■(BB) 'Abbrojet' 2009, Altenhofer 'Abbrojet' ( Pia Altenhofer, R. 2009). Seedling #06 CC x Ele 2. BB, 27" (68 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards curry (RAL ...
■(BB) 'Abi Tout Doux' 2016, Lecomte 'Abi Tout Doux' (Gabriel Lecomte, R. 2016). Seedling GLBB1201A. BB, 26" (65 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Standards pale yel...
■(BB) 'Aegean Waltz' 1987, Nichols 'Aegean Waltz' (Hooker Nichols, R. 1984). Seedling #8131A. BB, 26" (66 cm), Early to late bloom. Standards purple, some white f...
■(BB) 'Afarexil' 2009, Altenhofer 'Afarexil' ( Pia Altenhofer, R. 2009). Seedling #06 CC x Ele 1. BB, 24" (60 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards beige red (RAL 3012)...
(BB) 'Afraid Of The Dark' 2017, Raines 'Afraid Of The Dark' (Frederick Raines, R. 2017) Seedling 2014. BB, 23" (58 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards violet;...
■(BB) 'Agronexy' 2009, Altenhofer 'Agronexy' ( Pia Altenhofer, R. 2009). Seedling #06 CC x alt 4. BB, 24" (62 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards signal violet (RAL 4...
■(BB) 'Airy Fairy Flower' 2021, Black 'Airy Fairy Flower' (Paul Black, R. 2021) Seedling Y180A. BB, 23" (58 cm), Early to late season bloom. Standards white, wide...
■(BB) 'Ajuhitta' 2009, Altenhofer 'Ajuhitta' ( Pia Altenhofer, R. 2009). Seedling #06 CC x alt 5. BB, 24" (62 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards red lilac to red vio...
■(BB) 'Alba Al Conero' 2023, Montanari 'Alba Al Conero' (Lorena Montanari, R. 2023) Seedling 9/13 A, BB, 25.5" (65 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards light b...
■(BB) 'Am I Blue' 1977, Denney 'Am I Blue' (Donald Denney, R. 1977). Seedling #0 72 134 1. BB, 20" (51 cm), Early bloom. Standards pale blue with intense navy blu...
(BB) 'Angela' 1977, Wolff 'Angela' (Myrtle Wolff, R. 1974). Seedling #71 6 01. BB, height 15" (38 cm). Very late bloom. White self; red beard. (('Debbie Ann' x 'F...
■(BB) 'Arctic Spring' 1991, Ensminger 'Arctic Spring' ( Allan Ensminger by Tim Stanek, R. 1991). Seedling #180 63. BB, height 24" (61 cm). Very late bloom. White,...
(BB) 'Ariel' 1924, Murrell 'Ariel' ( Olive Murrell, R. 1924). BB. 16" (41 cm). Late bloom. Color Class B7L. Soft blue. NOTE: Originally registered as a DB (dwarf ...
(BB) 'Audacious' 1981, Hager 'Audacious' ( Ben Hager, R. 1981). Seedling #BB2731 TWh. BB, height 26" (66 cm)., Early to midseason bloom. White self; red tangerine...
(BB) 'Audley Butterscotch' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Cultivar Name' name changed to Sally Ann See below: * References * Culture References Awaiting original cat...
(BB) 'Aussie Gold' 2016, Day 'Aussie Gold' (Beth Day, R. 2016) Seedling 22A. BB, 21.5" (55 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards and style arms golden yellow...
■(BB) 'Author Unknown' 1984, Harper 'Author Unknown' ( Allen Harper, R. 1983). Seedling #A114. BB, 21" (52 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Blue black (darker than R...
(BB) 'Autumn Jane' 1962, Brown 'Autumn Jane' ( G. Percy Brown, R. 1961). BB, 24" (61 cm), Reblooms. Color Class BlF. Medium blue self. 'Jane Phillips' X 'Autumn S...