■(BB) 'Tanec S Vlky 2023, Seidl 'Tanec S Vlky' (Zdenek Seidl, R. 2023) Seedling H0103, BB, 23.6" (60 cm), Late bloom. Standards pale cream; style arms pale cream;...
■(BB) Tasquier B231A B231A (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2006 cross. 'Step Ahead' X 'Stingray'. Sibling to: 'Saxby'; seedling B231D. See below: ...
■(BB) Tasquier B231D B231D (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2006 cross. 'Step Ahead' X 'Stingray'. Sibling to: 'Saxby'; seedling B231A. See below: ...
■(BB) Tasquier C002A C002A (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2007 cross. 'Lenora Pearl' X 'Midsummer's Eve' See below: * Progeny Progeny * B...
■(BB) Tasquier C360A C360A (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2007 cross. 'Many Mahalos' X 'Eternal Bliss'. See below: * Progeny Progeny * T...
■(BB) Tasquier C375A C375A (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2007 cross. 'Smash' X 'Miss Nellie'. Sibling to C375F, 'Tender Kiss'. See below: * P...
■(BB) Tasquier C375F C375F (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2007 cross. 'Smash' X 'Miss Nellie'. Sibling to C375A, 'Tender Kiss'. See below: * P...
■(BB) Tasquier C390i C390i (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2007 cross. 'Aglow Again' X 'Romantic Evening'. Sibling to: 'Azénor', 'Parlez Moi D'Amo...
■(BB) Tasquier C392A C392A (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2007 cross. 'Clarence' X 'Elegant Lass'. See below: * Progeny Progeny * BB: 'Ac...
■(BB) Tasquier C394A C394A (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2007 cross. 'Come To Me' X 'Smash'. See below: * Progeny Progeny * BB: 'Acidulé...
■(BB) Tasquier E061C E061C (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2009 cross. 'Zora La Rousse' X 'Coral Caper'. See below: * Progeny Progeny * TB...
■(BB) Tasquier E067C E067C (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2009 cross. Seedling B268B: ('Foxy Lady' x 'Midsummer's Eve') X 'Coral Caper' See below...
■(BB) Tasquier E293B E293B (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2009 cross, sibling to E293D. 'Grooving' X 'Ozark Rebounder'. See below: * * Progeny...
■(BB) Tasquier E293D E293D (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2009 cross. 'Grooving' X 'Ozark Rebounder'. See below: * Progeny Progeny * IB: ...
■(BB) Tasquier E577A E577A (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2009 cross. C002A: ('Lenora Pearl' x 'Midsummer's Eve') X 'Priceless'. See below: * ...
■(BB) Tasquier E737A E737A (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2009 cross. 'Absolument' X 'Alberta Clipper'. See below: * * References Reference...
■(BB) Tasquier F023C F211A (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2010 cross. 'Zurich' X 'Spell'. Sibling to 'M. C. Kail'. See below: * Progeny Prog...
■(BB) Tasquier F217B F217B (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2010 cross. 'Aglow Again' X 'Zora La Rousse'. See below: * Progeny Progeny * IB...
■(BB) Tasquier F312A F312A (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2010 cross. Seedling C384A: ('Step Ahead' x 'Elegant Lass') X 'Ozark Rebounder'. Siblin...
■(BB) Tasquier F345B F345B (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2010 cross. 'Aglow Again' X 'Rock Star'. Sibling to seedling F345E. See below: * Pro...
■(BB) Tasquier F378A F378A (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2010 cross. B332E: ('Juicy Fruit' x 'Pagan Pink') X C390C: ('Aglow Again' x 'Romantic E...
■(BB) Tasquier G640A G640A (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2011 cross. Seedling E207B: ('Rock Star' x 'Coral Caper') X 'Stud Book Stuffer'. See be...
■(BB) Tasquier H006F H006F (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2012 cross. 'Some Enchanted Evening' x 'Mon Prince'. Sibling to H006C, H006D. See below...
■(BB) Tasquier K616E K616E (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2014 cross. Unknown X seedling H006D: ('Some Enchanted Evening' x 'Mon Prince'). Siblin...
■(BB) Tasquier K616F K616F (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2014 cross. Unknown X seedling H006D: ('Some Enchanted Evening' x 'Mon Prince'). Siblin...
■(BB) Tasquier M404A M404A (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2016 cross. 'Tobacco Chew' x seedling K577C: ('Old Black Magic' x seedling H006D: ('Som...
■(BB) Tasquier M736A M736A (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2016 cross; pink SA SFTB. unknown parentage. See below: * Progeny Progeny * TB:...
■(BB) Tasquier i046A i046A (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2013 cross. 'Sylgrey's Beauty X 'Don't Touch'. See below: * Progeny Progeny * M...
■(BB) Tasquier i188A i188A (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2013 cross. F211A: ('Spell' x 'Sot On') X 'Grand Circle'. See below: * Progeny Pro...
■(BB) Tasquier i294A i2946A (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2013 cross. 'Sunset Street' X seedling G640A, 'Arikara' pollen parent See below: * ...
■(BB) Tasquier i339A i339A (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2013 cross. 'Old Black Magic' X seedling E890A. See below: * Progeny Progeny * ...
■(BB) Tasquier i482A i482A (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2013 cross. E891A: (Jim Vicki Craig pink seedling AH48L14 x 'Minion') X 'Awesome Ale...
(BB) 'Teen Town' 1974, Carter 'Teen Town' (W. C. Carter, R. 1974). Seedling #71 10. BB, 24" (61 cm), Early to midseason bloom. White ground, stitched violet blue;...
(BB) 'Tessie Petite' 1981, Mahoney 'Tessie Petite' ( James A. Mahoney, R. 1981). Seedling #76/26Z. BB, 24" (61 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Ruffled and lightly ...
(BB) 'Theo' 1964, Rodley ‘Theo' ( Marion Rodley, R. 1964). Seedling #L5. BB, 19" (48 cm), Late bloom. Standards pale green blue; falls deeper, halo effect of oliv...
■(BB) 'Thimbleberry' 1995, Borglum 'Thimbleberry' (Dana Borglum, R. 1995). Seedling #F76 1. BB, 24" (61 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Rose purple with purplish va...
(BB) 'Tidle De Winks' 1957, Stern 'Tidle De Winks' ( Sir Frederick Stern, R. 1957). BB, 15" (38.1 cm), Late bloom. White including beard. Unknown parentage. ...
■(BB) 'Time Of Snow' 1987, Miller 'Time Of Snow' (Bernice Miller, R. 1987). BB, 25" (74 cm), Early bloom and rebloom (August thru November in Alabama). White self...
(BB) 'Tohican' 1965, Newhard 'Tohican' ( William Newhard, R. 1965). Seedling #165A. BB, 26" (66 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards hyacinth blue (Wilson 40/2...
(BB) 'Top Stitch' 1980, Moores 'Top Stitch' ( Walter Moores, R. 1980). Seedling #74 72. BB, 22" (56 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards white with wide violet...
■(BB) 'Torched Witch' 1997, Miller 'Torched Witch' (Lynda Miller, R. 1997). Seedling #101491. BB, 27" (69 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards bright full oran...
■(BB) 'Touch Of Frost' 2000, Markham 'Touch Of Frost' (Lynn Markham, R. 1999) Seedling #92 1A. BB, 25 27" (63 69 cm), Very early to early midseason bloom. Ruffled...
■(BB) 'Toy Shop' 1966, Fay 'Toy Shop' ( Orville Fay, R. 1964) Seedling #60 45. BB, 19" (48 cm). Late bloom. White self, red beard, hint of green on first opening….
(BB) 'Trincomalee' 1990, Taylor 'Trincomalee' ( John D. Taylor by Carilla Taylor, R. 1990). Seedling #Y45/1. BB, 24" (60 cm), Late bloom. Yellow with darker rim o...
■(BB) 'Triple Ripple' 1975, Gibson 'Triple Ripple' ( James Gibson, R. 1974) Seedling #40 888. BB, 24" (61 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards white with dark aco...
(BB) 'Tule Sparkler' 1965, Fail 'Tule Sparkler' ( Hilda Fail, R. 1965). BB, 28" (71 cm), Early bloom. Blue white self. 'High Hopes' X 'Melbreak'. Fail 1965. See b...
■(BB) 'Twiggy' 2004, Spoon 'Twiggy' (Donald Spoon, R. 2004). Seedling #99 217A. BB. 26" (66 cm), Early to midseason bloom and re bloom. Peachy pink with mauve blu...
(BB) 'Twilite Time' 1964, Roberts 'Twilite Time' (Earl Roberts, R. 1960). Seedling #60R70. BB, 24" (61 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Pale blue self, chartreuse h...