1979 Plant Systematics & Evolution:

Karyologische Untersuchungen an anatolischen und südost-europäischen Zwergiris-Sippen:Iris attica, I. mellita undI. reichenbachii (Iridaceae)

Karyological investigations in Anatolian and S. E. European dwarf Iris taxa (Iridaceae)



Chromosome counts and detailed karyotype analyses are presented forI. attica (2n = 16), andI. mellita andI. reichenbachii (both 2n = 24). Karyotypes differ in symmetry, number of telocentrics, occurrence of heteromorphic chromosome pairs, etc. For Western Anatolia first unequivocal records ofI. attica and local differentiation ofI. mellita are demonstrated. The Balkan and West-UkrainianI. reichenbachii appears not to be indigenous to Anatolia.

-- BobPries - 21 Dec 2018
Topic revision: r1 - 21 Dec 2018, BobPries
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