■(AB) 'Walker Ross' 1996, Ross 'Walker Ross' (Walker Ross by Chuck Chapman, R. 1996). Seedling SW W13. AB (OGB ), 30" (76 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Cool whit...
(AB) 'Wee Admiral' 1947, Marx 'Wee Admiral' OGB (Walter Marx, R. 1947). AB, DMB, low height, Late bloom. Dark blue red self. Red dwarf bearded X 'Hermione'. Also ...
■(AB) 'Westways' 1935, White 'Westways' OB ( Clarence G. White, 1935). AB, DMB, low height, Midseason bloom. Light blue self. I. urmiensis X 'Bonita'. C. S. Milli...
■(AB) 'Whatzit' 1967, Hager 'Whatzit' OGB (Ben Hager, R. 1967). Seedling AB2005A. AB, 20" (51 cm), Early bloom. Yellow self; large red spot on signal below beard...
(AB) 'White Leather' 1947, Appel 'White Leather' (E. Appel, R. 1947) TMB. Midseason bloom. Color Class WW. 'Ormohr' x 'Pink Marvel'. Note: Also listed in TB web:...
(AB) 'Wiloh's White Magic' 1992, Wilkes 'Wiloh's White Magic' OGB (Wiloh Wilkes by Sharon McAllister, R. 1992). Seedling MG22W7b. AB, 28" (71 cm), Early midseaso...
■(AB) 'Windrider' 1992, Wilson 'Windrider' (Geoff Wilson, R. 1992) Seedling 21 90TSOL B. AB (OGB), 31" (79 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards clear pale blue l...
■(AB) 'Wine And Lilac' 1995, Wilson 'Wine And Lilac' OGB (Geoff Wilson, R. 1994). Seedling 63 91 W A AB 30" (76 cm) Early to midseason bloom. Standards clear lila...
(AB) 'Wine Of Shiraz' 1941, White 'Wine Of Shiraz' OB (Clarence G. White, R. 1941). AB, TMB, tall, Early bloom. Dark blue red self. Also listed in TB web: 'Wine O...