Iris reticulata var. cyanea by Krelage

The Gardeners' Chronicle p.88, January 19, 1884

"Iris reticulata var. cyanea.— This variety (see p. 57) was first described by Dr. E. Regel in the Gartenflora, 1874 (vol. xxiv., p. 162, tab. 797), from specimens sent from my establishment. These were received there by the kindness of M. Boissier as Iris histrio. These two forms are to be considered as synonyms, and if there is a difference between the specimens cultivated, the reason of it may be found in the raising of seedlings. As to the easiness of the different forms of reticulata, it seems to be difficult to give a rule, and it depends probably upon difference of treatment, and upon the origin of the planted bulbs. Dr. Regel (/. c.) states that all flowers of I. reticulata open about the same time, and I suppose this is quite true if they are found in the same conditions, especially in the wild state. Bulbs introduced from the South flower much earlier the first year than subsequently, when they are cultivated on the open ground". J. H. Krelage, Haarlem, Jan. 14.

For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at

-- BobPries - 2014-09-04
Topic revision: r2 - 03 Aug 2018, BobPries
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