(IB) 'Ta Wa' 1935, Sass 'Ta Wa' (Hans Peter Sass, 1935) IB. Early bloom. Color Class Y4L. See below: * * References References: From Sass catalog, 1937:...
■(IB) 'Tact' 1995, Keppel 'Tact' (Keith Keppel, R. 1994). Seedling #90 6K. IB, 24" (61 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards warm white (M P 9 AB 1); style arm...
■(IB) 'Takeoff' 1991, Craig 'Takeoff' (Jim and Vicki Craig, R. 1991). Seedling #31T15. IB, Height 27" (68 cm), Early bloom. Standards pale blue violet, base deepe...
(IB) 'Tang Wang' 1937, Gersdorff 'Tang Wang' (Charles Gersdorff, R. 1937) IB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class S7L, 'Coronation' x 'Euphony'. See below: * * R...
■(IB) Tasquier B284A B284A (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2006 cross. 'Stingray' X 'Plum Plum'. Sibling to 'Filochard'. See below: * Reference...
■(IB) Tasquier C023A C023A (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2007 cross. 'Tickled Peach' X 'Midsummer's Eve'. See below: * Progeny Progeny *...
■(IB) 'Tasquier H355B' H355B (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2012 cross.'Irish Ruby' x 'Doctor No'. See below: * Progeny Progeny * IB: 'Do...
■(IB) 'Tasquier i033A' i033A (Loïc Tasquier), non registered seedling from a 2013 cross. Seedling F338A: ('Amusing' x 'Beat! Beat! Drums!) X seedling F636A: ('Mon...
(IB) 'Templecloud' 1994, Bartlett 'Templecloud' (Cy Bartlett, R. 1991). Seedling #LA/F. IB, Height 24" (61 cm), Early to late bloom. Standards very pale silvery b...
■(IB) 'Tender Years' 1980, Hamblen 'Tender Years' (Melba Hamblen, R. 1979). Seedling #M74 2N. IB, 22" (56 cm), Early to late bloom. Standards white with wide plic...
(IB) 'Terra Cotta' 1934, Danenhauer 'Terra Cotta' (H. L. Danenhauer, R. 1934) IB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class S9D. 'Moliere' x unknown. Main.BobPries ...
(IB) 'Terra Cotta Sky' 1943, Keller 'Terra Cotta Sky' (Marcella Keller, R. 1943) IB. Late bloom. Color Class R6D. Seedling X seedling. Main.BobPries 2011 0...
(IB) 'Tex O' 1967, Benson 'Tex O' (Z. Benson, R. 1967). Seedling #SF109 4. IB, 16" (41 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Old gold self. 'Zing' X 'Frenchi'. Mission B...
(IB) 'Texas Lassie' 1946, Fanick 'Texas Lassie' (Eddie Fanick, R. 1946) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y8L. From seedlings derived from 'King Karl'. Main.B...
■(IB) 'The Bride' 1945, Smith 'The Bride' (Kenneth Smith, R. 1945) IB. Early to Midseason bloom. Color Class WW. 'The White Sentinel' x 'Cathedral Dome'. Note: No...
■(IB) 'Thé Citron' 2015, Cayeux 'Thé Citron' (Richard Cayeux, R. 2014) Seedling 0705A. IB, 18" (46 cm), Late midseason to very late bloom. Standards pale yellow; ...
■(IB) 'The Flash' 2021, Chapman 'The Flash' (Chuck Chapman, introduced but not registered). See below: * References * Culture References From Chapman Ir...
(IB) 'The Golden Touch' 1944, Douglas 'The Golden Touch' (M. E. Douglas, R. 1944) IB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class Y4D. 'Naranja' x 'Claude Aureau'. Ma...
(IB) 'Theseus' 1923, Hort 'Theseus' (Sir Arthur Hort, R. 1923) IB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W4. Note: Not to be confused with Aril 'Theseus' by Van Tubergen. ...
■(IB) 'This And That' 2001, Black 'This And That' (Paul Black, R. 1998). Seedling# A114J. IB, 27" (69 cm). Early bloom. Standards dark purple, pinkish orchid midr...
(IB) 'Tiffordee' 1945, Small 'Tiffordee' (Robert Small, R. 1945) IB. Late bloom season. Color Class W2D. 'Orloff' x 'Tiffany'. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
(IB) 'Tiflis' 1922, Dykes 'Tiflis' (W. R. Dykes, 1922) IB, Color Class R7D. See below: * * References References: Awaiting original catalog description ...
■(IB) 'Titmouse' 1934, Williamson 'Titmouse' ( E. B. Williamson, 1934) IB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y5M. Note: Originally registered IB, now considered MTB '...
■(IB) 'Toe The Line' 2008, Sutton 'Toe The Line' (Michael Sutton, R. 2008) Seedling #R 292 A. IB, 20" (51 cm). Early midseason bloom and rebloom. Standards white ...
(IB) 'Top Frost' 1958, Williams 'Top Frost' (Frank A. Williams, R. 1958) Seedling #B 30. IB, 20" (51 cm). Early bloom. White self, white beard. 'Sky Ranger' x 'El...
■(IB) 'Touch Of Tuscany' 2008, Sutton 'Touch Of Tuscany' (Michael Sutton, R. 2008) Seedling R 32 A. IB, 21" (53 cm). Early midseason bloom. Standards blend of cri...
■(IB) 'Touched By Grace' 2006, Moores 'Touched By Grace' (Walter Moores, R. 2006). Seedling #00 2 G. IB, 18" (46 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards and style ar...
(IB) 'Toussaint L'Ouverture' 1939, Schreiner 'Toussaint L'Ouverture' OGB (Robert Schreiner, R. 1939). AB, IMB, medium height. Early bloom. Dark red self. 1939. A...
(IB) 'Treasure Trove' 1937, Sturtevant 'Treasure Trove' ( Grace Sturtevant, R. 1937) IB. Late bloom. Color Class Y4M. Seedling X seedling. Originally classified a...
(IB) 'Tringlot' 1915, Vilmorin 'Tringlot' (Vilmorin Andrieux et Cie, 1915) IB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class B3M. See below: * References References J...
(IB) 'Trinkedor' 1949, Randolph 'Trinkedor' (Dr. L. Fitz Randolph, R. 1949). IB. Early bloom. Color Class Y4M. Medium yellow self; slight fragrance. 'Trinket' X '...
(IB) 'Trivia' 1990, Keppel 'Trivia' (Keith Keppel, R. 1989). Seedling #84 8D. IB, 23" (58 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards near maple tan (M P 11 F 5); falls buff ...
(IB) 'Trouvaille' 1924, Cayeux 'Trouvaille' (Ferdinand Cayeux, 1924) IB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W9. 'Souv. de Mme Gaudichau' X unknown. See below: * Refe...
(IB) 'True Enough' 1939, White 'True Enough' OB (Clarence G. White, R. 1939). AB, IMB, medium height. Early bloom. Color Class Y8M. Medium yellow patterned. (Onco...
■(IB) 'Truly Nice' 1978, Nichols 'Truly Nice' (Hooker Nichols, R. 1978). Seedling #1958 2. IB, 18" (46 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Yellow tan self with deep gol...
(IB) 'Tsi Lo Lan' 1934, Gersdorff 'Tsi Lo Lan' (Charles Gersdorff, R. 1934) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B7M. 'Shekinah' x 'Fritjof'. Main.BobPries 201...
■(IB) 'Turtledove' 1972, Moldovan 'Turtledove' (Steve Moldovan, R. 1969). Seedling #50 69. IB, 20" (51 cm), Color Class V4O, Early bloom. Standards cream blue gra...
(IB) 'Tweedledee' 1931, Hudson 'Tweedledee' (George H. Hudson, 1931) IB, Midseason bloom. Color Class Y9D, Introduced by Hudson 1931. Note: A character in "Throug...
(IB) 'Tweedledum' 1931, Hudson 'Tweedledum' (George Hudson, 1931) IB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y9D. Note: A character in "Through The Looking Glass" by Lewis ...
(IB) 'Tydée' 1931, Vilmorin 'Tydée' (Vilmorin Andrieux et Cie, 1931) IB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class B9M. See below: * References References Bulleti...