■(AB) 'Cairo Love Song' 1980, Nichols 'Cairo Love Song' OGB /ABM (Hooker Nichols, R. 1978). Seedling 7526. AB MED (1/4), 16" (41 cm), Early to late bloom. Standar...
(AB) 'Calico' ?, Jory 'Calico' (Stafford Jory, Not Registered). Parentage unknown. See below: * * References References: From Supplement To The Comprehensi...
(AB) 'Candlelight And Wine' 1986, Jensen 'Candlelight And Wine' (Elm Jensen, R. 1986). Seedling GMGOR 2 85 J. AB (OGB ), Height 14" (35 cm), Early bloom. Standard...
■(AB) 'Capitola' 1940, Reinelt 'Capitola' OB ( Frank Reinelt, R. 1940). AB, IMB, medium height. Early bloom. Dark red violet. 'William Mohr' X 'Ib Mac'. 1940. 43...
(AB) 'Captain Royal' 1943, Snyder 'Captain Royal' (W. S. Snyder, R. 1943). Seedling G 40. TB. Midseason/late bloom. Color Class B1M. 'Béotie' x ( 'El Capitan' x ...
(AB) 'Caribbean Sky' 1953, Tompkins 'Caribbean Sky' ( Chet Tompkins, R. 1953). Eupogocyclus hybrid, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M, Medium blue sel...
(AB) 'Cariboo' 1953, Saunders 'Cariboo' OB ( David Saunders, R. 1953). Seedling 53 14A. AB, EC, 32" (81 cm). Midseason bloom. Two shades of blue violet. 'Berkele...
(AB) 'Carmelo' 1923, Mohr 'Carmelo' RB (William Mohr, 1923). AB, TMB. Midseason bloom. Light blue self. I. korolkowii X I. germanica Major. Mohr, 1921. Also liste...
■(AB) 'Carole's Blue Heaven' 2012, McGrath 'Carole's Blue Heaven' (Peter McGrath, R. 2012) OGB. 28 32". Midseason bloom. Standards icy white, pale green ribs; sty...
(AB) 'Casino' 1953, Plough 'Casino' OB ( Gordon Plough, R. 1953). Seedling 48 3. AB, EC, 40" (102 cm). Early to late bloom. Rosy mulberry self, deeper veining. '...
■(AB) 'Chain Reaction' 2007, Tasco 'Chain Reaction' (Richard Tasco, R. 2007). Seedling 01 AM 06 02 RE. AB (OGB ), 13" (33 cm), Early to late bloom and re bloom. S...
(AB) 'Cherokee Maid' 1918, Williamson 'Cherokee Maid' ( Edward Bruce Williamson, 1918) MB Onc S (Miscellaneous Bearded, Oncocyclus, Color code S for Squalens) Thi...
(AB) 'Cherub' 1947, Lothrop 'Cherub' OB ( Lena Lothrop, R. 1947). AB, DMB, low height, Early bloom. Color Class Y3L. Light yellow bitone. Sister seedling of 'Brin...
(AB) 'Child Of Lebanon' 1946, Berry 'Child Of Lebanon' OB (Samuel S. Berry, R. 1946). AB, TMB, tall. Late bloom. Medium blue toned blend. 'Flush Of Dawn' X I. lor...
(AB) 'Citrine' 1952, White 'Citrine' OGB (Clarence G. White by Richard Eckels, R. 1952). AB, EC, 40" (102 cm). Early bloom. Citrine yellow and deeper yellow, vein...
■(AB) 'Clementina' 1954, Austin 'Clementina' OB (Lloyd Austin, R. 1954). AB, EC, 28" (71 cm). Early midseason bloom. Pale blue lavender self, veined deeper. ...
(AB) 'Cogette' 1938, White 'Cogette' OGB ( Clarence G. White, R. 1938). AB, IMB. Early bloom. Red self, dark. ( 'Charon x I. susiana) X yellow seedling. White, 19...
(AB) 'Collector's Item' 1960, Graham 'Collector's Item' OB (Helen Reynolds, R. 1960). AB, 20" (51 cm). Midseason bloom. Near ruby red self. Yellow seedling X 'Ca...
■(AB) 'Colossal' 1948, Marx 'Colossal' OB (Walter Marx, R. 1948). AB, TMB, tall. Early bloom. Medium blue lavender self. 'William Mohr' X 'El Capitan'. Marx, 194...
(AB) 'Come Again' 1948, Marx 'Come Again' (Walter Marx, R. 1948). DB, height 6" (15 cm). Midseason bloom and rebloom. Color Code R1D. Dark red violet self; blue ...
■(AB) 'Conquest' 1952, Marx 'Conquest' OB ( Walter Marx, R. 1952). AB, EC, 32" (81 cm). Extra early bloom. Self of campanula blue violet; Falls tinted chartreuse...
(AB) 'Copacabana' 1968, Loveridge 'Copacabana' ( Gordon Loveridge, R. 1968) BB. Seedling 62 17, 26" (66 cm). Late bloom. Color Class Y1F. Golden yellow self; oran...
(AB) 'Coquetry' 1940, Schreiner 'Coquetry' OB (Robert Schreiner, R 1940). AB, TMB, tall. Early bloom. Standards white flushed and veined lilac; Falls light lilac ...
■(AB) 'Corning' 1966, Clark 'Corning' OGB (Leo Clark, R.1966). Seedling 64 C 35. AB, 24 26" (61 66 cm). Early bloom. Blend of burnt sienna and red; large black s...
(AB) 'Cream Tart' 1943, Hillson ‘Cream Tart' (H. M. Hillson, R. 1943). DB, height 5" (13 cm). Early bloom. Color Code Y9M. Cream; olive and red markings on falls...
(AB) 'Crystal Clear' 1951, Craig 'Crystal Clear' OB (Tom Craig, R. 1951). AB, TMB, 36" (91 cm). Early bloom. Light blue bitone touched with a little green. 'Puri...