Difference: ScientistRouyGeorges (r2 vs. r1)

Scientist; Georges Rouy (1851-1924)

France - ParisRouy

Georges Rouy was a French botanist who was among the first to identify infraspecific (i.e., below the level of species) taxa, including: subspecies, varieties, and forms. His Herbarium, kept for vascular cryptogams at the national Museum of natural history, Paris, and the rest to the herbaria of the University Claude Bernard Lyon is rich in more than 500 000 echantillons.

botanical author:

  • ROUY, Georges: Georges, (1912), Flore de France ou description des plantes qui croissent naturellement en France, en Corse et en Alsace-Lorraine, Flore de France ou description des plantes qui croissent spontannément en France, en Corse et en Alsace-Lorraine, Tome XIII, p 70-82

Interested in French irises ? Please visit: France Iris | Société Française des Iris et plantes Bulbeuses (french language).

-- Main.RPries - 2012-05-18

Rouy.jpgjpgRouy.jpgmanage 36 K 20 Aug 2017 - 13:25UnknownUser From Herbier Rouy website (Lyon)

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