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(AR) Arils - C

(AR) 'Calchas' Unknown 'Calchas' Not Registered. See below: * * References References: From Supplement To The Comprehensive Checklist of Aril and Arilbre...
(AR) 'Calypso' 1913, Krelage 'Calypso' RC ( Ernest Krelage, R. 1913). Regeliocyclus. AR. Light red bitone. Parentage unknown. Krelage Son 1913. See below: * ...
■(AR) 'Camilla' 1923, Van Tubergen 'Camilla' RC ( C. G. Van Tubergen, R. 1923). Regeliocyclus. AR. Blue and red bitone blend. I. korolkowii X I. paradoxa. Van Tub...
(AR) 'Cassandra' 1916, Van Tubergen 'Cassandra' (C. G. Van Tubergen, 1916) RC (Regeliocyclus) I. korolkowii Leichtlini X I. susiana offered by Van Tubergen in 191...
(AR) 'Castor' 1907, Van Tubergen 'Castor' RC (C. G. Van Tubergen). Regeliocyclus. AR. Red toned blend, feathered. Grullemans, Lisse, Holland, 1907. See below: See...
(AR) 'Celaeno' YYYY, Hoog 'Celaeno' (Antoine Hoog, introduced but not registered with AIS) Regelia Lavender blue Iris hoogiana appearance with brown shading towar...
(AR) 'Centaur's Song' 2007, Jensen 'Centaur's Song' (Elm Jensen, R. 2007) Seedling KSMWR1, AR (OGB), 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light lavender veined...
r3 - 22 Oct 2023 - 21:21 by Harloiris
(AR) 'Chaldean Treasure' 1960, White 'Chaldean Treasure' ( Clarence G. White, 1960). Not Registered. Midseason bloom. 12". See below: * * References Ref...
■(AR) 'Charcoal Grey' 1980, Holden 'Charcoal Grey' Oncocyclus hybrid, (John Holden, R. 1980). Section Oncocyclus. Seedling Hj88b. AR, Height 16" (41 cm), Early to...
(AR) 'Charming Chick' 1990, Danielson 'Charming Chick' OH (Luella Danielson, R. 1990). Seedling LD 1 67. AR, height 13" (33 cm), Early thru midseason bloom. Stand...
■(AR) 'Charon' 1908, Van Tubergen 'Charon' ( Van Tubergen registered with KAVB in 1908) Regeliocyclus. height 18" (40 cm); Extra early bloom. Color Code S6D; Stan...
(AR) 'Cherry Sass' 1981, Shockey 'Cherry Sass' OH (Howard Shockey, R. 1981). Oncocyclus Hybrid. Seedling 173 44G. AR, height 11" (28 cm), Early bloom. Standards f...
r9 - 16 Mar 2020 - 21:19 by Harloiris
■(AR) 'Chione' 1955, Van Tubergen? 'Chione' C.G. Van Tubergen?.Regeliocyclus See below: * * References References: From The Court Of Iris catalog, 1955: ...
■(AR) 'Chiron' 2007, Jensen 'Chiron' (Elm Jensen, R. 2007). Seedling MMVER 1. AR (RH), height 26" (66 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards brown, darker brown veining,...
(AR) 'Chocolate Drop' 1981, Shockey 'Chocolate Drop' OG (Howard Shockey, R. 1981). Oncogelia. Seedling 173 78A. AR, height 10.5" (27 cm), Early bloom. Standards w...
r9 - 16 Mar 2020 - 21:19 by Harloiris
(AR) 'Cidone' 1957, Van Tubergen 'Cidone' (Van Tubergen, Not Registered). Regeliocyclus See below: * * References References: From Supplement To The Compreh...
■(AR) 'Clara' before 1957, Van Tubergen 'Clara'. (C. G. Van Tubergen,). Regeliocyclus AR, Dark shades of purple, veined and netted brown. Susiana seedling. Court...
■(AR) 'Clotho' before 1915, Van Tubergen 'Clotho' ( C. G. Van Tubergen,). Regeliocyclus RC; S9D; "Standards deep purple, darker veins, Falls brown, veins and blot...
(AR) 'Clytemnestra' before 1925, Tubergen 'Clytemnestra' (Van Tubergen) RC; B4M Korolkowii Atropurpirea X I. paradoxa See below: * * References References ...
r2 - 22 Nov 2021 - 21:17 by Harloiris
■(AR) 'Coalbrookdale' 1995, Pickin 'Coalbrookdale' (Ed Pickin, R. 1995). Oncocyclus Hybrid. Seedling 87/CC/3. AR, height 15" (38 cm), Early bloom. Standards and F...
■(AR) 'Coffy River' 2010, Bondarenko 'Coffy River' RH (Leonid Bondarenko, by Aril Society, R. 2010) Regelia hybrid. Seedling LB02 7 AR height 28" (71 cm) Midseas...
■(AR) 'Cool Fantasy' 1999, Danielson 'Cool Fantasy' (Luella Danielson, R. 1998). Oncocyclus Hybrid. Seedling 90 15 R. AR, height 14" (36 cm), Early bloom. Standar...
r11 - 16 Mar 2020 - 21:17 by Harloiris
(AR) 'Copper Lady' 1994, Collins 'Copper Lady' (Heather Collins, R. 1994). Oncocyclus Hybrid. Seedling 84 20NC. AR, height 19" (48 cm), Early thru midseason bloom...
(AR) 'Copper Pond' 1985, Danielson 'Copper Pond' (Luella Danielson, R. 1985). Oncocyclus Hybrid. Seedling BP 82 9. AR, height 14" (36 cm), Midseason bloom. Standa...
(AR) 'Corinna' before 1927, Van Tubergen 'Corinna' (C. G. Van Tubergen, before 1927).Regeliocyclus (Iris korolkowii violacea X Iris urmiensis); now Iris korolkow...
■(AR) 'Corn Yellow' aka 'Cornsilk Yellow' YYYY, selector? 'Corn Yellow' form of Iris gatesii See below: * * References References: Awaiting original ...
(AR) 'Cyrene' 1915, Van Tubergen 'Cyrene' (C. G. Van Tubergen, 1915). Regeliocyclus; S2M; Van Tubergen 1915; Large flowers. The ground color bluish violet with bl...
■(AR) 'Cythe' 1957, Van Tubergen 'Cythe' (C. G. Van Tubergen, Not Registered). Regeliocyclus RC, AR. 18" (46 cm). White, with bright violet purple stripes; purple...
Number of topics: 28

-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
Topic revision: r1 - 08 Mar 2011, BobPries
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