■(JI) 'Vain Victor' 1957, Marx 'Vain Victor' (Walter Marx, R. 1957) Seedling 56 118. JI, 42" (107 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards white center bordered pa...
(JI) 'Valley Emperor' 1979, Rawdon 'Valley Emperor' (D. Olen Rawdon, R. 1977) Seedling 577 1 2. JI (double), 35" (89 cm). Midseason bloom. Full red violet (RHS 71...
(JI) 'Valley Rhythm' 1906, Rawdon 'Valley Rhythm' ( D. Olen Rawdon, R. 1977) Sdlg. 5771 15. JI (6 petal), 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Full violet blue (RHS 90B)...
(JI) 'Valley Snow' 1977, Rawdon 'Valley Snow' (D. Olen Rawdon, R. 1977) Sdlg. 55 71. JI (6 petal), 36" (91 cm). Midseason to late bloom. White (RHS 155B) with yel...
(JI) 'Valley Star' 1977, Rowdon 'Valley Star' (D. Olen Rawdon, R. 1977) Sdlg. 73 17. JI, 38" (97 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards dark violet; Falls full v...
(JI) 'Variabilis' 1885, Hallock 'Variabilis' (V. H. Hallock, Son Thorpe, 1885). JI. Single. From Cottage Gardens catalog, 1903: Lavender white splashed with pu...
■(JI) 'Variation In Pink' 1996, McEwen 'Variation In Pink' ( Currier McEwen, R. 1995) Sdlg. 89/34. JI (3 F.), 30" (75 cm), Early, midseason, late bloom and rebloo...
(JI) 'Veiled Vanity' 1961, Marx 'Veiled Vanity' ( Walter Marx, R. 1960) Sdlg. 57 3. JI (double), 60" (152 cm), Late bloom. White, blue veining. From two Marhigo s...
■(JI) 'Veined And Beautiful' 1967, Swearengen 'Veined And Beautiful' (Clarence Swearengen, R. 1967) Seedling 291. JI (double), 38" (97 cm), Early midseason bloom….
(JI) 'Veinette' 1964, Hazzard 'Veinette' Arthur H. Hazzard, R. 1963) Sdlg. 100. JI (single), 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light blue, white and violet ...
(JI) 'Velvet Canopy' 1961, Marx 'Velvet Canopy' ( Walter Marx, R. 1960) Sdlg. 60 13. JI (double), 66" (168 cm), Midseason bloom. Soft red self. From two Marhigo s...
(JI) 'Venice' 1927, Kemp 'Venice' ( J. A. Kemp, 1927) JI. Early bloom. Double. Color Class 6RL. From Fairmount Gardens catalog, 1942: VENICE (Kemp 1927) Dbl. Lave...
(JI) 'Vernon' 1927, Kemp 'Vernon' ( J. A. Kemp, 1927) JI. Single. Color Class 6BL. From Fairmount Gardens catalog, 1942: VERNON (Kemp 1927) Sgl. Lavender blue on ...
(JI) 'Vervo Margo' 1955, Margo 'Vervo Margo' (Victor Boehl, R. 1955) Sdlg. H 501. JI (double), 36" (91 cm). Early bloom. Rose Bengal self. 'Appare' x 'Toyama Gara...
(JI) 'Vestal Trident' 1964, Swearengen 'Vestal Trident' (Clarence Swearengen, R. 1964) Sdlg. S 41. JI Double, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. White self, yell...
(JI) 'Victor' About 1885, Hallock 'Victor' ( V. H. Hallock, Son Thorpe, about 1885) JI. Double. Color Class 4. From Fairmount Gardens catalog, 1942: VICTOR (Hal...
(JI) Video Presentations 33 "Historic Iris of Japan" Chad Harris 3 29 2023 You tube presentation 22 "Iris Ensata — the Japanese Iris" Patrick Spence You tube pre...
(JI) 'Violet Beauty' 1924, Childs 'Violet Beauty' ( John Childs, R. 1924) JI. Single. Color Class 6BD. See below: * * References References: From Totty's ...
(JI) 'Violet Cap' ca. 1885, Hallock 'Violet Cap' (V. H. Hallock, Son Thorpe, ca. 1885). JI. Single. Color Class 4. From Child catalog, 1897: Pure white veined a...
(JI) 'Violet Herrington' 1926, Childs 'Violet Herrington' ( John Childs, 1926) JI. Double. Color Class 3. * See below: * References References: From Child...
(JI) 'Violet Rain' 1948, Roberts 'Violet Rain' ( Mrs. Charles F. Roberts, R. 1948) JI. Double. Midseason late bloom. Color Class B5M. Main.BobPries 2011 03...
(JI) 'Violet Ray' 1924, Childs 'Violet Ray' (John Childs, 1924) JI. Note: Not to be confused with Louisiana 'Violet Ray' registered by Dormon, 1949. Main.Lau...
(JI) 'Virginia B' 1972, Hazzard 'Virginia B' (Arthur H. Hazzard, R. 1972) Sdlg. 131. JI, 36" (91 cm), Early bloom. Standards blue violet bitone; Falls ruffled blu...
■(JI) 'Vodopady Bile Opavy' 2016, Seidl 'Vodopady Bile Opavy' (Zdenĕk Seidl, R. 2016. Seedling# CJ 02.11. JI (6 F.), 35.5" (90 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Style...