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Scientist N. V. Abramov

under construction Abramov. N. V. (…-…). Novit. Syst. Pl. Vasc., 8: 120-123 (1978)--Illus. Transl. from Novosti Sistematiki Vysshiki Rastenii, 8: 115-118. (1971).

Iris zaprjagajewii 1971


Abramov, N. V. (1978), A new species of the genus Juno Tratt. from the southwestern Pamirs. (Generis Juno Tratt. species nova e Pamir austr-occidentali.) Novit. Syst. Pl. Vasc., 8: 120-123 (1978)--Illus. Transl. from Novosti Sistematiki Vysshiki Rastenii, 8: 115-118. (1971).

-- Main.RPries - 2012-05-18

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