1884, The German Iris by P. Barr (note of flower parts in 5's)
The Gardeners' Chronicle p.778, June 14, 1884
The German Iris. I send you a specimen of the above Iris, with five falls, five standards, and all other parts of the flower equal ; in my collection the freak is quite common, mostly, however, with four standards and four falls. I have grown a large collection of this Iris for many years, but never noticed this freak before; it may, however, be common, and I shall be glad to learn the experience of others. In Iris Kcempferi we have this increase of petals as a fixed character, but I take it this is a passing freak in the barbata group, as the remainder of the flowers on the stalk have the normal three standards and falls. ---P. Barr. [A cut across the flower-stalk and ovary shows that the abnormality is due to the union of two flowers, and to the consequent suppression of one fall, one standard, one stamen, and one style. There are six cells to the ovary (twice three), showing that the suppression did not affect that organ. Ed.]
For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at
BobPries - 2014-09-30