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A tour of the Crested Irises (Section Lophirus)




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Slide 1: The crested Iris

By Bob Pries

Rhizomatous iris are often divided into three groups;

  • bearded,
  • beardless,
  • and crested.

The crested Irises are an artificial group of Irises. By artificial we mean that each crested iris is often more closely related to irises either bearded irises or beardless irises than they are to the other crested iris. But the presence of a crest is an easy character to separate a group. And we hope you will enjoy the tour of these unusual Iris.

Slide 2: Agenda

Slide 2: An Easy Grower

  • Silly Introduction
  • Silly Feature
  • Silly Conclusion

Tectorum Perhaps the best known Crested Iris is The Japanese roof Iris, Iris tectorum. It grows easily in most parts of the country and is suitable for the perennial border. It prefers some shade in the hottest areas and a soil that is not totally dry but well drained. When it was decreed in Japan that all cultivated land must grow food, the Geishas who used its powdered rhizomes as white face paint moved it to the tops of thatched roofs giving it its name.

Slide 3: Silly Introduction

  • why foo bar
  • blah blah


  • This text is not shown in the slide if HIDECOMMENTS is set to on.

Slide 4: Silly Feature

  • it's foo bar
  • more foo bar

Slide 5: Silly Conclusion

  • foo is bar
  • bar is foo


-- BobPries - 2013-08-17

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