Difference: PcnBerendeanTwilight (r3 vs. r2)

r3 - 02 Jul 2015 - 04:25 - Main.Betsy881 r2 - 25 Oct 2014 - 07:49 - Main.af_2e83

'Berendean Twilight' ( Claire Patten, R. 2005). CA, 15" (36-38 cm), Late bloom. Standards pale pansy-violet (Wilson 033/3), purple stripe shading to blue from base to half height; slightly frilly; style arms pale pansy-violet (033/3); Falls pale pansy-violet and dark pansy-violet (033), darker striping and darker feathered halo around signal, faint yellow stripe from signal to small blue flash at center edge of halo; small yellow signal. Parentage unknown; seed from Dora Sparrow.

'Berendean Twilight' (Claire Patten, R. 2005). CA, 15" (36-38 cm), L. S. pale pansy-violet (Wilson 033/3), purple stripe shading to blue from base to half height; slightly frilly; style arms pale pansy-violet (033/3); F. pale pansy-violet and dark pansy-violet (033), darker striping and darker feathered halo around signal, faint yellow stripe from signal to small blue flash at center edge of halo; small yellow signal. Parentage unknown; seed from Dora Sparrow.

r3 - 02 Jul 2015 - 04:25 - Main.Betsy881 r2 - 25 Oct 2014 - 07:49 - Main.af_2e83

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