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(JI) Japanese Iris - V

■(JI) 'Vain Victor' 1957, Marx 'Vain Victor' (Walter Marx, R. 1957) Seedling 56 118. JI, 42" (107 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards white center bordered pa...
r13 - 29 Dec 2023 - 20:18 by Harloiris
■(JI) 'Valerie's Gift' 2008, McEwen 'Valerie's Gift' (Currier McEwen, deceased, by Sharon Whitney, R. 2008) Sdlg. T5 88/42. JI (6 F. tet.), 34" (86 cm), L...
■(JI) 'Valiant Prince' 1959, Marx 'Valiant Prince' (Walter Marx, R. 1958) Seedling 49 27A. JI (double), 48" (122 cm), Early bloom. Rich rose red, central port...
r10 - 29 Dec 2023 - 20:16 by Harloiris
(JI) 'Valley Emperor' 1979, Rawdon 'Valley Emperor' (D. Olen Rawdon, R. 1977) Seedling 577 1 2. JI (double), 35" (89 cm). Midseason bloom. Full red violet (RHS 71...
r4 - 13 Feb 2023 - 15:12 by Harloiris
(JI) 'Valley Prince' 1977, Rawdon 'Valley Prince' (D. Olen Rawdon, R. 1977) Sdlg. 73 8. JI (6 petal), 40" (102 cm). Midseason bloom. Purple (RHS 78A), overlaid da...
r2 - 08 Apr 2015 - 21:41 by Harloiris
(JI) 'Valley Rhythm' 1906, Rawdon 'Valley Rhythm' ( D. Olen Rawdon, R. 1977) Sdlg. 5771 15. JI (6 petal), 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Full violet blue (RHS 90B)...
(JI) 'Valley Snow' 1977, Rawdon 'Valley Snow' (D. Olen Rawdon, R. 1977) Sdlg. 55 71. JI (6 petal), 36" (91 cm). Midseason to late bloom. White (RHS 155B) with yel...
r2 - 08 Apr 2015 - 21:53 by Harloiris
(JI) 'Valley Star' 1977, Rowdon 'Valley Star' (D. Olen Rawdon, R. 1977) Sdlg. 73 17. JI, 38" (97 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards dark violet; Falls full v...
r2 - 08 Apr 2015 - 21:54 by Harloiris
■(JI) 'Vals O Valse' 2019, Kaulen 'Vals O Valse' Вальс о вальсе (Mariya Kaulen, R. 2019). Seedling R19/14 1. JI (3 F.), 23.5" (60 cm), Midseason bloom. Stand...
r4 - 27 Nov 2021 - 17:45 by Harloiris
(JI) 'Van Hoesen' 1927, Kemp 'Van Hoesen' (J. A. Kemp, 1927). JI. Single. Color Class 4RL. See below: * * References References: From Fairmount Gardens ca...
(JI) 'Vanity Fair' 1939, Burtner 'Vanity Fair' ( R. H. Burtner, R. 1939) JI. Double. Color Class 7RL. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
(JI) 'Variabilis' 1885, Hallock 'Variabilis' (V. H. Hallock, Son Thorpe, 1885). JI. Single. From Cottage Gardens catalog, 1903: Lavender white splashed with pu...
■(JI) 'Variation In Pink' 1996, McEwen 'Variation In Pink' ( Currier McEwen, R. 1995) Sdlg. 89/34. JI (3 F.), 30" (75 cm), Early, midseason, late bloom and rebloo...
r11 - 24 Jan 2022 - 23:12 by Harloiris
■(JI) 'Vasilena' 2012, Kaulen 'Vasilena' Василена (Mariya Kaulen, R. 2012) Seedling J12/10 35. JI (6 F.), 31.5" (80 cm), Midseason bloom. Style arms light cream, ...
r8 - 17 Jul 2024 - 12:03 by ruiris
■(JI) 'Vasili Alfiorov' 1968, Rodionenko 'Vasili Alfiorov' Василий Алфёров ( Georgi Rodionenko, R. 2001) Sdlg. 963A. JI (3 F.), 28 39" (70 100 cm), Early midseaso...
r13 - 02 Jan 2019 - 12:46 by ruiris
■(JI) 'Vasiugan' 2019, Dolganova 'Vasiugan' (Zoya Dolganova, R. 2019). Seedling 2 27 10. JI (6 F.), 33.5" (85 cm), Midseason bloom. Style arms blue; falls laven...
r4 - 19 Jul 2024 - 08:37 by ruiris
■(JI) 'Vecherneye Oblako' 2012, Kaulen 'Vecherneye Oblako' Вечернее облако (Mariya Kaulen, R. 2012) Seedling J12/10 25. JI (3 F.), 38" (97 cm), Midseason late blo...
r6 - 19 Aug 2022 - 18:28 by Harloiris
(JI) 'Veiled Lady' 1936, Burtner 'Veiled Lady' ( R. H. Burtner, R. 1938) JI. Double. Color Class 6BM. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
(JI) 'Veiled Vanity' 1961, Marx 'Veiled Vanity' ( Walter Marx, R. 1960) Sdlg. 57 3. JI (double), 60" (152 cm), Late bloom. White, blue veining. From two Marhigo s...
■(JI) 'Veined And Beautiful' 1967, Swearengen 'Veined And Beautiful' (Clarence Swearengen, R. 1967) Seedling 291. JI (double), 38" (97 cm), Early midseason bloom….
(JI) 'Veined Artistry' 1964, Hazzard 'Veined Artistry' (Arthur H. Hazzard, R. 1963) Sdlg. 94. JI (single), 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light blue, dar...
(JI) 'Veinette' 1964, Hazzard 'Veinette' Arthur H. Hazzard, R. 1963) Sdlg. 100. JI (single), 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light blue, white and violet ...
(JI) 'Velvet Canopy' 1961, Marx 'Velvet Canopy' ( Walter Marx, R. 1960) Sdlg. 60 13. JI (double), 66" (168 cm), Midseason bloom. Soft red self. From two Marhigo s...
(JI) 'Velvet Majesty' 1969, Payne 'Velvet Majesty' (W. Arlie Payne, R. 1964) Sdlg. 846. JI (double), 39" (99 cm), Early bloom. Blackish purple self. 'Shadow Play'...
(JI) 'Venetian Night' 1969, Payne 'Venetian Night' (W. Arlie Payne, R. 1965) Sdlg. 1172. JI (3 petal), 42" (107 cm), Early bloom. Black purple; Falls with slight ...
(JI) 'Venetian Velvet' 1964, Payne 'Venetian Velvet' (W. Arlie Payne, R. 1963) Sdlg. 964. JI (double), 40" (102 cm). Early midseason bloom. Fluorite violet, black...
(JI) 'Venice' 1927, Kemp 'Venice' ( J. A. Kemp, 1927) JI. Early bloom. Double. Color Class 6RL. From Fairmount Gardens catalog, 1942: VENICE (Kemp 1927) Dbl. Lave...
■(JI) 'Verkhne Obskiy' 2013, Dolganova 'Verkhne Obskiy' Верхне Обский (Zoya Dolganova, R. 2013) Sdlg. 32 103 97. JI (6 F.), 31 35.5, Midseason bloom. Style arms v...
r8 - 17 Apr 2019 - 08:14 by ruiris
■(JI) 'Vermilion Sunset' 1989, Vogt 'Vermilion Sunset' (Adolph Vogt, R. 1989) JI (3 Falls. diploid), height 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards. white edged l...
(JI) 'Vernon' 1927, Kemp 'Vernon' ( J. A. Kemp, 1927) JI. Single. Color Class 6BL. From Fairmount Gardens catalog, 1942: VERNON (Kemp 1927) Sgl. Lavender blue on ...
(JI) 'Vervo Margo' 1955, Margo 'Vervo Margo' (Victor Boehl, R. 1955) Sdlg. H 501. JI (double), 36" (91 cm). Early bloom. Rose Bengal self. 'Appare' x 'Toyama Gara...
(JI) 'Veselaya Strekoza' 2021, Dolganova 'Veselaya Strekoza' Весёлая стрекоза (Zoya Dolganova, R. 2021). Seedling 2 16 12. JI (3 F.), 30" (75 cm), Midseason bloom...
r2 - 19 Jul 2024 - 08:38 by ruiris
(JI) 'Vestal Trident' 1964, Swearengen 'Vestal Trident' (Clarence Swearengen, R. 1964) Sdlg. S 41. JI Double, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. White self, yell...
(JI) 'Victor' About 1885, Hallock 'Victor' ( V. H. Hallock, Son Thorpe, about 1885) JI. Double. Color Class 4. From Fairmount Gardens catalog, 1942: VICTOR (Hal...
■(JI) 'Victorian Trim' 2009, Bauer/Coble 'Victorian Trim' ( Bob Bauer and John Coble, R. 2009) SeedlingJ02H 6. JI (6 F.), 36 38" (91 97 cm), Midseason bloom. Fall...
r19 - 18 Mar 2023 - 15:14 by Harloiris
(JI) Video Presentations 33 "Historic Iris of Japan" Chad Harris 3 29 2023 You tube presentation 22 "Iris Ensata — the Japanese Iris" Patrick Spence You tube pre...
(JI) 'Vinova Basta' 2001, Dudek 'Vinova Basta' (Jiri Dudek, R. 2001) Sdlg. JI 75/PA. JI (3 F.), 32" (80 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards burgundy purple; Falls bur...
(JI) 'Vintage' 1939, Prichard 'Vintage' ( Maurice Prichard Sons, 1939) JI. Single. Color Class 6BM. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
(JI) 'Vintage Festival' 1969, Payne 'Vintage Festival' (W. Arlie Payne, R. 1964) Sdlg. 896. JI (double), 38" (97 cm). Late midseason bloom. Pansy violet veined da...
■(JI) 'Vintner's Pride' 2011, Bauer/Coble 'Vintner's Pride' (Bob Bauer and John Coble, R. 2011) Seedling J02H 3. JI (6 F.), 36 (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Style arm...
r16 - 18 Mar 2023 - 15:13 by Harloiris
(JI) 'Viola Pudor' 1937, Pudor 'Viola Pudor' ( O. M. Pudor, R. 1937) JI. Single. Color Class 4RM. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
(JI) 'Violet And Silver' 1969, Payne 'Violet And Silver' (W. Arlie Payne, R. 1966) Sdlg. 1001. JI, 48" (122 cm). Early midseason bloom. Light ground densely veine...
(JI) 'Violet Beauty' 1924, Childs 'Violet Beauty' ( John Childs, R. 1924) JI. Single. Color Class 6BD. See below: * * References References: From Totty's ...
(JI) 'Violet Cap' ca. 1885, Hallock 'Violet Cap' (V. H. Hallock, Son Thorpe, ca. 1885). JI. Single. Color Class 4. From Child catalog, 1897: Pure white veined a...
■(JI) 'Violet Craola Vortex' 2008, Walker 'Violet Craola Vortex' (Lee Walker, R. 2007) Seedling C 96 63 20. JI (3 F.), 35.5" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards g...
(JI) 'Violet Enchantress' 1969, Payne 'Violet Enchantress' (W. Arlie Payne, R. 1965) Sdlg. 1021. JI (6 petal), 39" (99 cm). Late bloom. Royal purple to hyacinth v...
(JI) 'Violet Giant' 1931, Childs 'Violet Giant' ( John Childs, R. 1931) JI. Double. Color Class 4RM. From Fairmount Gardens catalog, 1942: VIOLET GIANT (Chi. 1931...
(JI) 'Violet Herrington' 1926, Childs 'Violet Herrington' ( John Childs, 1926) JI. Double. Color Class 3. * See below: * References References: From Child...
(JI) 'Violet Lustre' 1958, Payne 'Violet Lustre' (W. Arlie Payne, R. 1957) Seedling 598. JI (6 petals), 40" (102 cm). Midseason to late midseason bloom. Lavender ...
(JI) 'Violet Rain' 1948, Roberts 'Violet Rain' ( Mrs. Charles F. Roberts, R. 1948) JI. Double. Midseason late bloom. Color Class B5M. Main.BobPries 2011 03...
(JI) 'Violet Ray' 1924, Childs 'Violet Ray' (John Childs, 1924) JI. Note: Not to be confused with Louisiana 'Violet Ray' registered by Dormon, 1949. Main.Lau...
(JI) 'Violet Spectacle' 1964, Hazzard 'Violet Spectacle' (Arthur H. Hazzard, R. 1963) Sdlg. 88. JI, 32" (81 cm), Midseason late bloom. Blue violet self, darker ve...
(JI) 'Violet Splendor' 1969, Payne 'Violet Splendor' (W. Arlie Payne, R. 1964) Sdlg. 770. JI (double), 50" (127 cm). Late midseason bloom. Dark violet self. 'Clas...
(JI) 'Violet Tower' ?, Barber 'Violet Tower' (Charles Barber) JI. Double. Color Class 5BM. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
(JI) 'Violet Vase' 1981, Ackerman 'Violet Vase' (William Ackerman, R. 1981) Sdlg. D4(8 161). JI (5 F. diploid), 26" (66 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards dark viole...
(JI) 'Violet Voltage' 1969, Payne 'Violet Voltage' (W. Arlie Payne, R. 1966) Sdlg. 1023. JI, 42" (107 cm). Early bloom. Royal purple (Ridgway) self. 386 ('Night M...
(JI) 'Virginia B' 1972, Hazzard 'Virginia B' (Arthur H. Hazzard, R. 1972) Sdlg. 131. JI, 36" (91 cm), Early bloom. Standards blue violet bitone; Falls ruffled blu...
(JI) 'Vision Of Beauty' 2007, Delmez 'Vision Of Beauty' (Donald Delmez, R. 2006) Sdlg. DDKRVO. JI (6 F.), 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Style arms red violet, dar...
(JI) 'Vivat Mariya Kaulen' 2022, Dolganova 'Vivat Mariya Kaulen' Виват, Мария Каулен! (Zoya Dolganova, R. 2022) Seedling 12 3 14, JI (6 F.), 26" (65 cm), Midseaso...
r3 - 19 Jul 2024 - 08:40 by ruiris
■(JI) 'Vivat, Rodionenko' 2013, Dolganova 'Vivat, Rodionenko' Виват, Родионенко (Zoya Dolganova, R. 2013) Sdlg. 3 2 93. JI (6 F.), 23 27.5, Midseason bloom. Style...
r11 - 17 Apr 2019 - 08:16 by ruiris
■(JI) 'Vivat Tatiyany' 2012, Kaulen 'Vivat Tatiyany' Виват Татьяна (Mariya Kaulen, R. 2012) Sdlg. J12/11 5. JI (3 Falls), 37.5 (95 cm), Midseason bloom Standard...
r6 - 30 Jul 2019 - 23:22 by Harloiris
■(JI) 'Vivat Vereshchagina' 2019, Dolganova 'Vivat Vereshchagina' Виват, Верещагина! (Zoya Dolganova, R. 2019). Seedling 1 40 09. JI (6 F.), 33.5" (85 cm), Midse...
r4 - 19 Jul 2024 - 08:41 by ruiris
■(JI) 'Vodopady Bile Opavy' 2016, Seidl 'Vodopady Bile Opavy' (Zdenĕk Seidl, R. 2016. Seedling# CJ 02.11. JI (6 F.), 35.5" (90 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Style...
r4 - 14 Aug 2020 - 20:29 by Pamina
(JI) 'Voodoo Mischief' 2001, Marshall 'Voodoo Mischief' (Nerissa Marshall, R. 2001) JI (3 F.), 30" (75 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards violet (RHS 83A), lined, ma...
■(JI) 'Vremya Breyka' 2019, Kaulen 'Vremya Breyka' Время брэйка (Mariya Kaulen, R. 2019). Seedling R19/15 12. JI (6 F.), 33.5" (85 cm), Midseason bloom. Sty...
r3 - 19 Sep 2020 - 13:51 by Harloiris
Number of topics: 65
Topic revision: r1 - 08 Mar 2011, BobPries
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