWebSearch
  8 WebTopicEditTemplate
  8 AdmnHistWebInsert
  6 Trash.MainWebSearchAdvanced
  6 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
Feb 2012 291 0 0 120 WebHome
 46 WebCreateNewTopic
 19 Info
 16 WebStatistics
 13 WebChanges
 12 Trash.MainWebSearchAdvanced
 11 Trash.MainWebSearch
 10 WebNotify
  9 AdmnHistWebInsert
  9 WebPreferences
  8 WebIndex
Nov 2011 367 0 0 117 WebHome
 91 WebCreateNewTopic
 43 WebPreferences
 16 WebIndex
 16 WebStatistics
 14 Trash.MainWebSearch
 13 AdmnHistWebInsert
 12 WebChanges
 11 Info
 10 Trash.MainWebSearchAdvanced
 10 WebNotify
Oct 2011 249 0 0  99 WebHome
 39 WebCreateNewTopic
 16 WebIndex
 14 WebStatistics
 14 Info
 13 Trash.MainWebSearchAdvanced
 12 WebChanges
  9 Trash.MainWebSearch
  9 WebPreferences
  8 WebTopicEditTemplate
  7 WebNotify
Sep 2011 221 0 0 118 WebHome
 14 WebStatistics
 14 Info
 13 WebChanges
 10 WebCreateNewTopic
  9 AdmnHistWebInsert
  8 WebPreferences
  7 Trash.MainWebSearchAdvanced
  7 WebIndex
  7 Trash.MainWebSearch
  5 WebTopicEditTemplate
Aug 2011 253 0 0 124 WebHome
 25 WebCreateNewTopic
 22 Info
 16 WebStatistics
 11 Trash.MainWebSearch
 11 WebChanges
  9 Trash.MainWebSearchAdvanced
  8 WebPreferences
  7 WebNotify
  7 AdmnHistWebInsert
  6 WebIndex
Jul 2011 211 0 0 127 WebHome
 12 Info
 10 Trash.MainWebSearch
 10 WebStatistics
  8 Trash.MainWebSearchAdvanced
  8 AdmnHistWebInsert
  8 WebChanges
  7 WebTopicEditTemplate
  7 WebNotify
  5 WebCreateNewTopic
  5 WebPreferences
Dec 2020 39846 1 0 268 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
193 WebHome
146 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
119 PriesDrawingAndromache
107 InfoNurseries
104 Info1957CatalogMelrose
103 ColorCodes
102 Info1957CatalogFayGardens
 98 Info1960CatalogCooleys
 97 Info1959SpuriaNewsletter01Winter
 97 Info1959CatalogCooleys
  1 WayneMesser
2013-07 515 1 0 215 WebHome
 45 WebCreateNewTopic
 32 WebChanges
 31 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
 27 WebSearch
 25 Info
 25 WebPreferences
 21 WebNotify
 21 InfoGoosKoenemann
 14 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
  1 WayneMesser
2013-06 200 2 0  88 WebHome
 21 WebCreateNewTopic
  9 WebSearch
  9 Info
  9 InfoGoosKoenemann
  8 WebPreferences
  7 WebSearchAdvanced
  7 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
  7 WebChanges
  7 WebTopicEditTemplate
  1 BobPries
  1 TimValenzuela
Apr 2012 450 1 0 198 WebHome
 83 WebCreateNewTopic
 30 WebStatistics
 23 Info
 22 WebTopicEditTemplate
 15 WebIndex
 14 WebChanges
 11 AdmnHistWebInsert
 11 WebLeftBar
 10 WebNotify
 10 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
  1 Main.RPries
May 2019 32859 6 1 567 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
519 WebHome
317 ColorCodes
230 VideosHome
209 InfoNurseries
170 HistoryOfIrises
161 WebSearch
157 InfoCatalogs
 86 WebChanges
 81 Catalogs2011To2020
 78 NurseriesChildS
  3 Main.Betsy881
  2 BobPries
  1 TobyStaab
  1 Main.ruiris
2014-02 1327 3 0 741 WebHome
109 Info1917FlorExchPopularityPoll
101 WebPreferences
 51 InfoGoosKoenemann
 36 WebChanges
 33 Info
 29 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
 28 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
 27 WebCreateNewTopic
 26 WebSearch
  3 AlainFranco
Jan 2012 406 5 1 140 WebCreateNewTopic
102 WebHome
 39 WebPreferences
 19 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
 16 WebChanges
 14 WebStatistics
 12 Info
 11 WebNotify
 10 Trash.MainWebSearchAdvanced
 10 WebIndex
  9 Trash.MainWebSearch
  6 IvanCraig
Jun 2020 40280 11 0 341 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
338 WebHome
271 Info1957CatalogFayGardens
266 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
232 Info1957CatalogMelrose
209 Info1958CatalogFay
208 Info1957CatalogWalterMarx
206 Info1958SpuriaNewsletter02Summer
190 ColorCodes
173 Info1958AISBulletinNo151
170 Info1958CatalogFairmount
  7 Main.davepote
  3 BobPries
  1 Main.Pamina
Apr 2024 132842 14 2 457 Info1927CatalogAlthaHallGardens
439 Info1992CatalogIrisEnProvence
435 Info1932CatalogHillIrisAndPeonyFarm
403 Info1930AISBulletinNo35
390 InfoNewsAndNotesIncoming
363 Info1912CatalogSGHarris
359 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
358 Info1903BotMagIrisBucharica7914
342 Info1946AISBulletinNo103October
319 Irid1793IconesPlantarumRariorumGladiolusMucronatus
314 WebHome
  8 BobPries
  5 Main.dougchyz
  2 BrewItt
  1 WayneMesser
Jan 2021 36737 10 1 284 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
251 WebHome
177 PriesDrawingAndromache
160 WebSearch
143 ColorCodes
113 VideosHome
 88 AddingNurseries
 80 WebCreateNewTopic
 78 AuthorBibliography
 74 InfoNurseries
 72 InfoCatalogs
  8 WayneMesser
Jan 2018 37906 17 0 438 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
344 WebHome
243 InfoCatalogs
227 BooksAndJournalArticlesByDate
218 InfoNurseries
156 VideosHome
133 ColorCodes
102 Catalogs1921To1930
102 WebChanges
 92 HistoryOfIrises
 84 ArchiveSIGNANewsletter
  8 Main.Betsy881
  7 BobPries
  1 WikiGuest
  1 WayneMesser
Sep 2019 18885 6 3 241 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
184 WebHome
120 ColorCodes
 77 VideosHome
 71 WebChanges
 67 WebSearch
 65 InfoNurseries
 65 HistoryOfIrises
 63 InfoCatalogs
 46 DevelopmentOfTheSpuriaIrises
 45 BotanicalArt
  9 BobPries
2014-04 965 9 0 510 WebHome
 94 Info1917FlorExchPopularityPoll
 63 WebPreferences
 34 Info
 29 InfoGoosKoenemann
 24 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
 24 InfoIrisesMoBotGardBulletin1925
 23 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
 22 WebSearchAdvanced
 21 WebSearch
  9 BobPries
Dec 2011 308 14 0 108 WebHome
 85 WebCreateNewTopic
 37 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
 15 WebChanges
 12 WebPreferences
  9 WebIndex
  9 WebStatistics
  9 Info
  8 WebNotify
  5 Trash.MainWebSearchAdvanced
  5 AdmnHistWebInsert
 14 Main.RPries
Jun 2011 36 14 0  26 WebHome
  3 Info
  3 AdmnHistWebInsert
  2 WebStatistics
  2 WebCreateNewTopic
 14 Main.RPries
Apr 2019 23581 31 0 381 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
377 WebHome
243 ColorCodes
168 VideosHome
152 WebSearch
149 InfoNurseries
134 InfoCatalogs
119 HistoryOfIrises
 77 AuthorBibliography
 69 SpeciesByDate
 67 WebChanges
 18 BobPries
 13 Main.Betsy881
2016-03 7839
(5 unique users)
(3 unique users)
(1 unique users)
367 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
217 WebHome
123 HistoryOfIrises
102 ColorCodes
100 HistoryIrisesOf1931To1940
  92 WebChanges
  88 Info1917FlorExchPopularityPoll
  87 InfoCatalogs
  79 AuthorBibliography
  72 VideosHome
18 BobPries
  4 AlainFranco
  2 BetsyHiggins
Nov 2020 38261 29 3 302 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
276 WebHome
198 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
171 Info1954CatalogFay
153 Info1958CatalogFay
150 Info1958CatalogFayGardens
148 Info1938CatalogCarlSalbach
132 Info1958CatalogCooleys
130 Info1958SpuriaNewsletter02Summer
127 WebStatistics
118 Info1958CatalogIrisTestGarden
 21 BobPries
 11 WayneMesser
Feb 2018 20489 7 21 409 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
351 WebHome
241 InfoCatalogs
210 InfoNurseries
135 ColorCodes
130 ArchiveSIGNANewsletter
128 VideosHome
108 WebSearch
 86 HistoryOfIrises
 76 WebChanges
 72 Catalogs1921To1930
 24 BobPries
  3 Main.Betsy881
  1 WayneMesser
Mar 2021 29918 26 3 289 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
280 WebHome
231 PriesDrawingAndromache
123 InfoCatalogs
117 Info1957CatalogMelrose
116 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
108 WebSearch
106 AddingNurseries
100 Info1957CatalogFayGardens
 99 VideosHome
 93 Info1957CatalogWalterMarx
 26 BobPries
  1 Main.TLaurin
  1 SalamAbuzaitoun88
  1 WayneMesser
Aug 2020 32998 36 9 227 WebHome
189 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
117 ColorCodes
112 WebSearch
107 Catalogs2011To2020
 98 WebStatistics
 91 InfoCatalogs
 88 DevelopmentOfTheSpuriaIrises
 76 DevelopmentOfPlicataIrises
 71 InfoNurseries
 71 VideosHome
 18 Main.davepote
  1 WayneMesser
Apr 2020 11033 26 12 535 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
375 WebHome
163 WebSearch
142 ColorCodes
133 InfoNurseries
131 InfoCatalogs
109 VideosHome
 87 HistoryOfIrises
 80 WebChanges
 78 WebCreateNewTopic
 69 Catalogs2011To2020
 26 CathyEgerer
  6 LindaWilkie
  3 BobPries
  2 MaryLilly
2016-11 13671
(7 unique users)
(2 unique users)
(2 unique users)
286 WebHome
268 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
185 ColorCodes
180 VideosHome
171 WebChanges
112 InfoCatalogs
106 Info1917FlorExchPopularityPoll
  98 GalleryOfWittArt
  89 HistoryOfIrises
  89 AuthorBibliography
28 AlainFranco
20 BobPries
Aug 2019 17962 23 7 386 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
290 WebHome
118 VideosHome
108 ColorCodes
 92 WebSearch
 81 InfoCatalogs
 72 InfoNurseries
 65 HistoryOfIrises
 56 WebChanges
 50 AuthorBibliography
 45 RegionalPublications
 29 BobPries
  1 WayneMesser
2016-10 13876
(9 unique users)
(2 unique users)
(1 unique users)
299 WebHome
282 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
212 GalleryOfWittArt
192 ColorCodes
182 VideosHome
168 WebChanges
  90 Info1917FlorExchPopularityPoll
  86 InfoCatalogs
  85 SpeciesByDate
  82 HistoryOfIrises
29 BobPries
  1 WayneMesser
Oct 2020 43831 33 0 343 WebHome
317 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
176 WebChanges
176 WebStatistics
146 WebIndex
136 InfoCatalogs
108 WebSearch
107 ColorCodes
101 VideosHome
 97 DevelopmentOfRebloomingIrises
 85 InfoNurseries
 32 WayneMesser
  1 Main.davepote
2016-08 12761
(7 unique users)
(2 unique users)
(2 unique users)
357 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
237 WebHome
227 SpeciesByDate
194 ColorCodes
191 WebChanges
126 VideosHome
108 HistoryOfIrises
104 Info1917FlorExchPopularityPoll
  98 InfoCatalogs
  87 AuthorBibliography
32 AlainFranco
20 BobPries
Jun 2021 33549 29 16 386 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
348 WebHome
148 ColorCodes
116 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
116 VideosHome
112 Info1957CatalogMelrose
104 Info1957CatalogFayGardens
102 WebCreateNewTopic
 90 Info1957CatalogWalterMarx
 89 GalleryOfPlatesInDykes
 89 InfoCatalogs
 33 SarahCornwell
 11 BobPries
  1 WayneMesser
2014-08 1571
(3 unique users)
(1 unique users)
(1 unique users)
314 WebHome
102 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
  58 WebChanges
  50 Info
  41 Info1917FlorExchPopularityPoll
  30 InfoGoosKoenemann
  25 WebSearch
  24 WebCreateNewTopic
  22 InfoPopularityPoll1948
  15 WebTopicList
33 BobPries
Apr 2018 34198 37 7 532 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
526 Info1805LesLiliaceaeIrisSusiana
425 Info1807CatalogJohnBartram
405 WebHome
311 Info1805LesLiliaceaeIrisTuberosa
276 Info1803BotMagIrisLusitanica679
265 ColorCodes
255 Info1597GerardesHerbal
255 Info1807LesLiliaceaeBelamcanda
253 Info1805LesLiliaceaeIrisFlorentina
241 Info1807LesLiliaceaeIrisFimbriata
 37 BobPries
  7 Main.Betsy881
2017-04 4906
(5 unique users)
(1 unique users)
(1 unique users)
72 WebHome
59 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
43 InfoNurseries
28 WebChanges
25 ColorCodes
20 VideosHome
19 HistoryOfIrises
14 InfoCatalogs
13 Catalogs1911To1920
13 Catalogs1921To1930
39 BobPries
Dec 2017 30958 45 4 432 InfoCatalogs
416 WebHome
338 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
324 InfoNurseries
170 WebChanges
139 VideosHome
 87 Catalogs1921To1930
 83 WebSearch
 80 Info2014CatalogMidAmerica
 79 ColorCodes
 70 DevelopmentOfRebloomingIrises
 40 BobPries
  2 Main.Betsy881
2015-04 9402
(9 unique users)
(3 unique users)
(2 unique users)
530 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
347 WebHome
152 Info1807CatalogJohnBartram
111 InfoNurseries
  84 WebChanges
  81 Info
  78 Info1917FlorExchPopularityPoll
  77 InfoCatalogs
  61 BotanicalArt
  58 HistoryOfIrises
47 BobPries
11 AlainFranco
  1 MikeUnser
May 2021 49324 53 2 531 WebHome
470 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
229 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
228 ColorCodes
198 WebSearch
196 Info1958CatalogFay
186 Info1958CatalogFayGardens
182 Info1958CatalogCooleys
180 Info1958CatalogMuhlestein
169 Info1954CatalogFay
158 Info1958CatalogFairmount
 49 BobPries
  5 CathyEgerer
  1 Main.mikeu
Feb 2021 31323 87 33 296 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
215 WebSearch
204 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
192 WebHome
167 Info1954CatalogFay
163 Info1958CatalogFay
156 Info1958CatalogFayGardens
143 Info1938CatalogCarlSalbach
133 PriesDrawingAndromache
130 Info1958CatalogCooleys
128 Info1958SpuriaNewsletter02Summer
 39 WayneMesser
 32 BobPries
Jan 2023 32033 44 26 467 WebHome
437 VideosHome
259 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
227 WebSearch
216 Info1936CatalogBristolNurseries
135 InfoNurseries
111 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
110 InfoCatalogs
103 VideoSoilsForIris
 95 VideoNolasIrisGarden
 90 Info1957CatalogMelrose
 51 CathyEgerer
 10 RobertRPries
  6 BobPries
  1 WayneMesser
  1 BrewItt
Apr 2023 31474 64 19 579 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
439 VideosHome
421 WebHome
346 VideoSoilsForIris
294 HistoricMaterialsCorrespondence
241 WebSearch
191 Info1936CatalogBristolNurseries
179 ColorCodes
159 InfoCatalogs
133 InfoNurseries
119 Info1957CatalogMelrose
 60 BrewItt
 14 CathyEgerer
  5 AnKhar
  3 RobertRPries
  1 WayneMesser
Oct 2023 42458 41 34 380 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
264 WebHome
144 WebSearch
125 Info1954CatalogFay
125 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
124 ColorCodes
118 Info1957CatalogFayGardens
111 Info1958CatalogFay
108 NewHybridizers
105 Info1958AISBulletinNo150
104 Info1958SpuriaNewsletter02Summer
 62 BrewItt
  7 Main.Af83
  5 Main.dougchyz
  1 WayneMesser
Sep 2020 46318 59 4 354 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
295 WebHome
239 Info1957CatalogFayGardens
236 Info1957CatalogMelrose
235 Info1958CatalogFay
229 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
209 Info1958SpuriaNewsletter02Summer
193 Info1957CatalogWalterMarx
193 Info1958CatalogFairmount
186 Info1958AISBulletinNo148
180 Info1958CatalogFayGardens
 63 BobPries
Jul 2012 445 66 8 138 WebHome
 53 WebCreateNewTopic
 53 InfoWillisJFryer
 42 InfoGoosKoenemann
 29 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
 23 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
 18 Info
 17 WebStatistics
 15 Trash.MainWebSearch
 11 WebIndex
 11 WebChanges
 63 Main.RPries
  9 AlainFranco
  2 MikeUnser
Mar 2011 6175 115 24 403 WebHome
 60 WebCreateNewTopic
 46 AbA
 30 AbM
 29 AbS
 26 WebChanges
 26 WebStatistics
 24 AbB
 23 WebLeftBar
 22 Trash.MainWebSearch
 21 AbMarbledMohr
 70 Main.RPries
 68 BetsyHiggins
  1 KentPfeiffer
Mar 2019 15840 80 2 481 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
279 WebHome
155 InfoNurseries
148 InfoCatalogs
148 ColorCodes
144 GardenLiterature
122 JournalsAuthorsBooks
121 VideosHome
 74 WebSearch
 71 AuthorBibliography
 65 HistoryOfIrises
 80 BobPries
  1 WikiGuest
  1 Main.Betsy881
2013-11 780 78 2 394 WebHome
 88 Info1917FlorExchPopularityPoll
 59 Info
 38 WebPreferences
 27 WebCreateNewTopic
 24 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
 19 InfoGoosKoenemann
 17 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
 17 WebLeftBar
 15 WebSearch
 80 BobPries
Apr 2011 4581 51 37 1282 WebCreateNewTopic
190 WebHome
 21 WebChanges
 21 AbGreenEyedSheba
 18 AbS
 15 AbA
 15 AbOnlooker
 15 AbB
 14 WebStatistics
 13 AbButterflyWings
 11 AbC
 80 BetsyHiggins
  8 Main.RPries
May 2011 7535 53 42 910 WebCreateNewTopic
352 WebHome
 59 AbOnlooker
 33 AbA
 33 WebStatistics
 32 WebChanges
 31 AbB
 27 AbS
 26 AbButterflyWings
 23 AbO
 23 AbP
 85 BetsyHiggins
  4 TomWaters
  3 Main.RPries
  3 BrockHeilman
Jul 2019 22787 149 10 330 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
295 WebHome
149 ColorCodes
147 VideosHome
102 HistoryOfIrises
 99 InfoNurseries
 87 InfoCatalogs
 74 HistoricSlideCollections
 62 WebChanges
 60 SpeciesByDate
 59 WebSearch
 70 BobPries
Mar 2020 19955 90 63 372 InfoCatalogs
331 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
254 WebHome
159 VideosHome
124 InfoNurseries
111 WebSearch
101 WebChanges
 76 ColorCodes
 73 Info2007AISJudgesHandbook
 70 WebCreateNewTopic
 57 DevelopmentOfYellowIrises
 90 CathyEgerer
 63 MaryLilly
Sep 2023 123763 203 49 501 WebHome
469 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
409 WebSearch
382 DevelopmentOfPlicataIrises
274 GardenLiterature
231 BotanicalArt
176 InfoNurseries
144 ColorCodes
129 DevelopmentOfBrownIrises
122 Info2007AISBulletinNo345April
113 Info1942AISBulletinNo87October
 96 Main.Af83
 92 RobertRPries
 63 BrewItt
  1 WayneMesser
2016-05 11882
(9 unique users)
(5 unique users)
(1 unique users)
745 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
484 WebHome
279 ColorCodes
207 HistoryOfIrises
189 SpeciesByDate
150 WebChanges
145 InfoCatalogs
140 WebSearch
123 Info1917FlorExchPopularityPoll
109 VideosHome
100 BobPries
  20 BetsyHiggins
    5 AlainFranco
    1 SophieM
    1 WayneMesser
2016-07 12824
(8 unique users)
(2 unique users)
(2 unique users)
492 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
278 WebHome
195 WebChanges
189 ColorCodes
167 SpeciesByDate
144 InfoCatalogs
132 VideosHome
108 AuthorBibliography
  99 PriesLineDrawings
  94 Info1917FlorExchPopularityPoll
102 BobPries
  26 AlainFranco
2016-02 8005
(7 unique users)
(2 unique users)
(1 unique users)
497 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
233 WebHome
167 VideosHome
155 AuthorBibliography
142 WebChanges
  96 InfoCatalogs
  65 Info1917FlorExchPopularityPoll
  46 HistoryOfIrises
  44 ColorCodes
  38 Catalogs1991To2000
104 BobPries
    2 AlainFranco
Aug 2023 97447 136 3 391 WebHome
296 WebSearch
232 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
184 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
157 Info1954CatalogFay
151 InfoNurseries
149 ColorCodes
146 Info1958CatalogFay
137 Info1938CatalogCarlSalbach
133 Info1958CatalogFayGardens
126 Info1958SpuriaNewsletter02Summer
114 RobertRPries
 17 BrewItt
  6 Main.dougchyz
  2 WayneMesser
2016-04 9825
(9 unique users)
(3 unique users)
(1 unique users)
484 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
389 WebHome
270 ColorCodes
128 HistoryOfIrises
121 Info1917FlorExchPopularityPoll
111 VideosHome
104 WebChanges
  85 InfoCatalogs
  82 SpeciesByDate
  78 AuthorBibliography
123 BobPries
  34 BetsyHiggins
    7 AlainFranco
Apr 2021 36645 189 2 482 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
473 WebHome
255 InfoCatalogs
190 VideosHome
185 WebCreateNewTopic
180 ColorCodes
166 InfoNurseries
146 WebSearch
105 HistoryOfIrises
 86 AddingNurseries
 81 AuthorBibliography
172 BobPries
 16 Main.TLaurin
  2 WayneMesser
  1 WikiGuest
2015-05 9701
(7 unique users)
(1 unique users)
(1 unique users)
646 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
442 WebHome
167 WebChanges
100 InfoCatalogs
  97 PriesLineDrawings
  94 Info1917FlorExchPopularityPoll
  81 AuthorBibliography
  63 WebCreateNewTopic
  61 Info1932CatalogSchreiners
  56 Info
179 BobPries
2014-09 1585
(5 unique users)
(1 unique users)
(1 unique users)
359 WebHome
237 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
  52 WebCreateNewTopic
  37 Info
  33 InfoGoosKoenemann
  26 WebChanges
  23 Info1917FlorExchPopularityPoll
  17 WebPreferences
  16 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
  16 InfoNurseries
188 BobPries
Feb 2023 37873 273 49 479 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
458 VideosHome
369 VideoSoilsForIris
366 WebHome
197 WebSearch
172 InfoCatalogs
156 InfoNurseries
144 Info1936CatalogBristolNurseries
137 Info2022AISJudgesHandbook
113 WebCreateNewTopic
100 Info1954CatalogFay
201 RobertRPries
 97 CathyEgerer
 16 BrewItt
  8 WayneMesser
Mar 2024 160741 364 127 788 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
589 WebHome
473 ColorCodes
380 InfoCatalogs
354 VideosHome
213 ArchiveSpuriaNews
209 RegionalPublications
204 InfoNewsAndNotesIncoming
201 Info2022AISJudgesHandbook
197 JudgesHandbookMDBShow
194 GardenLiterature
205 BrewItt
180 BobPries
 97 DarolJurn1
  4 Main.tomlwaters
  2 LucyFloren
  2 CathyEgerer
  1 WayneMesser
Feb 2020 10597 315 145 328 WebHome
270 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
196 VideosHome
156 WebCreateNewTopic
107 InfoCatalogs
106 InfoNurseries
 68 WebChanges
 62 ColorCodes
 59 ArchiveSpuriaNews
 58 Catalogs1931To1940
 53 HistoryOfIrises
205 CathyEgerer
 97 MaryLilly
 92 SarahCornwell
 53 Main.Djurn
 10 LindaWilkie
  3 BobPries
2017-06 10265
(7 unique users)
(3 unique users)
(2 unique users)
261 WebHome
179 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
154 InfoNurseries
  98 WebChanges
  92 ColorCodes
  76 HistoryOfIrises
  55 Catalogs1921To1930
  55 VideosHome
  52 WebCreateNewTopic
  50 Witt36Image
215 BobPries
  54 AlainFranco
    2 BetsyHiggins
Mar 2022 38313 285 36 424 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
343 WebHome
318 InfoCatalogs
287 InfoNurseries
193 VideosHome
154 FranceSfib
119 WebSearch
118 ColorCodes
114 Info2021AISJudgesHandbook
 96 WebCreateNewTopic
 93 SpeciesByDate
227 BobPries
  7 BrewItt
  1 WikiGuest
Feb 2022 46218 209 101 440 VideosHome
404 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
344 WebHome
221 InfoNurseries
195 InfoCatalogs
149 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
146 Catalogs2011To2020
133 WebCreateNewTopic
111 Info1957CatalogFayGardens
109 Info1957CatalogMelrose
 97 WebSearch
253 BobPries
 31 Main.mikeu
 18 CathyEgerer
  2 WayneMesser
Jan 2024 75127 396 136 1107 Info1978AISTheWorldOfIrises
628 DevelopmentOfMiniatureDwarfIrises
559 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
415 WebHome
372 C14InfoMelrose1980CatalogPage14
243 DevelopmentOfTheArilIrises
222 WebIndex
216 WebSearch
205 RedouteGalleryOfIris
176 Info1809LesLiliaceaeIrisVirescens
171 C7InfoMelrose1980CatalogPage7
256 CathyEgerer
164 BobPries
101 BrewItt
  6 WayneMesser
  5 Main.dougchyz
Jun 2019 21529 30 230 451 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
283 WebHome
253 HistoricSlidesSwarthmoreCirca1945
169 ColorCodes
147 InfoNurseries
124 VideosHome
124 WebSearch
101 Catalogs1961To1970
 94 HistoryOfIrises
 93 InfoCatalogs
 65 AddingNurseries
260 BobPries
Mar 2023 42105 318 142 961 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
554 VideosHome
434 HistoricMaterialsCorrespondence
401 VideoSoilsForIris
312 WebHome
237 Info1936CatalogBristolNurseries
236 InfoNurseries
234 WebSearch
225 WebChanges
206 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
197 Info1927AddisoniaIrisPrismatica
268 CathyEgerer
123 RobertRPries
 53 Main.dougchyz
 14 BrewItt
  2 WayneMesser
Dec 2023 49687 336 268 330 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
228 WebHome
150 Info1934CatalogSchreiners
142 InfoNurseries
129 NurseriesBKBliss
124 WebSearch
107 Info1929CatalogCamposAltos
105 Info1896TheGardIllIrisMissouriensisPlate
 99 InfoCatalogs
 98 Info1949CatalogSass
 98 Info2020CatalogIrisEnProvence
276 BrewItt
204 CathyEgerer
 82 BobPries
 22 WayneMesser
 20 Main.Af83
Nov 2023 93703 266 133 567 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
358 WebHome
202 NewHybridizers
189 WebSearch
151 InfoNurseries
132 ColorCodes
122 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
116 VideosHome
116 InfoCatalogs
 96 DevelopmentOfWhiteIrises
 92 Info1874BotMagIrisOlbiensis6110
276 CathyEgerer
101 BrewItt
 13 WayneMesser
  5 BobPries
  3 Main.Af83
  1 Main.Djurn
Feb 2019 22452 286 7 560 Info2005MinutesAISBoardFall
535 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
348 WebHome
191 GardenLiterature
190 JournalsAuthorsBooks
147 VideosHome
142 WebCreateNewTopic
141 ColorCodes
101 WebSearch
 93 InfoCatalogs
 83 HistoryOfIrises
285 BobPries
  8 Main.Djurn
Dec 2019 22325 217 129 416 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
326 WebHome
198 ProgramJtJudgingSpeciesByPries
157 VideosHome
142 ProgramIrisesBeforeAISPrologueTo1920Part1a
131 PowerpointsJudgesTrainingWebinars
130 WebChanges
123 WebSearch
115 InfoCatalogs
108 InfoNurseries
 78 SocietyPublications
286 BobPries
 59 CathyEgerer
  1 WayneMesser
2016-06 11051
(9 unique users)
(3 unique users)
(1 unique users)
545 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
267 WebHome
141 Info2007AISJudgesHandbook
141 WebChanges
128 ColorCodes
122 InfoCatalogs
104 SpeciesByDate
100 Info1917FlorExchPopularityPoll
  79 HistoryOfIrises
  72 AuthorBibliography
324 BobPries
    1 WayneMesser
    1 BettyAnnGunther
May 2023 75821 347 4 825 WebHome
546 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
504 WebSearch
304 ColorCodes
274 InfoNurseries
236 InfoCatalogs
198 DevelopmentOfBrownIrises
176 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
156 Info1954CatalogFay
152 VideosHome
147 WebCreateNewTopic
328 RobertRPries
 19 BrewItt
  2 WayneMesser
  1 WikiGuest
  1 CindyBrown
Jan 2020 19846 316 100 379 WebHome
292 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
189 InfoNurseries
126 InfoCatalogs
114 ColorCodes
112 VideosHome
 95 WebCreateNewTopic
 90 GalleryOfPlatesBotMag
 89 AuthorBibliography
 78 GardenLiterature
 70 WebStatistics
347 CathyEgerer
 68 BobPries
  1 WayneMesser
Nov 2017 27566 339 30 473 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
326 WebHome
236 InfoNurseries
179 ArchiveSIGNANewsletter
148 VideosHome
130 InfoCatalogs
122 WebChanges
 92 WebSearch
 79 RegionalPublications
 75 HistoryOfIrises
 75 ColorCodes
359 BobPries
  9 Main.Betsy881
Aug 2021 54811 310 53 334 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
313 WebHome
245 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
193 Info1954CatalogFay
192 Info2021AISJudgesHandbook
191 Info1958CatalogIrisTestGarden
190 Info1958CatalogFay
174 Info1958CatalogFayGardens
168 InfoCatalogs
167 Info1958CatalogEdenwald
154 Info1958CatalogFairmount
361 BobPries
  2 WayneMesser
Jul 2017 24094 311 72 337 WebHome
221 InfoNurseries
220 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
161 Catalogs1921To1930
157 VideosHome
140 ColorCodes
100 WebCreateNewTopic
 76 InfoCatalogs
 75 Catalogs1911To1920
 75 DevelopmentOfTangerineBeardedIrises
 65 WebSearch
381 BobPries
Feb 2024 68951 332 173 890 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
445 WebHome
284 InfoCatalogs
187 DevelopmentOfPlicataIrises
186 VideosHome
179 WebSearch
172 Info1933CatalogKingsley
166 InfoNurseries
164 GardenLiterature
163 Info1959RegistrationsAndIntroductions
147 Info2022AISJudgesHandbook
391 CathyEgerer
 77 BrewItt
 36 BobPries
  1 WayneMesser
Oct 2022 44097 448 42 1842 WebSearch
1252 VideosHome
563 WebHome
551 VideoSoilsForIris
350 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
232 InfoCatalogs
205 InfoNurseries
154 WebCreateNewTopic
126 WebPreferences
114 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
 86 ColorCodes
392 BobPries
 80 BrewItt
  1 WayneMesser
  1 Main.davepote
Jan 2022 41296 801 367 605 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
538 WebHome
498 VideosHome
464 InfoNurseries
330 FranceSfib
319 WebCreateNewTopic
294 InfoCatalogs
172 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
166 Info1954CatalogFay
146 Info1958CatalogFay
143 Info1958CatalogCooleys
428 BobPries
200 CathyEgerer
140 Main.davepote
109 Main.mikeu
108 Main.Djurn
Mar 2018 21972 372 66 491 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
447 WebHome
408 InfoNurseries
376 InfoCatalogs
155 WebChanges
146 VideosHome
129 WebCreateNewTopic
129 ColorCodes
110 WebSearch
 97 ArchiveSIGNANewsletter
 86 HistoryOfIrises
435 BobPries
  2 Main.Betsy881
  1 WikiGuest
Nov 2018 14310 428 32 568 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
404 WebHome
288 InfoCatalogs
218 InfoNurseries
188 VideosHome
152 WebCreateNewTopic
116 ColorCodes
 86 GardenLiterature
 85 NewHybridizers
 81 JournalsAuthorsBooks
 78 Catalogs2011To2020
439 BobPries
  1 WayneMesser
2015-11 11523
(7 unique users)
(2 unique users)
(1 unique users)
629 WebHome
584 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
332 VideosHome
187 Info1978DevelopmentOfTallBeardedIrises
178 WebChanges
102 DevelopmentOfYellowIrises
  92 DevelopmentOfPinkIrises
  90 DevelopmentOfPlicataIrises
  84 PriesLineDrawings
  80 DevelopmentOfTangerineBeardedIrises
449 BobPries
  88 AlainFranco
2016-01 9677
(7 unique users)
(3 unique users)
(2 unique users)
575 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
425 WebHome
203 WebChanges
192 DevelopmentOfPlicataIrises
130 AuthorBibliography
123 VideosHome
123 DevelopmentOfTangerineBeardedIrises
102 InfoCatalogs
101 Info1917FlorExchPopularityPoll
  97 InfoGoosKoenemann
458 BobPries
  28 AlainFranco
  23 BetsyHiggins
Dec 2021 47247 515 344 811 WebHome
732 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
566 FranceSfib
154 InfoNurseries
139 VideosHome
132 InfoCatalogs
120 WebCreateNewTopic
109 InfoNurseriesWithYears
100 NurseriesIrisEnProvence
 86 WebSearch
 84 WebChanges
316 BobPries
 58 CathyEgerer
 23 BrewItt
  2 WayneMesser
2014-06 2490
(4 unique users)
(1 unique users)
(1 unique users)
737 WebHome
392 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
117 WebCreateNewTopic
  78 WebPreferences
  58 Info
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  47 InfoGoosKoenemann
  45 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
  42 InfoPopularityPoll1941
  34 Info1924TheIrisSocietyOfEngland
463 BobPries
Sep 2021 36944 472 3 491 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
336 WebHome
259 InfoCatalogs
238 WebCreateNewTopic
218 InfoNurseries
166 Info2021AISJudgesHandbook
108 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
 94 Info1957CatalogFayGardens
 91 VideosHome
 89 Info1957CatalogMelrose
 88 NumbersOfNuseriesByYear
473 BobPries
  2 WayneMesser
2014-11 3575
(6 unique users)
(1 unique users)
(1 unique users)
506 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
451 WebHome
126 WebCreateNewTopic
  72 AuthorBibliography
  62 InfoGoosKoenemann
  59 WebChanges
  41 Info1949CatalogTomCraig
  37 Info
  35 Info1917FlorExchPopularityPoll
  33 WebLeftBar
478 BobPries
Oct 2017 30017 400 98 554 WebChanges
531 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
408 WebHome
179 InfoNurseries
160 GardenLiterature
159 VideosHome
159 SectionPublications
129 InfoCatalogs
129 ColorCodes
124 WebCreateNewTopic
103 Catalogs2011To2020
486 BobPries
  4 Main.Pamina
Dec 2022 45509 491 255 824 WebSearch
594 WebHome
337 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
317 VideosHome
236 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
205 InfoNurseries
192 Info1954CatalogFay
148 Info1958CatalogFay
147 InfoCatalogs
147 Info1958CatalogFayGardens
146 VideoNolasIrisGarden
500 CathyEgerer
159 BobPries
 50 BrewItt
 34 Main.Djurn
  1 WayneMesser
2014-10 3361
(6 unique users)
(1 unique users)
(1 unique users)
648 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
639 WebHome
165 WebCreateNewTopic
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  37 Info
  26 WebPreferences
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500 BobPries
May 2018 21248 484 139 693 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
618 WebHome
368 InfoCatalogs
303 InfoNurseries
244 ColorCodes
209 VideosHome
186 HistoryOfIrises
174 WebSearch
150 HistoryIrisesOf1911To1920
137 AuthorBibliography
134 WebChanges
518 BobPries
Sep 2022 47254 589 14 1221 VideosHome
799 WebSearch
578 WebHome
479 VideoSoilsForIris
378 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
294 InfoCatalogs
271 InfoNurseries
222 WebCreateNewTopic
201 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
153 Info1954CatalogFay
137 Info1938CatalogCarlSalbach
575 BobPries
 10 BrewItt
  1 WayneMesser
Apr 2022 58341 697 66 617 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
578 WebHome
500 InfoNurseries
482 InfoCatalogs
290 WebCreateNewTopic
223 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
180 VideosHome
173 ColorCodes
163 Info1954CatalogFay
159 Info1958CatalogFay
159 WebSearch
585 BobPries
 78 BrewItt
 40 Main.mikeu
 24 Main.dougchyz
  1 WayneMesser
  1 PascalJordan
Oct 2019 23111 479 119 613 Info1980AISBulletinNo236January
458 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
448 WebHome
196 WebCreateNewTopic
174 VideosHome
153 ColorCodes
145 WebSearch
135 InfoCatalogs
129 GardenLiterature
116 JournalsAuthorsBooks
102 SocietyPublications
597 BobPries
Nov 2021 55780 572 141 954 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
822 WebHome
365 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
254 Info2021AISJudgesHandbookWithColor
242 Info1958CatalogFay
215 Info1958CatalogEdenwald
211 Info1958CatalogFairmount
206 Info1958CatalogIrisTestGarden
201 FranceSfib
195 Info1958CatalogFayGardens
194 Info1958SpuriaNewsletter02Summer
632 BobPries
 41 BrewItt
  5 WayneMesser
  2 Main.davepote
2017-05 9324
(11 unique users)
(2 unique users)
(1 unique users)
968 WebHome
192 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
168 ColorCodes
158 InfoNurseries
138 HistoryOfIrises
119 Catalogs1921To1930
  90 WebChanges
  77 WebCreateNewTopic
  73 Spanish_Iris_Cultivar_History
  63 VideosHome
638 BobPries
  13 BetsyHiggins
Jul 2023 52469 814 130 1542 WebSearch
853 InfoNurseries
360 WebHome
322 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
183 SpuriasByYear1990To1981
165 SpuriasByYear1940To1931
160 SpuriasByYear1980To1971
145 SpuriasByYear2000To1990
124 DevelopmentOfBrownIrises
122 SpuriasByYear1970To1961
121 InfoCatalogs
667 RobertRPries
275 BrewItt
  2 WayneMesser
Jun 2022 37987 747 14 701 WebHome
632 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
453 InfoCatalogs
419 InfoNurseries
368 WebSearch
269 WebCreateNewTopic
212 ColorCodes
179 AuthorBibliography
178 VideosHome
135 WebStatistics
129 NumbersOfNuseriesByYear
734 BobPries
 23 BrewItt
  3 Main.ruiris
  1 WayneMesser
2015-09 11800
(8 unique users)
(1 unique users)
(1 unique users)
675 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
493 WebHome
320 ColorCodes
175 WebChanges
137 AuthorBibliography
132 VideosHome
102 PriesLineDrawings
  87 WebCreateNewTopic
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  74 Info1931AddisoniaIrisVerna
740 BobPries
2016-12 19952
(11 unique users)
(3 unique users)
(2 unique users)
618 InfoNurseries
449 WebHome
340 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
263 WebChanges
206 ColorCodes
180 InfoCatalogs
170 VideosHome
107 WebCreateNewTopic
  93 HistoryOfIrises
  86 Info1807CatalogJohnBartram
751 BobPries
  19 AlainFranco
    6 BetsyHiggins
2016-09 13812
(6 unique users)
(2 unique users)
(1 unique users)
348 GalleryOfWittArt
342 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
250 WebHome
204 ColorCodes
185 WebChanges
157 VideosHome
109 SpeciesByDate
101 HistoryOfIrises
  99 BotanicalArt
  87 AuthorBibliography
769 BobPries
    2 AlainFranco
Nov 2019 28269 723 70 425 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
412 WebHome
214 VideosHome
161 InfoCatalogs
149 WebCreateNewTopic
123 InfoNurseries
118 WebChanges
114 SocietyPublications
102 ColorCodes
 96 HistTopicvideoOfGardens
 95 WebSearch
775 BobPries
 11 CathyEgerer
Sep 2018 32691 693 121 506 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
380 WebHome
345 Info1807CatalogJohnBartram
306 Info1597GerardesHerbal
264 InfoCatalogs
254 InfoNurseries
170 GalleryOfPlatesInDykes
166 Catalogs2011To2020
156 VideosHome
151 DevelopmentOfRebloomingIrises
143 WebCreateNewTopic
801 BobPries
  5 WayneMesser
  4 Main.Djurn
Oct 2018 17632 676 174 548 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
458 VideoNapaCountryIrisGarden
397 WebHome
221 NewsAndNotes
193 InfoCatalogs
162 SocietyPublications
157 VideosHome
138 InfoNurseries
123 WebCreateNewTopic
112 Info1935TheFirst15YearsOfAIS
100 WebSearch
810 BobPries
 21 Main.Betsy881
  1 WayneMesser
2015-10 9962
(10 unique users)
(3 unique users)
(1 unique users)
527 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
437 WebHome
262 DevelopmentOfWhiteIrises
245 WebChanges
235 DevelopmentOfBlueIrises
150 ColorCodes
148 Info1978DevelopmentOfTallBeardedIrises
140 VideosHome
  83 DevelopmentOfRedIrises
  80 DevelopmentOfVioletsAndPurples
811 BobPries
  13 AlainFranco
    5 WayneMesser
2014-07 4502
(5 unique users)
(4 unique users)
(1 unique users)
791 WebHome
681 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
166 WebCreateNewTopic
102 WebPreferences
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  53 Info
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  44 InfoGoosKoenemann
  41 Info1975CatalogCooleys
835 BobPries
    2 MikeUnser
    1 WayneMesser
    1 BetsyHiggins
Jun 2018 23354 780 70 597 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
423 WebHome
225 BulletinsOfTheAmericanIrisSociety
204 VideosHome
201 InfoNurseries
198 ColorCodes
182 InfoCatalogs
133 WebCreateNewTopic
119 HistoryOfIrises
116 WebChanges
114 WebSearch
850 BobPries
Aug 2022 51217 874 25 711 WebSearch
625 WebHome
608 VideosHome
503 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
500 InfoNurseries
383 InfoCatalogs
308 WebCreateNewTopic
155 WebStatistics
155 ColorCodes
120 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
107 AuthorBibliography
851 BobPries
  9 WayneMesser
  7 BrewItt
  4 Main.dougchyz
2015-01 5712
(8 unique users)
(3 unique users)
(2 unique users)
636 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
554 WebHome
167 WebCreateNewTopic
140 InfoNurseries
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  48 GalleryOfPlatesInDykes
  43 Info1917FlorExchPopularityPoll
855 BobPries
    2 TimValenzuela
    1 WayneMesser
2015-12 12945
(13 unique users)
(3 unique users)
(1 unique users)
948 WebHome
693 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
575 VideosHome
328 WebChanges
160 DevelopmentOfBrownIrises
151 DevelopmentOfRebloomingIrises
146 HistoryOfIrisDevelopment
137 DevelopmentOfYellowIrises
132 DevelopmentOfTheArilIrises
  97 InfoGoosKoenemann
868 BobPries
133 BetsyHiggins
    5 SophieM
2017-03 23846
(8 unique users)
(4 unique users)
(1 unique users)
683 WebHome
521 InfoNurseries
297 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
187 WebChanges
155 WebCreateNewTopic
153 VideosHome
152 HistoryOfIrises
144 InfoCatalogs
139 ColorCodes
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907 BobPries
  34 AlainFranco
    3 ChuckChapman
    1 BetsyHiggins
Jun 2023 62808 956 18 636 WebHome
633 WebSearch
512 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
414 InfoNurseries
338 NurseriesByCountry
320 InfoCatalogs
221 DevelopmentOfBrownIrises
218 ColorCodes
199 SpuriasByYear2010To2000
142 WebCreateNewTopic
140 VideosHome
910 RobertRPries
 53 BrewItt
  9 WayneMesser
  2 Main.dougchyz
2015-08 10437
(6 unique users)
(3 unique users)
(2 unique users)
625 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
489 ColorCodes
337 WebHome
138 WebChanges
112 InfoCatalogs
  90 InfoGoosKoenemann
  77 ColorCodeWW
  74 Info1931AddisoniaIrisVerna
  67 ColorCodeO1
  66 ColorCodeW249
924 BobPries
  12 IvanCraig
    4 MikeUnser
Aug 2018 21434 926 4 665 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
561 WebHome
275 WebCreateNewTopic
256 InfoCatalogs
241 GardenLiterature
210 JournalsAuthorsBooks
189 VideosHome
158 InfoNurseries
123 WebSearch
122 Catalogs2011To2020
118 ColorCodes
930 BobPries
Sep 2017 27159 845 178 633 WebHome
578 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
296 NewHybridizers
230 InfoNurseries
192 WebChanges
174 WebCreateNewTopic
167 RegionalPublications
149 VideosHome
145 InfoCatalogs
137 GardenLiterature
134 Info1803BotMagIrisGermanica670
976 BobPries
 29 Main.Betsy881
  1 Main.waynemesser
Jul 2022 72145 962 40 694 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
660 VideosHome
615 InfoCatalogs
594 WebHome
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398 InfoNurseries
370 WebCreateNewTopic
229 Info1958RegistrationsAndIntroductions
161 WebStatistics
157 Info1958CatalogFay
150 Info1938CatalogCarlSalbach
992 BobPries
 10 WayneMesser
2017-01 19908
(9 unique users)
(4 unique users)
(1 unique users)
537 WebHome
460 InfoNurseries
249 WebChanges
203 InfoCatalogs
200 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
164 VideosHome
139 Catalogs1911To1920
135 ColorCodes
116 WebCreateNewTopic
  85 HistoryOfIrises
995 BobPries
    5 BetsyHiggins
    4 AlainFranco
    1 SeanZera
May 2022 37740 969 94 945 WebHome
862 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
579 InfoCatalogs
554 InfoNurseries
365 WebSearch
356 WebCreateNewTopic
297 ColorCodes
169 VideosHome
145 Info1959SpuriaNewsletter01Winter
138 ArchiveRebloom
128 HistoryOfIrises
1006 BobPries
 56 BrewItt
  1 WayneMesser
May 2020 62610 762 251 703 WebHome
601 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
268 ColorCodes
246 Region4Publications
245 InfoCatalogs
230 InfoNurseries
183 HistoryOfIrises
183 WebCreateNewTopic
170 RegionalPublications
166 WebSearch
157 Region4PublicationsC
1008 BobPries
  3 WikiGuest
  1 SanjaKovacic
  1 KarenShanks
2015-02 9151
(11 unique users)
(2 unique users)
(1 unique users)
677 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
547 WebHome
393 HistoryOfIrises
260 HistoryIrisesOf1901To1910
257 HistoryIrisesOf1911To1920
226 HistoryIrisesOf1891To1900
178 InfoNurseries
136 HistoryIrisesOf1871To1880
133 HistoryIrisesOf1881To1890
109 NurseriesCooleys
1077 BobPries
      4 AlainFranco
Aug 2017 33158 1047 132 746 WebHome
390 InfoNurseries
248 InfoCatalogs
247 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
190 VideosHome
163 WebCreateNewTopic
119 ColorCodes
111 HistoryOfIrises
107 WebChanges
103 WebSearch
 91 Catalogs1921To1930
1162 BobPries
  6 Main.Betsy881
Jul 2021 36050 1199 4 648 WebHome
635 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
449 WebCreateNewTopic
408 InfoCatalogs
323 InfoNurseries
180 NumbersOfNuseriesByYear
141 Info2021AISJudgesHandbook
100 VideosHome
 98 ColorCodes
 83 WebSearch
 69 Catalogs1901To1910
1199 BobPries
  3 WayneMesser
  1 BrewItt
Jan 2019 25750 1843 61 938 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
805 WebHome
585 WebCreateNewTopic
409 JournalsAuthorsBooks
387 ArchiveSpuriaNews
335 GardenLiterature
195 SectionPublications
178 VideosHome
162 ColorCodes
130 WebChanges
113 IridaceaeLibrary
1207 BobPries
697 Main.Djurn
2015-06 8156
(5 unique users)
(1 unique users)
(1 unique users)
653 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
452 InfoCatalogs
426 WebHome
267 CatalogsContinued1
158 SpecialCollectionCatalogs
157 WebCreateNewTopic
111 InfoNurseries
100 WebChanges
  70 Info1917FlorExchPopularityPoll
  62 AuthorBibliography
1277 BobPries
Oct 2021 62107 1308 29 875 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
623 InfoNurseries
602 WebHome
550 InfoCatalogs
424 WebCreateNewTopic
193 NurseriesByState
168 WebSearch
143 VideosHome
136 NumbersOfNuseriesByYear
111 ColorCodes
106 SectionPublications
1280 BobPries
 47 BrewItt
  4 CathyEgerer
  4 WayneMesser
  2 KathyOldham
2015-03 10268
(10 unique users)
(3 unique users)
(3 unique users)
526 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
443 WebHome
373 InfoCatalogs
266 SpecialCollectionCatalogs
129 InfoNurseries
114 WebChanges
100 HistoryOfIrises
  93 Catalogs1941To1950
  86 Catalogs1931To1940
  84 WebCreateNewTopic
1316 BobPries
  203 AlainFranco
    15 WayneMesser
2017-02 24236
(9 unique users)
(2 unique users)
(1 unique users)
512 WebHome
373 InfoNurseries
274 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
242 WebChanges
211 InfoCatalogs
164 VideosHome
140 ColorCodes
128 Catalogs2011To2020
128 Catalogs1911To1920
120 WebCreateNewTopic
1374 BobPries
      1 BetsyHiggins
Jul 2018 48148 1392 121 672 WebSearch
607 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
508 Info1805LesLiliaceaeIrisSusiana
456 WebHome
355 Info1807CatalogJohnBartram
320 Info1597GerardesHerbal
291 Info1805LesLiliaceaeIrisTuberosa
281 Info1803BotMagIrisLusitanica679
257 InfoCatalogs
246 AuthorBibliography
241 Info1807LesLiliaceaeBelamcanda
1513 BobPries
Nov 2022 45533 333 1319 1904 WebSearch
887 VideosHome
701 WebHome
425 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
276 VideoSoilsForIris
201 InfoNurseries
197 HistoricSlidesWillott4
192 HistoricSlidesSPCN2
183 HistoricSlideCollections
153 HistoricSlidesWillott
151 InfoCatalogs
1591 BobPries
 56 BrewItt
  1 WayneMesser
2014-12 6521
(7 unique users)
(2 unique users)
(1 unique users)
573 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
529 WebHome
346 BotanicalArt
241 GalleryOfPlatesBotMag
211 GalleryOfPlatesInDykes
139 WebCreateNewTopic
103 RedouteGalleryOfIris
  97 GalleryOfArtInAddisonia
  75 ArtInGartenflora
  66 GalleryOfArtFromTheGarden
1653 BobPries
      1 AlainFranco
Dec 2018 19244 1848 274 763 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
612 WebHome
528 JournalsAuthorsBooks
411 WebCreateNewTopic
339 GardenLiterature
154 BooksAndJournalArticlesByDate
147 LibrariansCardFile
147 WebChanges
142 InfoCatalogs
134 VideosHome
131 InfoNurseries
1710 BobPries
412 Main.Djurn
2015-07 13188
(8 unique users)
(2 unique users)
(2 unique users)
739 ArticlesOnHistoricIris
716 WebHome
425 InfoCatalogs
199 WebCreateNewTopic
147 HistoryOfIrises
121 Catalogs1911To1920
113 Catalogs1901To1910
  99 SpecialCollectionCatalogs
  93 InfoGoosKoenemann
  86 Catalogs1891To1900
1712 BobPries
    22 AlainFranco

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