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■(JI) 'Kongo-San'

1900-1910, Toko-En

'Kongo-San' ( Toko-En Nursery, 1900-1910) JI. Double. Color Class-6BD. Translation: Diamond Mountain.

See below:
Photo by Tranquil Lake Nursery


From Flowerfield catalog, 1939: Frilled style branches and stamens, 6½" petals, round and frilled, royal-blue, with deep dark velvety shades of violet. A very rare Iris imported by us a very short time ago. 42". $2.00.
From Fairmount Gardens catalog, 1942: KONGO-SAN (Toko-en 1900-1910) Dbl. A gorgeous royal blue flushed with deep velvety shades of violet. A very tall and stunning iris of great poise and finish. 45 in. $4.00.
From Marx Gardens catalog, 1955: KONGO-SAN (Diamond Mountain) Each $2.00. An elegant variety of the same color as our Higo variety Hisakata. However color is the only similarity. Kongo-san is extremely ruffled and not as large. Its outstanding feature is the extremely tufted center forming a complete pompon at times. The flower then looks more like a peony than an iris. Very late.
From Flowerfield Bulb Farms catalog 1956: KONGO SAN (Diamond Mountain). (Yokahama). Spectrum-violel ground with a deep blue zone and veinings. Styles are blue-violet; smooth edged, disc-like, double flower. 6 inches in diameter. Plants grow 36 inches tall, mid-season to late bloom. Each $2.00, Three $4.00, Doz. $12.00.

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Interested in Japanese Irises? Please visit the: Society for Japanese Irises website.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
Topic revision: r9 - 30 Apr 2019, BetsyHiggins
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