The AIS 1939 checklist notes "Lémon. Bellevile, France. About 1826-1895. Nurseryman and one of the first Iris specialists. Introducer between 1840 and 1850 of 'Mme Chereau', 'Jacquesiana', and more than 100 varieties. He raised seedlings though probably did no actual hand pollination."
Ed. Note; We as yet have no catalogs from Lémon but he published new varieties in Annales de flore et de pomone. Those references are included below as catalogs.
1840 reference to Lémon's New introductions See Translation Lemon 1840 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society a...
1842 New introductions of Lemon 1842 Sur la collection d'l^is, de M. Lemon. J'ai vu en juin dern...