Difference: InfoClassificationRegeliocyclus (r13 vs. r12)

Regeliocyclus an Intersectional cross

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When plants from the Section Regelia and plants from the Section Oncocyclusare crossed they produce a regeliocyclus. Originally the term was only used when the regelia Regelia was the pod parent and the oncocyclus was used for the pollen parent. The reciprocal cross was termed Oncogelia. oncogelia. But Regeliocyclus is often used to designate Oncogelias as well. Presently, the term regeliocyclus is used for hybrids of Regelias and Oncocyclus oncocyclus which are 1/2 or more regelia, predominantly Regelia in appearance, with oncogelia referring to hybrids that are more predominantly thn 1/2 oncocyclus.

A number of regeliocyclus hybrids with mythological names (e. g., Dardanus, Teucros, Andromache) were produced by C. G. Van Tubergen early in the 20th century. These have proven to be durable garden plants, and many are still in cultivation.

Articles on Regeliocyclus;


-- Main.RPries - 2010-02-05

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