

George Bunyard & Co., Ltd., The Royal Nurseries,

The 1939 Checklist provides this note; " George Bunyard & Co., Ltd., The Royal Nurseries, Broadway, Maidstone, Kent, England. Established 1796. George Bunyard, V.M.H. (1841-1919) was made a partner in his father's firm in 1863. In 1897 he received the Victoria Medal of Honour from the Royal Horticultural Society. Authority on Fruit, he wrote "The Fruit Garden" and "Fruit Farming for Profit," two valuable treatises. This old nursery is famous for its Fruit -trees and ornamental plants, Potted Fruit-trees etc. Interest in Irises has been comparatively recent (1920). Edward Ashdown Bunyard, F/L.S. (1878-1939) and Capt. George Norman Bunyard (1886- ) were carrying on the business in 1939, the former expert on fruit, author of the charming "Anatomy of Desert" and "Old Garden Roses" and the latter, authority on Irises, serving on the R.H.S. Show Committee for 12 years, as Secy., The Iris Society (Eng.) 1923-1926 and receiving the Foster Memorial Plaque in 1928. Capt. G. Norman Bunyard has raised many fine new varieties, the most famous, perhaps, being 'Betegeuse', 'Campden', 'Mirach' and 'Gainsborough'."

Master List

1930 catalog Bunyard's Bunyard’s 1930 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at ...
Number of topics: 1

For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at

-- BobPries - 2017-03-01
Topic revision: r2 - 06 Jul 2017, BobPries
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