1915, New and Rare Plants, Iris filifolia

The Garden p. 330, july 3, 1915

Iris filifolia.— Mr. W. R. Dykes, Godalming, exhibited a vase of this handsome species, which, so far as we remember, has not been seen before at these meetings. It is described in Mr. Dykes' book of the Iris and in that of Mr. Lynch. The plant now referred to has rich reddish purple, compactly built flowers, with a conspicuous orange blotch on the falls, and is quite distinct from the blue-flowered form which often bears the name, and which approximates to I. tingitana. Mr. Dykes' plants were raised from seeds gathered at the top of the Rock of Gibraltar.

The Garden p.390, August 7, 1915

For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.historiciris.org/

-- BobPries - 2015-03-31
Topic revision: r2 - 17 Dec 2018, BobPries
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