The 1939 Checklist gives: "Frank W. Campbell (1885- ), 1112 Pinehurst, Rte. 2 Royal Oak, Michigan, Printer. Had a large nursery where he grew and imported Iris novelties, selling out to L. R. Bonnewitz about 1926. Catalogue 1920-1926. Perrennial list 1926. Wrote many articles on Bliss and French varieties. Now in horticultural work, no catalogue. Originated the form of color classification used by the AIS."
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1924? catalog of Choice Irises Frank W. Campbell Choice irises For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www….
1924 catalog Frank W Campbell Rare Iris For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic...
1928 catalog Frank W Campbell For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Pres...
1929 catalog Frank W. Campbell Frank Campbell 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.historic...
1931 catalog Frank W Campbell For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Pres...
1930 catalog Frank W. Campbell awaiting scanning For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.historiciris.o...