Difference: TbNochnayaGostya (r6 vs. r5)

r6 - 10 Oct 2017 - 19:20 - Main.Harloiris r5 - 03 Oct 2017 - 19:33 - Main.TLaurin

■(TB) 'Nochnaya Gostya'

(TB) 'Nochnaya Gostya'


2015, Riabykh

2015, Riabykh


'Nochnaya Gostya' Ночная гостья (Olga Riabykh, R. 2015). Seedling# A2359-1. TB, 35.5" (90 cm), Very late bloom. Standards apricot-pink; style arms same, darker midrib; falls black-plum, white base with black-plum veins, edged apricot-pink; beards red; ruffled; lightly laced. Zolotyye Diuny' X 'Losiny Ostrov'.

'Nochnaya Gostya' Ночная гостья ( Olga Riabykh, R. 2015) Seedling# A2359-1. TB, 35.5" (90 cm), Very late bloom. Standards apricot-pink; style arms same, darker midrib; falls black-plum, white base with black-plum veins, edged apricot-pink; beards red; ruffled; lightly laced. Zolotyye Diuny' X 'Losiny Ostrov'.

nochnayagostiya02.jpgНОЧНАЯ ГОСТЬЯ EI.JPG
nochnayagostiya02.jpgНОЧНАЯ ГОСТЬЯ EI.JPG
r6 - 10 Oct 2017 - 19:20 - Main.Harloiris r5 - 03 Oct 2017 - 19:33 - Main.TLaurin

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