

■(AB) 'Sheriffa'

1941, White

'Sheriffa' OGB- (Clarence G. White, R. 1941). Seedling # N/A. AB, TMB, tall. Early bloom. Dark purple blend with brownish edging. 1941. Honorable Mention 1943, Award of Merit 1945.

Also listed in TB web: 'Sheriffa'.

See below:

Arilbred Iris SheriffaPhoto by Judy Schneider-The Shady SpotPhoto by Jeff Bennett-Dry Creek GardenPhoto by Jeff Bennett takenl at the Bee Haven Iris GardenPhoto by Jeff Bennett takenl at the Bee Haven Iris GardenPhoto by Mary Hess-Bluebird Haven Iris GardenPhoto by Rick TascoPhoto by Jeff Myers


From The Court Of Iris catalog, 1955: SHERIFFA (White '42) E 36" (Onco, Regelia and Tall Bearded). A most distinctive Iris whose metallic finish is an eye-catcher. The flowers are of an iridescent purple with a strange cast of blue. It is hardy and increases well. We have occasionally had it set seed. Very satisfactory. $.50. H.M. '43, A.M.'45
From Marble Iris Garden catalog, 1958: SHERIFFA (White 1942). M. 36 in. Metallic violet blossoms with a blaze of blue on the falls. The petals are darker around the edges and burnished with a metallic: lighter shade in the center. This beautiful Iris is an Onco-bred and very iridescent. A lovely cut flower. Each $ 1.00: 3 for $2.50
From Supplement To The Comprehensive Checklist of Aril and Arilbred Iris by Sharon McAllister, April 2000: SHERIFFA AB (Clarence G. White, R. 1941). Seedling # NIA. TMB, tall, E. Parentage unknown. AIS Color Class: S5D (squalens with yellow feathering). '76 CL: Dark purple blend with brownish edging. 1941. Court of Iris: "Iridescent flowers have a strange cast of blue". Rainbow: "deep blue ground color, flushed and veined in dark red., and radiating an electric iridescence. Beard brown, tipped bright blue." 1941. Notes: Counted as having 47 chromosomes and classified by the '76 committee as a quantum-system OGB, but there's not enough information to determine whether it's an RB- or OGB- in the chromosome-set. Ref:AIS '49, p. 218; ASI '76, p. 76; ASI '78 YB.

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Interested in Arils and Arilbreds? Please visit the: Aril Society International website.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BetsyHiggins - 2010-01-19
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
SHERIFFA.JPGJPG SHERIFFA.JPG manage 2 MB 12 May 2019 - 22:23 CynthiaVoss Arilbred Iris Sheriffa
Sheriffa01.JPGJPG Sheriffa01.JPG manage 146 K 02 Sep 2016 - 02:56 TerryLaurin Photo by Judy Schneider-The Shady Spot
SheriffaJM.jpgjpg SheriffaJM.jpg manage 3 K 06 Apr 2013 - 16:57 BetsyHiggins Photo by Jeff Myers
Sheriffa_-_Tasco.jpgjpg Sheriffa_-_Tasco.jpg manage 35 K 01 Feb 2010 - 15:16 BetsyHiggins Photo by Rick Tasco
sheriffa5.JPGJPG sheriffa5.JPG manage 178 K 24 Apr 2024 - 18:14 TerryLaurin Photo by Jeff Bennett-Dry Creek Garden
sheriffa7.JPGJPG sheriffa7.JPG manage 349 K 15 May 2023 - 20:19 TerryLaurin Photo by Jeff Bennett takenl at the Bee Haven Iris Garden
sheriffa70.JPGJPG sheriffa70.JPG manage 217 K 15 May 2023 - 20:20 TerryLaurin Photo by Jeff Bennett takenl at the Bee Haven Iris Garden
sheriffa9.JPGJPG sheriffa9.JPG manage 95 K 30 Aug 2021 - 19:12 TerryLaurin Photo by Mary Hess-Bluebird Haven Iris Garden
Topic revision: r21 - 24 Apr 2024, TerryLaurin
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