1980 Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft: Contributions to the knowledge of southeast european and anatolian species of bearded iris iridaceae karyotype analysis of iris attica iris mellita iris glockiana iris reichenbachii iris illyrica and further less known iris species by feulgen orcein and giemsa preparation


Sauer W.; Stegmeier R.

Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 92(2-3): 663-688


Within Iris sect. Pogiris, C-banding points out further possibilities of karyotype differentiation. Stout heterochromatic bands are restricted to NO (nucleolus organizer) regions of SAT (satellite) chromosomes, whereas smaller paracentric and telomeric bands are found in SAT chromosomes and in non-SAT chromosomes. I. attica (2n = 16), I. reichenbachii, I. illyrica (each 2n = 24) and Iris sp. (2n = 46, 48) are characterized by the presence of NO bands only. In addition to the NO bands, paracentric and/or telomeric bands are found in I. glockiana (2n = 24) and in I. mellita (2n = 24). In faint paracentric and telomeric bands the dye mostly decomposes during storage. The chemical basis for this behavior is discussed. Statistical evidence for certain differences between karyotypes due to staining procedures is included./

-- BobPries - 27 Dec 2018
Topic revision: r1 - 27 Dec 2018, BobPries
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