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(IB) Intermediate Bearded - Z

■(IB) 'Zanzibar Zing' 2014/2015, Blyth 'Zanzibar Zing' (Barry Blyth, R. 2014) Seedling #U44 2. IB, 17.5" (44 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards rich gold; fa...
(IB) 'Zapakh Taygi' 2005, Gavrilin 'Zapakh Taygi' Запах тайги (Viacheslav Gavrilin, R. 2005). Seedling #9 4 1 00. IB, Height 22" (57 cm), Midseason bloom. Standar...
■(IB) 'Zastyvshaya Muzyka' 2005, Loktev 'Zastyvshaya Muzyka' Застывшая музыка (Sergey Loktev, R. 2004). Seedling #98 L11 29B. IB, Height 20" (52 cm), Early midsea...
(IB) 'Zaterianny Mir' 2008, Loktev 'Zaterianny Mir' Затерянный мир (Sergey Loktev, R. 2007). Seedling #01 406 6. IB, Height 17" (42 cm), Early midseason bloom. St...
(IB) 'Zax' 2000, Thomason 'Zax' (Bob Thomason, R. 2000). Seedling #BT 90024B. IB, Height 20" (51 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards fuchsia; style arms lave...
■(IB) 'Zeblouz' 1996, Ransom 'Zeblouz' (Lawrence Ransom, R. 1995). Seedling 90/156 2. IB, 25" (64 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Light powder blue, edges frosted ...
■(IB) 'Zemlia Grioz' 2007, Loktev 'Zemlia Grioz' Земля грёз (Sergey Loktev, R. 2006). Seedling #98 12 28G. IB, Height 18" (46 cm), Early, midseason, late bloom. S...
■(IB) 'Zenda' 1990, Catton 'Zenda' (Hilmary Catton, R. 1990). Seedling #C844 2. IB, 16 1/2" (42 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards clear old gold; Falls old gold wit...
(IB) 'Zephyr' 1900 'Zephyr' IB. Early bloom. Color Class B1L. Synonym: Cengialti Zephyr. Wool.1900; Barr 1909, 1910, 1920; Verd.1920; Farr 1920; Wing 1920; AAA ...
(IB) 'Zharkiy Polden' 2005, Koroliov 'Zharkiy Polden' Жаркий полдень (Viktor Koroliov, R. 2005). Seedling #C181 K00. IB, Height 22" (57 cm), Midseason to late blo...
(IB) 'Zia' 1945, White 'Zia' OB (Clarence G. White, R. 1945). AB, IMB, medium height, Early bloom. Light blue red bitone. Also listed in AB wb: 'Zia'. See below:...
■(IB) 'Zimniaya Fantaziya' 2007, Loktev 'Zimniaya Fantaziya' Зимняя фантазия (Sergey Loktev, R. 2006). Seedling #00 399 5. IB, Height 19" (49 cm), Early to late...
■(IB) 'Zimniy Sad' 2004, Loktev 'Zimniy Sad' Зимний сад (Sergey Loktev, R. 2003). Seedling #98 L14 2A. IB, Height 17" (42 cm). Midseason late to very late bloom. ...
(IB) 'Zinedine' 2001, Muska 'Zinedine' (Ladislav Muska by Jimmie Clark, R. 2001). IB, Height 25" (64 cm), Midseason bloom . Standards light yellow; falls buff; be...
■(IB) 'Zing Me' 1990, Blyth 'Zing Me' (Barry Blyth). Seedling #V42 A. IB, Height 20" (51 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards cream to creamy lemon; falls cre...
■(IB) 'Zingara' 1928, Williamson 'Zingara' (E. B. Williamson, 1928) IB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y9M. Longfield Iris Farm 1928. Note: Registered IB but consid...
■(IB) 'Zirnytsia' 2015, Yakovchuk 'Zirnytsia' ЗИРНЫЦЯ (Svetlana Yakovchuk, 2015) Not Registered. See below: * * References References: Description enhance...
(IB) 'Zita' 1935, Gersdorff 'Zita' (Charles Gersdorff, R. 1935). IB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R9M. 'Mme Chobaut' X 'Col. Candelot'. See below: * * Referenc...
■(IB) 'Ziznannia Zakokhanykh' 2015, Yakovchuk 'Ziznannia Zakokhanykh' ЗИЗНАННЯ ЗАКОХАНЫХ Svetlana Yakovchuk, 2015) Not Registered. See below: * * References ...
■(IB) 'Zlate Pisky' 2019, Seidl 'Zlaté Písky' (Zdenĕk Seidl, R. 2019). Seedling GM64.03. IB, 21.5" (55 cm), Early bloom. Standards and style arms gold; falls da...
(IB) 'Zlom' 2013, Blazek 'Zlom' (Milan Blazek, R. 2013) Seedling #LDMp. IB, 21.5" (55 cm), Midseason bloom. Pink self; beards orange. Selected circa 1970. 'Lodore...
■(IB) 'Zloy Geniy' 2010, Loktev 'Zloy Geniy' Злой гений (Sergey Loktev, R. 2009). Seedling #03 359 3. IB, 24" (61 cm). Early midseason bloom. Standards bordeaux...
■(IB) 'Zodiac Spirit' 2019, Nichols 'Zodiac Spirit' (Hooker Nichols, R 2019). Seedling 16 49. IB, 18" (46 cm), Early bloom. Standards ice blue, ruffled; style arm...
(IB) 'Zolotoye Serdtse' 1998, Loktev 'Zolotoye Serdtse' Золотое сердце (Sergey Loktev, R. 1998). Seedling #92 L13 7D. IB, 18" (45 cm), Late bloom. Standards and s...
■(IB) 'Zoning' 1988/89, Blyth 'Zoning' (Timothy Blyth, R. 1988). Seedling #TG20 2. IB, Height 20" (51 cm), Earlyto midseason bloom. Standards light rose lavender ...
■(IB) 'Zoom' 1984/85, Blyth 'Zoom' (Paul Blyth, R. 1984). Seedling #1 42 A. IB, Height 18 20" (46 51 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards rich violet, creamy white at ...
(IB) 'Zowi Louise' 2007, Bartlett 'Zowi Louise' (Cy Bartlett, R. 2007). Seedling C97 10. IB, Height 24" (61 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards and style arms...
(IB) 'Zowo' 1997, Muska 'Zowo' (Ladislav Muska, R. 1997). Seedling #IB PILA 01. IB, 22" (56 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pink; style arms creamy pink; falls pi...
■(IB) 'Zralé Maliny' 2023, Seidl 'Zralé Maliny' (Zdenek Seidl, R. 2023) Seedling GM4103, IB, 17.7" (45 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards purple (RHS 77A), gold edge...
■(IB) 'Zua' 'Zua' Reference Files 1914, Crawford 'Zua' (Mrs. William Crawford, 1914) IB. Early bloom. Color Class W1. Blue toned white self. Sport of the white ...
(IB) 'Züllichau' 1912, Millet 'Züllichau' (Millet et Fils, 1912) IB. Early bloom. Color Class B3D. See below: * References * Synonyms References Journal...
■(IB) 'Zumba' 2013, Spoon 'Zumba' (Donald Spoon, R. 2013) Seedling #2006 307VB. IB, 20" (51 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms deep burgundy maroon, v...
■(IB) 'Zwanenburg' 1912, Denis 'Zwannenburg' OB (Fernand Denis). AB, IMB, medium height, Early bloom. Yellow toned blend, light. lutescens aurea X I. susiana. De...
■(IB) 'Zydeco Swing' 2015, Bianco 'Zydeco Swing' (Augusto Bianco, R. 2015) Seedling# 18 09. IB, 18" (46 cm). Early midseason bloom. Standards white with violet pl...
Number of topics: 34
Topic revision: r1 - 08 Mar 2011, BobPries
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