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Cal-Sibes: A group of species hybrids involving a pacific coast native and a Siberian Iris. The first of these crosses was produced by Amos Perry and named 'Margot Holmes'. 'Margot Holmes' was such a radical new type of Iris and so beautiful that it won the first British Dykes Medal in 1927.

Despite the excitement very few of this new class of Iris were produced perhaps because they were sterile and did not lend themselves to continued hybridization. In the 1960's Jean Witt continued this experimentation producing new hybrids and she coined the name Cal-sibe for this group. At the same time Lorena Reid was performing these crosses also and Jean Witt and Lorena introduced several through Lorena's Lauries Garden.

In Germany Tomas Tamberg was perfoming many interesting crosses and conversions to tetraploidy to overcome sterility. Unfortunately many of these crosses have not been introduced to the world at large. And many never were registered. For a photograpic record of some of these seeTetraploid Cal=Sibes.


-- Main.RPries - 2010-07-21

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