Difference: SpecBalkanaSimonet (r7 vs. r6)

r7 - 06 Aug 2017 - 18:18 - Main.af_2e83 r6 - 20 Jan 2016 - 21:31 - Main.Harloiris

'Balkana-Simonet Form' (Dr. Marc Simonet, ). Subgenus Iris, Flowers a smoky reddish purple, beards bluer purple, inconspicuous haft and on each side of the beard with a white ground shaded purple and several obvious purple veins. Very similar to description of BALKANA. Most often seen, currently extant form of Iris balkanaJanka.

'Balkana-Simonet Form' ( Dr. Marc Simonet, ); Subgenus Iris, Flowers a smoky reddish purple, beards bluer purple, inconspicuous haft and on each side of the beard with a white ground shaded purple and several obvious purple veins. Very similar to description of BALKANA. Most often seen, currently extant form of Iris balkana Janka. Synonym Iris reichenbachii Heuffel.


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Awaiting original catalog description
From Simonet, bulletin de la Société des Amateurs de Jardins Alpin (1954. N°9): "IRIS POGONIRIS de Rocailles - A - POGONIRIS NAINS - I. reichenbachii Heuff. - C'est l'I. chamaeiris des Balkans.
Il se distingue de celui-ci par ses spathes fortement carénées et divergentes. Il est acaule ou caulescent, assez florifère, biflore, à fleurs jaunes ou brun-pourpre (I. balkana). Il est assez rustique et peut-être un peu moins précoce que l'I. chamaeiris; surtout l'I. balkana qui fleurit vers la fin d'avril."



Iris reichenbachii Heuffel.

r7 - 06 Aug 2017 - 18:18 - Main.af_2e83 r6 - 20 Jan 2016 - 21:31 - Main.Harloiris

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