

Publications Of the World's Iris Society

A number of countries have their own Iris Societies; We invite all to allow us to archive their history in this online Iris Library accessible to all the world. Hard copies are stored in the physical American Iris Society Library.

See Galleries of Titles from various countries


Canada: Canadian Iris Society Newsletter

Croatia: kovacic_web_natcroat2019.pdf: Historic data on Iris collection of the Botanical Garden, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Czech Republic

France: IRIS ET BULBEUSES - ISSN 0980-7594.
French-speaking botanical and horticultural journal published by the SFIB .


Great Britain:


Japan: The Japanese Iris by Motojiro KURIBAYASHI and Shuichi HIRAO First and perfect work on the history of the Japanese iris. Artistic and faithfully reproduced 345 color plates of all strains with English description on the history, varieties and cultivation. Size 33.4 X 25.7cm.

New Zealand:

Russia: IRISES OF RUSSIA, Annual bulletin. Published since 1993. ISSN 0869-7787.

For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at

-- BobPries - 01 Sep 2017

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
PICT0057 (1).JPGJPG PICT0057 (1).JPG manage 931 K 05 Sep 2017 - 16:43 BobPries  
kovacic_web_natcroat2019.pdfpdf kovacic_web_natcroat2019.pdf manage 6 MB 14 May 2020 - 15:45 SanjaKovacic Historic data on Iris collection of the Botanical Garden, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Topic revision: r12 - 15 Nov 2024, BobPries
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