■(JI) 'Acclaim' 1962, Marx 'Acclaim' (Walter Marx, R. 1961) JI, 48" (122 cm), Midseason bloom. Double. Rosy red lavender self; white petaloids with rose purple ti...
(JI) 'Achievement' 1941, Kemp 'Achievement' ( J. A. Kemp, R. 1941) JI (dbl). Color Class 4BD. 'Harmony' X I. albopurpurea . Kemp 1941. Note: Also listed in SPX w...
(JI) 'Ack Cident' 1988, Ackerman 'Ack Cident' (William Ackerman, R. 1988). Seedling A3 19. JI (6 F.), 20" (51 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Near white ground, vei...
(JI) 'Again Now Again' 2002, Marshall 'Again Now Again' (Nerissa Marshall, R. 2002). JI (3 F.), 28" (70 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards and style arms white...
■(JI) 'Agrippinella' 1980, Straw 'Agrippinella' (Ophelia Straw, R. 1979) Seedling 0 73. JI (double), 39" (99 cm), Midseason bloom. Deep rose pink, white backgroun...
(JI) 'Aifukurin' 1900 1910, Toko en 'Aifukurin' ( Todashi Kamijima, R. 1900 1910) JI. Single. Color Class 3. See below: * * References References: From F...
■(JI) 'Aiga Dau Coujous' 2023, Jacob 'Aiga Dau Coujous' (Jean Claude Jacob, R. 2023). Seeds from Chad Harris. JI (ensata), 31.5" (80 cm). Midseason to late bloom….
(JI) 'Airship' 1919, Childs 'Airship' ( John Childs, R. 1919) JI. Single. Color Class 5. See below: * References * Culture References Awaiting original ...
(JI) 'Akagarashu' 1953, Marx 'Akagarashu' (Walter Marx, R. 1953). Import. JI (Single), 36" (91 cm), Extra early bloom. Reddish violet. See below: * References ...
(JI) 'Akashi' 1900 1910, Toko en 'Akashi' (Todashi Kamijima, 1900 1910) JI. Double. Color Class 3B. A City in Japan. See below: * References * Culture Ref...
(JI) 'Ake Narumi' 1980, Ichie 'Ake Narumi' Toyokazu Ichie by Society for Japanese Irises, R. 1995) JI (3 F.), 35" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style a...
■(JI) 'Akebono' 1994, Society for Japanese Irises 'Akebono' ( Society for Japanese Irises, R. 1994) JI (6 F.), 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Pink, darker at...
■(JI) 'Aki No Nishiki' prior to 1890, Hayashi 'Aki No Nishiki' (Isaburo Hayashi, by Society for Japanese Irises, R. 1995) JI (3 F.), 36" (90 cm), Midseason bloom….
(JI) 'Akiko' 1981, Shook 'Akiko' (James Shook, R. 1981). Sdlg. H008 3. JI (6 F. diploid), 27" (69 cm), Early bloom. Blue violet, yellow signal. 'Sumoki' X H43: ( ...
■(JI) 'Akiyoshi' 2021, Tasquier 'Akiyoshi' (Loïc Tasquier, R. 2021). Seedling NEN4F. JI, 26" (65 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards and style arms white, thi...
(JI) 'Alba Moon' 1969, Carrington 'Alba Moon' (Thelma Carrington, R. 1969). Sdlg. 69 A. JI, 32" (81 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class W1, Single. White. "To...
■(JI) 'Alexisaurus' 2012, Copeland 'Alexisaurus' (Jill Copeland, R. 2012) JI. Seedling R 18 T. JI (6 falls, tetraploid), 37" (94 cm). Late midseason bloom. Style ...
(JI) 'Alize Wings' 1994, Bailey 'Alize Wings' (A.R.J. Bailey, R. 1994). Seedling M/KM93/3. JI (6 F.), 30" (76 cm), Early bloom. White with blue veining, yellow si...
■(JI) 'All in White' 2000, Delmez 'All In White' (Donald Delmez, R. 1995) Seedling WTGSN 1. JI (6 F.), 36" (91 cm), Early bloom. White self, yellow green signals;...
■(JI) 'All The Style' 2009, Bauer/Coble 'All The Style' (Bob Bauer and John Coble, R. 2009). Seedling J01N 2. JI (3 falls), 40" (102 cm). Early to midseason bloom...
(JI) 'Allie Adorned' 2009, Matheny III 'Allie Adorned' (Ed Matheny III, R. 2009). Seedling J:18 01 98. JI, 40" (102 cm), Midseason late blooom. Standards and Fall...
■(JI) 'Alpine Majesty' 1997, Aitken 'Alpine Majesty' ( J. Terry Aitken, R. 1997). Seedling 88J9. JI (6 F.), 48" (122 cm), Midseason to late bloom. White self. Par...
■(JI) 'Altay' 2001, Rodionenko 'Altay' Алтай ( Georgi Rodionenko R. 2001). Sdlg. 1672K 1. JI (3 Falls.), height 32 47" (80 120 cm), Early midseason bloom. Dark pu...
■(JI) 'Ama No Hagoromo' 1997, Kamo Nursery 'Ama No Hagoromo' (Kamo Nursery by Chad Harris, R. 2021). JI (9 F.), 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Style arms white; fa...
(JI) 'American Egret' 1975, Wagner 'American Egret' ( Brother Gene Wagner, R. 1975). Sdlg. 6 C l. JI, 30" (76 cm), Early bloom. White self; cream stylearms; 6 pet...
(JI) 'Amethyst' 1919, Childs 'Amethyst' ( John Childs, R. 1919) JI. Single. Color Class 5. From Fairmount Gardens catalog, 1942: AMETHYST (Chi. 1919) Sgl. Large w...
(JI) 'Amoret' 1932, Nesmith 'Amoret' ( Elizabeth Nesmith, R. 1932) JI. Double. Color Class 4. See below: * References * Culture References Awaiting orig...
(JI) 'Amphitrite' 1914, Vilmorin 'Amphitrite' (Vilmorin Andrieux et Cie, R. 1914) JI. Double. Color Class 3. See below: * References References Journal de...
(JI) 'Animation' 1936, Burtner 'Animation' ( R. H. Burtner, R. 1936) JI. Double. Color Class 6RD. See below: * * References References: Awaiting origin...
(JI) 'Aoi Matsuri' 1931, Horikiri En 'Aoi Matsuri' (Horikiri En Nursery, R. 1931) JI. Single. Color Class 4R. See below: * References * Culture References...
(JI) 'Aoi No Uye' 1939, Nesmith 'Aoi No Uye' (Mrs. Thomas J. (Elizabeth Noble) Nesmith, R. 1939). JI, Jap Sgl 4B. See below: * References * Culture Refere...
(JI) 'Aoshi Bagaki' 1970, Hirao 'Aoshi Bagaki' (Shuichi Hirao by Society for Japanese Irises, R. 1993) JI (6 F.), 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled blue viol...
■(JI) 'Aoyagi' 1955, Maeda 'Aoyagi' (Registered by Chad Harris, R. 2021). JI (3 F.), 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards large lax, sanded mid violet...
■(JI) 'Apollo' 1885, Hallock 'Apollo' ( V. H. Hallock, Son and Thorpe, about 1885) JI. Single. Color Class 1. See below: * * References References: From ...
(JI) 'Appare' 1938, Nishida 'Appare' ( Nobutsune Nishida by Walter Marx, R. 1951) JI (6 Falls). Import. Correction/expansion of information in 1939 and 1959 Chec...
(JI) 'Applause' 1932, Barber 'Applause' ( Charles F. Barber, R. 1932) JI (diploid. 3 Falls). Color Class 7. Marbled. Parentage unknown. Barber 1932. See below: ...
(JI) 'Araiso' 1945/1952, Miyazawa 'Araiso' (Bungo Miyazawa by Society for Japanese Irises, R. 1994) JI (3 F.), 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards violet, tin...
(JI) 'Arashiyama' 1962, Hirao 'Arashiyama' Shuichi Hirao by Society for Japanese Irises, R. 1994) JI (3 F.), 27" (70 cm), Early bloom. Standards red violet veine...
■(JI) 'Arthur Hazzard' 1983, Copeland, Jr. 'Arthur Hazzard' (James Copeland, Jr., R. 1983). Seedling 79 16 16. JI (3 falls, diploid), 35.5" (90 cm), Early to very...
(JI) 'Asa Kagura' ca. 1909 'Asa Kagura' (Yokohama Nursery, ca. 1909). JI. Double. Color Class 5. From Yokohama Nursery catalog, 1905: Petals rosy lilac; around th...
(JI) 'Asagasumi' ca. 1909, Yokohama 'Asagasumi' (Yokohama Nursery, ca. 1909). JI. Single. Color Class 2. 1939 Check list shows Sakata 1915. From Yokohama Nursery...
■(JI) 'Asagiri No Sakura' 1989 1993, Mitsuda 'Asagiri No Sakura' (Yoshio Mitsuda by Chad Harris, R. 2021). JI (6 F.), 28" (71 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Vibra...
■(JI) 'Asahi No Yuki' circa 1970, Hirao 'Asahi No Yuki' (Shuichi Hirao, by Society for Japanese Irises, R. 1995) JI (7 9 F.), 35" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Whi...
■(JI) 'Asahimaru' 1992, Society for Japanese Irises 'Asahimaru' (Society for Japanese Irises, R. 1992) JI (3 F.), 39" (100 cm), Early midseason bloom. Deep red vi...
■(JI) 'Asato Biraki' 1969, Hirao 'Asato Biraki' (Shuichi Hirao, by Society for Japanese Irises, R. 1993) JI (3 F.), 31" (80 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards deep ...
■(JI) 'Ashi No Ukifune' 1966, Mitsuda 'Ashi No Ukifune' ( Yoshio Mitsuda by Society for Japanese Irises, R. 1993) JI (6 Falls), 36" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Larg...
(JI) 'Asian Tapestry' 2001, Aitken 'Asian Tapestry' ( J. Terry Aitken, R. 2001). JI (6 F.), height 42" (107 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Velvety deep red with va...
(JI) 'Aspasie' 1905, Vilmorin 'Aspasie' (Vilmorin, 1905). JI. Single. Color Class 5. See below: * References References Journal de la Société Nationale d'H...
(JI) 'Atlanta' 1927, Kemp 'Atlanta' ( J. A. Kemp, R. 1927) JI. Double. Color Class 5. From Fairmount Gardens catalog, 1942: ATLANTA (Kemp. 1927) Dbl. Soft lavende...
(JI) 'Atraktion' 1964, Steiger 'Atraktion' (Max Steiger, R. 1964) JI, 32" (81 cm), Double. Blue violet; white center. F3 Higo Care strain. See below: * Referen...
(JI) 'Attraction' 1927, Waterer 'Attraction' ( John Waterer Sons Crisp, 1927) JI. Double. Color Class 3. See below: * References * Culture References ...
■(JI) 'August Emperor' 1962, Marx 'August Emperor' ( Walter Marx, R. 1961) JI, 57" (145 cm), Late bloom. Double. Deep red violet self. 'Summer Storm' X Marhigo se...
(JI) 'Aura' 1969, Payne 'Aura' (W. Arlie Payne, R. 1968) Seedling 1140. JI, 42" (107 cm), Early bloom. 6 petal regular form. Light violet with heavy white veins; ...
■(JI) 'Awajishima' 1994, Mitsuda 'Awajishima' (Yoshio Mitsuda by Society for Japanese Irises, R. 1994) JI (6 F.), 36" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Red violet veined...
■(JI) 'Azuma Kagami' 1987, Kamo Nursery 'Azuma Kagami' (Kamo Nursery by Society for Japanese Irises, R. 1999) JI (6 F.), 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. White with...
■(JI) 'Azure' 1919, Childs 'Azure' ( John Childs, 1919) JI. Double. Color Class 5. See below: * * References References: From Gordon Ainsley Nursery catalog...
(JI) 'Azure Ruffles' 1962, Marx 'Azure Ruffles' ( Walter Marx, R. 1961) JI, 48" (122 cm), Very late bloom. Double. Medium blue self; tufted center. From two Marhi...