

(IB) 'Virginia Small'

1988, Thomason

'Virginia Small' (Bob Thomason, R. 1988). Seedling #BT8518B. IB, 18" (46 cm ), Midseason to late bloom. Medium yellow; slightly ruffled falls; yellow beard tipped white. 'Avanelle' X 'Harlow Gold'. Okie Iris Gardens 1990.

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From AIS Bulletin #278 July 1990 Introducing VIRGINIA SMALL-IB, 18", M-L. Medium yellow with slightly ruffled falls; yellow beards tipped white. Avanelle X Harlow Gold. $15.00. Okie Iris Gardens.


-- DougChyz - 2010-08-18
Topic revision: r8 - 15 Nov 2018, BetsyHiggins
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