

■(JI) 'Ganymède' by Vilmorin

1901, Vilmorin

'Ganymède' (Vilmorin-Andrieux et Cie, 1901) JI. Double. Color Class-5.

See below:
Photo scanned from the 1939-Robert Wayman-Rare Irises   Peonies catalogue by Terry Laurin


Journal de la Société Nationale d'Horticulture de France, 1906, 4e série, Tome VII, p. 458.
From Fairmount Gardens catalog, 1942: GANYMEDE (Vilm. 1923) Dbl. A beautiful pink iris; very rare. $2.50
From Flowerfield Bulb Farm catalog 1946: GANYMEDE. A gorgeous pink whose double flower measures eight inches and more across. Ruffled at the edges, the throat is surrounded by a delicate blue halo giving to the whole an effect of indescribable beauty. The profuse blooms are perfectly placed on strong stems. Each $1.OO, Doz. $10.00.

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Interested in Japanese Irises? Please visit the: Society for Japanese Irises website.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.

Interested in French irises ? Please visit: Société Française des Iris et plantes Bulbeuses - SFIB | website (french language).


-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
ganymede1.JPGJPG ganymede1.JPG manage 75 K 22 Apr 2020 - 19:38 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the 1939-Robert Wayman-Rare Irises & Peonies catalogue by Terry Laurin
Topic revision: r13 - 20 Nov 2022, AlainFranco
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