

Aristea ecklonii Baker

Aristea ecklonii Baker, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 16: 112 (1877).  Aristea

Aristea ecklonii, Baker. Herb. 1 1/2 ft.: Leaves linear but not rigid, 18 in. or less long: flowers in many clusters that form a loose panicle with a flattened rachis; limb of blue perianth 1/3 in. long: caps, cylindrical, less than 1 in. long. Cape Colony. Reported in Calif., where it is said to make dense dark green clumps, with Sisyrinchium-like flowers in spring.--Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 1917.

as Aristea cyanea in Bot Mag. 458, 1791

See below:

Photo by John WeilerPhoto by John WeilerPhoto by John WeilerBiodiversity Heritage Library


Homotypic Names:
  • Aristea dichotoma Eckl. ex Klatt, Linnaea 34: 551 (1866), nom. illeg.

Basionym/Replaced Synonym

  • Heterotypic Synonyms:
  • Aristea lastii Baker, Handb. Irid.: 142 (1892).
  • Aristea paniculata Pax, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 15: 151 (1892).
  • Aristea cyanea De Wild., Pl. Bequaert. 1: 51 (1921), nom. illeg.
  • Aristea maitlandii Hutch. in J.Hutchinson & J.M.Dalziel, Fl. W. Trop. Afr. 2: 374 (1936), no Latin descr.
  • Aristea stipitata R.C.Foster, Contr. Gray Herb. 114: 50 (1936).


Baker, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 16: 112 (1877).
Handbook of the Irideae as A. dicotoma and A. ecklonii

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BobPries - 2013-12-12
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Aristea01.jpgjpg Aristea01.jpg manage 63 K 28 Jan 2015 - 02:57 TerryLaurin Photo by John Weiler
Aristea02.jpgjpg Aristea02.jpg manage 73 K 28 Jan 2015 - 02:59 TerryLaurin Photo by John Weiler
Aristea03.jpgjpg Aristea03.jpg manage 140 K 28 Jan 2015 - 03:01 TerryLaurin Photo by John Weiler
AristeaEckloniiBotMag458.jpgjpg AristeaEckloniiBotMag458.jpg manage 112 K 18 Dec 2013 - 13:44 BobPries Biodiversity Heritage Library
Topic revision: r6 - 29 Jan 2019, BobPries
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