(AB) 'Babesan' 1966, Craig 'Babesan' (Tom Craig, R. 1966). Seedling 66.0 1. BB, 18" (46 cm). Early to midseason late bloom. Color Class GY3cm. Standards popcorn y...
(AB) 'Baby Blue' 1931, Williamson by Gersdorff 'Baby Blue' RB ( E. B. Williamson Charles Gersdorff, R. 1931). AB, DMB. Light blue self. I. korolkowii X DB. G...
■(AB) 'Bali Agha' 1951 White 'Bali Agha' OGB ( Clarence G. White, R. 1951). Seedling 12B49 100. AB, OX (TB onco), 34" (86 cm). Early to very late bloom. Purple, c...
(AB) 'Balk Ib' 1934, Foster 'Balk Ib' (Sir Michael Foster (deceased), 1934) ('Balkana' X 'I.iberica') in Gardening Illustrated 56: 5. 6 January 1934. No informati...
(AB) 'Baltis' 1948, White 'Baltis' OB ( Clarence G. White, R. 1947). AB, TMB, tall. Early bloom. Blended maroon and gold self. White, 1948. No information on intr...
(AB) 'Bambino' 1940, White 'Bambino' OB (Clarence G. White, R. 1940). AB, IMB, medium height. Early bloom. Red bicolor. No information on introduction found in AI...
(AB) 'Bamboo' 1953, Craig 'Bamboo' OB ( Tom Craig, R. 1953). EC, 30" (76 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Standards golden buff; Falls same, all over pattern of he...
(AB) 'Bandana' 1970, Taylor 'Bandana' OGB (John J. Taylor, R. 1970). Seedling# 65 31. AB, 28" (71 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Standards pale yellow, veined dar...
■(AB) 'Barrimohr' 1940, Miller 'Barrimohr' OB (William Miller, R. 1940). AB, TMB, tall, Midseason bloom. Ruffled mulberry violet. 'William Mohr' X ?. No informat...
(AB) 'Bayan Khan' 1962, White 'Bayan Khan' OGB (Clarence G. White by William Hawkinson, R. 1976). AB (1/4), 42" (107 cm). Midseason late bloom. Wax yellow with c...
(AB) 'Beau Pam' 1966, Craig 'Beau Pam' OGB (Tim Craig, R. 1966). Seedling AgI. AB, 29" (74 cm), Early to midseason to late bloom. Lilac pink blend. 'Adam' X 'Kal...
■(AB) 'Beautiful Brown Eyes' 2021, Black 'Beautiful Brown Eyes' (Paul Black, R. 2021). Seedling Y182A. AB (OGB), 24" (61 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white, fi...
(AB) 'Beauty Spot' 1947, Marx 'Beauty Spot' OGB (Walter Marx, R. 1947). AB, DMB, low height, Late bloom. Dark blue self. Red DB X 'Hermione'. Also listed in MDB w...
(AB) 'Bed Time' 1938, White 'Bed Time' ( Clarence G. White, R. 1938) IMB. Early bloom. Color Class S7D. ( I. sofarana x I. susiana ) x yellow M. Also listed in...
■(AB) 'Bedouin Child' 1973 McKusick 'Bedouin Child' OGB (Herb McKusick, R. 1973). AB, 20" (51 cm). Early bloom. Standards red brown with some stolonifera marking...
(AB) 'Beladi' 1940, White 'Beladi' OB ( Clarence G. White, R. 1940). AB, TMB, tall. Early bloom. Medium blue violet self. Also listed in TB Web: 'Beladi', See bel...
■(AB) 'Bella Mohr' 1955, Ohl 'Bella Mohr' (John Ohl, R. 1955). TB/OX, 34" (86 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Dark red violet self. Mohr form and substance. 'Willia...
(AB) 'Bellorio' 1923, Mohr Mitchell 'Bellorio' RB ( William Mohr Sydney B. Mitchell, R. 1923). AB, MB. Light blue self. I. korolkowii X I. germanica . Synony...
■(AB) 'Ben David' 1989, Fankhauser 'Ben David' OGB (E. S. Fankhauser, R. 1989). Seedling AB 13 81 B. AB, 28" (71 cm). Early bloom. Standards light lavender, light...
(AB) 'Ben Hannan' 1964, Fankhauser 'Ben Hannan' (H. Fankhauser, R. 1964) AB. Sunnyside Gardens 1969/70. No further information available. See below: * * Refere...
(AB) 'Ben Hassan' 1964, Fankhauser 'Ben Hassan' OBG (E. S. Fankhauser, R. 1964). Seedling AB 7 60 D. AB, 30" (76 cm). Early bloom. Standards wine red veined darke...
(AB) 'Ben Ismael' 1969, Fankhauser 'Ben Ismael' OGB (E. S. Fankhauser, R. 1969). Seedling 24 58 A. AB, 28" (71 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards white with pale cre...
(AB) 'Ben Selim' 1969, Fankhauser 'Ben Selim' OGB (E. S. Fankhauser, R. 1969). Seedling 6 60 A. AB, 25" (64 cm). Late bloom. Cerise self, veined deeper, dark area...
(AB) 'Benjamin' 1951, Morris 'Benjamin' RB (Sir Cedric Morris, R. 1951). AB, DMB, 10" (25 cm), Early bloom. Blend of lime green and shades of purple. I. stolonife...
(AB) 'Bethel' 1954, Linse 'Bethel' ( Jack Linse, R. 1953). Seedling LM 2. Eupogocyclus hybrid, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y1, Golden rosy tan self,...
■(AB) 'Big Black Bumblebee' 1966, Danielson 'Big Black Bumblebee' OGB ( Henry Danielson, R. 1965). Seedling 65 4. AB, 24 (61 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Stan...
(AB) 'Bird Of Paradise' 1948, Aylett 'Bird Of Paradise' (William Aylett, R. 1948) TMB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S7D. ( 'Grace Mohr' x 'Naranja') x W. R. Steve...
(AB) 'Bit Of Irish' 1982, Danielson 'Bit Of Irish' OGB ( Henry Danielson, R. 1982). Seedling 80 3. AB, 28" (71vcm). Early to midseason bloom. Chartreuse self; bro...
(AB) 'Blue Abalone' 1955, Austin 'Blue Abalone' (Lloyd Austin, R. 1955). Seedling# Ob O1. TB (hybr.), 32" (81 cm) Early midseason to midseason bloom. Color Class ...
(AB) 'Blue Dolphin' 1956, Wallace 'Blue Dolphin' OB (M. D. Wallace, R. 1956). Seedling# 5506. TB onco. OX, 25" (64 cm). Extra early bloom (IB season). Medium ton...
(AB) 'Blue Elegance' 1947, Jory 'Blue Elegance' OB (Stafford Jory, R. 1947). AB, TMB, tall, Early bloom. Color Class B3L. Light blue bitone. 'Purissima' X 'Capit...
■(AB) 'Blue Gate' 1959, Plough 'Blue Gate' OB ( Gordon Plough, R. 1959). OX, Onco. 32" (81 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Standards grayed blue violet to buff gr...
(AB) 'Blue Ox' 1949, Craig 'Blue Ox' OB ( Tom Craig, R. 1949). AB, TMB, tall, Midseason bloom. Light blue self. 'Acropolis' X C. G. White oncobred. Craig, 1949. ...
(AB) 'Blue Papillon' 1964, Madsen 'Blue Papillon' ( Bonnie Madsen, R. 1964). AR(AB), 48" (122 cm). Early midseason to late bloom. Color Class B2, Standards lavend...
(AB) 'Blue Princess' 1946, Sass Bros. 'Blue Princess' (Sass Bros., R. 1946) IMB. Early bloom. Color Class B1L. (hoogiana X DB). Slight fragrance. Also listed in I...
(AB) 'Blue Topaz' 1933, Sass 'Blue Topaz' OGB (Jacob Sass, R. 1933). AB, DMB. Medium red and yellow bitone. 'Beatrix' X (I. pumila x Yellow seedling). Sass, 1933….
(AB) 'Bluing' 1951, Craig 'Bluing' OB ( Tom Craig, R. 1951). AB, TMB, 20" (51 cm). Light blue self. 'Purissima' X 'Capitola'. Craig, 1951. Also listed in TB Web:...
■(AB) 'Blumohr' 1949, Marx 'Blumohr' OB (Walter Marx, R. 1949). AB, TMB, tall. Midseason to late bloom. Color code B1L. Plumbago blue. 'William Mohr' X 'Orloff'....
■(AB) 'Bold And Beautiful' 1990, McAllister 'Bold And Beautiful' OGB (Sharon McAllister, R. 1990). Seedling AS TOJ 1. AB (OGB ), 29" (74 cm). Early to midseason b...
(AB) 'Bold Ruler' 1960, Leland 'Bold Ruler' ( Art Leland, R. 1960) AR, (Tb onco) 38" (97 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Dark blue self. 'Storm Warning' X ( Capitol...
(AB) 'Bolt Of Thunder' 1947, Aylett 'Bolt Of Thunder' OB (William Aylett, R. 1947). AB, TMB, tall, Early to midseason bloom. Medium yellow bitone. 'Grace Mohr' X...
■(AB) 'Brash And Bold' 2009, Black 'Brash And Bold' (Paul Black, R. 2009). Seedling #M123AA. AB, Oncogeliabred minus. 26" (66 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Stand...
(AB) 'Bright Pastel' 1960, Austin 'Bright Pastel' OB (Lloyd Austin, R. 1960). AR,(Tb onco), (86 cm), Early to early midseason bloom. Color Class VS, Standards li...
(AB) 'Brillig' 1938, White 'Brillig' OB ( Clarence G. White, R. 1938). IMB. Early bloom. Color Class S7D. ( I.sofarana x I. susiana) X Yellow seedling. Milliken, ...
(AB) 'British Queen' ?, Aylett 'British Queen' (William Aylett, Not Registered). 'Purissamohr' x I. lortetii. NOTE: This iris has not been accepted as an arilbred...
(AB) 'Bronya' 1943, Hillson 'Bronya' (H. M. Hillson, R. 1943). DB, height 7" (18 cm). Early bloom. Color Class R7D. Dark bronzy red; orange beards. 'Tony' X I. hu...
(AB) 'Brother Of Demons' 2012, Smith 'Brother Of Demons' (Marky Smith, R. 2012) Seedling 09 13D. AB (OGB ), 22" (56 cm). Early midseason bloom. Standards wood vio...
■(AB) 'Brown Betty' 1934, White 'Brown Betty' (Clarence G. White, R. 1933) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class S6D. 'Mauna Loa' x "onco". Honorable Mention...
(AB) 'Brukor' 1936, Williamson/Peckham 'Brukor' (E.B. Williamson Ethel Peckham, R. 1936) DMB (Dwarf Micellaneous Bearded now Arilbred) Early bloom. Color Class B...
■(AB) 'Buchee' 1983, Gadd 'Buchee' OGB (Fred Gadd, R. 1983). Seedling 27 A 80. AB, 18" (46 cm). Early bloom. Powder blue with yellow edge on falls; yellow beard….
(AB) 'Buffoon' 1938, Baker 'Buffoon' OB ( Mrs. J. M. Baker, R. 1938). Seedling # N/A. AB. Color Class S3L, (light blue squalens bitone). DB X 'Zwanenburg'. See b...
■(AB) 'Butterfly Wings' 1946, White 'Butterfly Wings' (Clarence G. White, R. 1945) TMB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B2D. ((( 'Theme' X 'Sacramento') X ('Incognit...
(AB) 'Buzz' 1939, White 'Buzz' OB (Clarence G. White, R. 1939). AB, IMB, Early bloom. White, feathered dark red. Onco X TB. Also listed in IB Web: 'Buzz'. See bel...
■(AB) 'Buzz Fuzz' 1977, Gadd 'Buzz Fuzz' OB (Fred Gadd, R. 1977). Seedling 26 71. AB MED (1/4), 15" (38 cm). Early bloom. Red violet self; bronze beard. 'Blueber...
(AB) 'By Jove' 1941, White 'By Jove' RB (Clarence G. White, R. 1941). AB, IMB, medium height. Midseason bloom. Yellow standards; dark red falls. Bearded Iris X re...
Arilbreds By Year of Registration Image galleries for other years and classifications 2024 'Arystokrat Z Vapniarky' ‘Azerbaijani Jewel’ 'Caspian Potentate' 'Casp...
(AB) 'Byler Aga' 1952, White 'Byler Aga' OGB (Clarence G. White, R. 1952). AB, EC, 37" (94 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Blend of gray, lavender purple, veined an...
■(AB) 'Byzantine Romance' 2022, Black 'Byzantine Romance' (Paul Black, R. 2022) Seedling Z234A, AB (OGB ), 25" (63 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards and sty...