(IB) 'Firmament'

1920, Groschner

'Firmament' (H. S. Groschner, R. 1920) IB. Early bloom. Color Class-B3M. Gros. 1920; Fry 1920; Kat. 1939.

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From hybridizer H. W. Groschner: The Flower Grower p.6 January, 1921. WAYSIDE RAMBLINGS. IRIS-FIRMAMENT. The description of my new early Iris Firmament in the registration column in the December FLOWER GROWER is not just the same that was sent in. What I sent was as follows: Registration. Firmament. A larger, brighter and richer Fritjof. But it was not intended by this reference to class Firmament with the intermediates. It Firmament should be classed with the intermediates I should have said so. The history of Firmament and its origination, which appears in my Iris catalogue, should be plain enough. There it is stated "that it was found in a clump of Florentina Alba. It is, therefore, as a sport of Florentine and has all the characteristics of that variety except color. Foliage, length of stem, form of flower, habit of growth, shape and color of roots are all identical. I used Fritjof as a color comparison in order to give people some idea of the coloration of Firmament and there all resemblance ends. Firmament is a larger flower and the blue and purple shades are brighter and of a richer hue and that makes all the difference in the world, not because I say so, but because it is so. I wish to assure all who have purchased Firmament that they have a choice Iris and in my opinion it is the very finest early variety, barring none. I furthermore want to state that I have never had Fritjoj and do not have it now. I have compared blooms of Fimament and Fritjofl both grown in rich soil and both grown in just ordinary soil, and in each case, Firmament was by far the finer of the two.
From Iris Fields catalog, 1927: FIRMAMENT (Grochner 1920). A large flowered early variety of vigorous growth. Flowers two shades of light lavender blue. Blooms with Flavescens and Florentina. .50
Longfield Iris Farm catalog, 1925: "A very early variety having large blooms of two shades of lavender blue. Two feet."

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
Topic revision: r11 - 09 Sep 2017, BetsyHiggins
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