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■(JI) 'Triple Threat'

1981, McEwen

'Triple Threat' (Currier McEwen, R. 1981) Seedling T3 788(1). JI (3 falls. tetraploid), 41" (104 cm), Early to late bloom and re-bloom. White with greenish yellow (RHS 154B) signal, deeper green (144B) lines on signal and on hafts. Seedling T1 75/48(6): (seedling 73/7 x unknown) X seedling T2 75/3: (seedling T01 72/9(10) x seedling T1 64/12). Seaways Gardens 1981. Honorable Mention 1984.

See below:
As photographed at Mt. Pleasant Iris Farm by Mike Unser.Photo by Chad Harris of Mt. Pleasant Iris FarmPhoto by Chad Harris of Mt. Pleasant Iris Farm


From AIS Bulletin #242 July 1981 Introducing TRIPLE THREAT (T3 77/8(1))-Tetraploid, 42". E-L and reblooms. This 7" white single with greenish yellow signals is named for the sporting term meaning excelling in three areas, i.e., lovely flower, exceptional branching and reblooms. Flaring 3-1/2" falls of starchy substance. Three branches plus terminal and 8 buds. Fertile with tetraploids. T75/48(6) X T75/3 (both from mixed seeds given in 1963 by Dr. Hirao and Mr. Arlie Payne and Garden Caprice). Fall delivery only. $30.00. Currier McEwen.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- LaurieFrazer - 2010-05-08
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
TripleThreat1.JPGJPG TripleThreat1.JPG manage 282 K 27 Feb 2023 - 21:31 TerryLaurin Photo by Chad Harris of Mt. Pleasant Iris Farm
TripleThreat_by_JanLauritzen.jpgjpg TripleThreat_by_JanLauritzen.jpg manage 69 K 13 Jun 2010 - 23:59 Main.janlauritzen Photo by Chad Harris of Mt. Pleasant Iris Farm
triple-threat-mu.jpgjpg triple-threat-mu.jpg manage 38 K 28 Nov 2014 - 20:19 Main.mikeu As photographed at Mt. Pleasant Iris Farm by Mike Unser.
Topic revision: r10 - 28 Feb 2023, Harloiris
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