Aristea kitchingii Baker, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 20: 269 (1883).
Aristea Kitchixgii, n. sp.
Glabra, csespitosa, foliis basalibus 6-10 rigidis linearibus l|-2-peda!ibus multinervatis, racemo elongato composite, rhachi tereti, nodis 5-6-floris, braeteis parvis ovatis membranaceis, fructu oblongo pedicellate
Densely tufted, with copious slender wiry root-fibres. Leaves erect, very rigid in texture, l|-2 ft. long, with very numerous close distinct ribs. Peduncle about 2 ft. long below the inflorescence, terete, with about 4 sheathing leaves, the lower with a long, the upper with a short erect free point. Panicle sometimes above a foot long, with 1-4 short ascending branches with a cluster of flowers at the summit only. Flowers often 5-6 to a node. Bracts brown, membranous, ovate, £ in. long. Flowers with a small oblong ovary, a bright blue limb \ in. long with oblong segments \ in. broad and stamens half as long as the segments. Capsule 3 in. long, rigid in texture, nearly black, with numerous small superposed seeds in each cell. — Ankaratra Mountains, Hitching ! Central Madagascar, Baron 1084 ! 1731 ! 1833 ! Very near A. Madagascariensis, Baker, from which it differs in its much more robust habit, long leaves, compound inflorescence, and small membranous bracts.
See below:
Homotypic Names:
• Aristea madagascariensis var. kitchingii (Baker) Vatke, Abh. Naturwiss. Vereins Bremen 9: 137 (1885).
BobPries - 30 Jan 2019