

1920 American Iris Society, American Garden Chronicles

Follow up:


This new flower society was organized at The New York Botanical Garden, on January 29. 1920. with a broad policy covering every phase of iris interest. It will create a central bureau for the collection and dissemination of authoritative information on the culture and treatment of the plants, the choice of named varieties, and the possibilities of the use of iris for cut-flowers, or garden and massed planting. Iris are generally considered a plant for the amateur and somewhat beneath the notice of a professional gardener but certain species vie with the orchid in both splendor of color and difficulty of treatment, while few realize the opportunities of using them in landscape to create sheets of unusual coloring. Recently there has been a flood of new introductions, many showing new hues and surpassing the old familiar varieties in size and height. To judge these fairly, rectify the nomenclature, and put this information within reach of even the grower of a few irises is of prime importance. Few flowers will do more to make a successful display in the garden throughout the spring and early summer. The society hopes to cooperate with existing associations of kindred interests in every way, but it will be in the developing of many small exhibitions in different parts of the country rather than in promoting one large annual show. Iris flowers are not adapted to transportation and only in the local shows can they be shown in perfection, and there we can develop a pleasant rivalry. We hope to see many such shows this coming spring; but initial action should come from the already established organization.

The following officers were elected to serve until the annual meeting in the spring. J. C. Wistcr, Pres. ; Win. A. Peterson, Vice-Pres. ; Frank H. Presby, Treas. ; R. S. Sturtevant. Sec. Wcllesly Farms. 95: Mass.; Regional Vice-Presidents arc: S. B. Mitchell of California, Dr. F. E. Hennett of Ontario. T. A. Kenning of Minneapolis, Mrs. Samuel H. Taft of Cincinnati, B. Y. Morrison of Washington, D. C. Floyd Brallior of Nashville, Dr. H. A. Gleason. B. H. Farr, Edwin C. Sliaw, and Harry A. Norton.

An unanimous vote of thanks was tendered Dr. N. L. Britton. Director of The New York Botanical Garden, for the hearts- support given the new society through Dr. H. A. Gleason and the cordial hospitality which made the meeting a pleasure as well as a success. R. S. Sturtevaxt, Sec.

For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at

-- BobPries - 07 Aug 2018
Topic revision: r2 - 23 Aug 2018, BobPries
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