1890, Madame Chéreau
Popular Gardening And Fruit Growing, p. 132, March, 1890
A fine German Iris– Madame Chéreau. The group of Iris Germanica includes all the broad-leaved Iris, which generally pass under the above name, but are in fact varieties of pallida, negleta, squalens, amoena, variegata, aphylla, and germanica, all resembling each other in foliage and habit but totally distinct in flower; when taken as a whole, they form a group unparalleled in beauty, nothing in creation can vie with them, unless it is the Orchids from the Tropics. Every shade of color may be found among them, that of the beautiful new subject illustrated being white-edged and feathered with violet. They will thrive in almost any soil or situation without any care whatever, and must be considered necessary in every garden. For the wild garden, shrubbery borders, margins of water, rookwork, etc., they arc admirably adapted: in fact hardly any place can be found in which some of this section will not thrive. The Irises are both old-fashioned and new-fashioned flowers, much attention being now paid to improving them.
For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at
BobPries - 2014-10-30