Difference: SpecMoggridgei (r3 vs. r2)

(SPEC) Iris moggridgei Baker

1892, Baker

‘Moggridgei’. 'Moggridgei' (John Gilbert Baker, 1892, Maritime Alps, valley of the Loup River). DB; 12” 12" (30 cm), E. Early bloom. Color-class B7M; "Leaves ensiform a foot long at flowering time, 3/4 in. broad. Stem a little over-topping the leaves, 1-headed, or bearing a second sessile head a short space below the end one. Spathes 1-2 flowered, 2 in. long; valves oblong, scariose at the flowering time; pedicel short, Perianth-tube an inch broad, reflexing from halfway down, densely bearded; standards the same length and breadth. Style-branches over an inch long; crests deltoid. Described from a plant, cultivated at Cannes, in the herbarium of the late J. T. Moggridge, F.L.S., author of B7M'Contributions to the Flora of Mentone; “Leaves ensiform .' It flowers a foot long at flowering time, 3/4 in. broad. Stem a little over-topping the leaves, 1-headed, or bearing a second sessile head a short space below the end one. Spathes 1-2 flowered, 2 in. long; valves oblong, scariose at the flowering time; pedicel short, Perianth-tube an inch broad, reflexing from halfway down, densely bearded; standards the same length and breadth. Style-branches over an inch long; crests deltoid. Described from a plant, cultivated at Cannes, in the herbarium middle of the late J. T. March and was called Moggridge, F.L.S., author of ‘Contributions to the Flora of Mentone.’ It flowers in the middle of March and was called Iris parnassianaKer, by the son of that Botanist. Intermediate between Chamaeiris and pallida.”---Hdbk. pallida."---Hdbk. Irid. 34. 1892; syn. Iris italica. [Iris lutescens Lam.].

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- Main.RPries - 2011-03-07

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