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■(JI) 'Imperial Velvet'

1953, Marx

'Imperial Velvet' (Walter Marx, R. 1953) JI, 40" (102 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards red-violet, Falls same but near beet-red. 'Oriole' x 'Karahashi'. Marx 1953.

See below:

Photo scanned from the 1959 Walter Marx Gardens catalogue by Terry Laurin


From Marx Gardens catalog, 1955: IMPERIAL VELVET (Marx 1953) Each $4.00 Uniform purplish red flower that opens deep velvety red purple and gradually changes to a lighter tone near crimson or beet red. We selected this seedling not only for its rich color, but also for its unusually heavy substance and velvet like texture. The blooms endure the hottest July weather without flagging, a virtue lacking in many varieties. Of flaring form and opulent proportions the fully double 7 inch flowers are produced over a long season. Well branched 40 inch stems each bearing 4 to 5 flowers. Midseason.
From Tempo Two AU catalog, 1974: IMPERIAL VELVET (Marx '53 USA) Double. Mid. One of the largest blooms of all Japanese Iris 8" to 1 O" across. Color is royal plum purple including style arms. Sulphur yellow signal spears. Very effective in mass planting. Recommended $2.00.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- LaurieFrazer - 2010-04-24
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
imperialvelvet1.JPGJPG imperialvelvet1.JPG manage 85 K 23 Apr 2020 - 15:33 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the 1959 Walter Marx Gardens catalogue by Terry Laurin
Topic revision: r9 - 24 Apr 2020, Harloiris
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