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(LA) Louisiana - E

■(LA) 'E. C. Everingham' 1980, Raabe 'E. C. Everingham' (Robert Raabe, R. 1976). Seedling M 2 74. LA, 39" (99 cm), Early bloom. Standards light methyl violet (HCC...
(LA) 'E. H. Martyn' 1976, Raabe 'E. H. Martyn' ( Robert Raabe, R. 1974). Seedling N 27. LA, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Sulphur yellow (Wilson 1) self, shading ...
■(LA) 'Earline Sudduth' 2009, Wolford 'Earline Sudduth' (Harry Wolford, R. 2009). Seedling AV 046 04. LA, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light purple, li...
■(LA) 'Early Morn' 1950, Conger 'Early Morn' (Sidney Conger, R. 1950). Louisiana, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class OYL/ORL5, Deep cream and old rose...
■(LA) Early On' 2006, O'Connor 'Early On' (Patrick O'Connor, R. 2005). Seedling 01 31. LA, 36" (91 cm), Early bloom. Standards white veined medium orchid, more pr...
(LA) 'Easter Basket' 1946, Dormon 'Easter Basket' (Caroline Dormon, R. 1946) LA. Color Class R7M. 'Cajun Joyeuse' x 'New Orleans'. Recorded as Vinie in 49 Checkli...
■(LA) 'Easter Love' 1984, Faggard 'Easter Love' (Albert Faggard, R. 1982). Seedling F LAV L 75. LA, 32" (81 cm), Early bloom. Light pastel yellow (RHS 12D), vei...
r8 - 11 Apr 2022 - 19:11 by Harloiris
(LA) 'Easter Surprise' 1955, Arceneaux 'Easter Surprise' (George Arceneaux, R. 1953). Louisiana giganticaerulea, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class RV3, St...
■(LA) 'Easter Tide' 1979, Arny 'Easter Tide' (Charles W. Arny, R. 1979). Seedling BiC Y Lav 2 77. LA, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards lavender blue; falls...
r21 - 05 Jun 2021 - 17:39 by Harloiris
■(LA) 'Eastman Winds' 2004, Pryor 'Eastman Winds' (Bernard Pryor, R. 2001). Seedling 56/93 C. LA, 30" (76 cm), Late midseason bloom. Bright fuchsia pink (RHS 72C)...
■(LA) 'Echo's Red Imp' 2004, Faith Echo's Red Imp' ( M. D. Faith, R. 2004). Seedling S50. LA, 24" (61 cm), Midseason bloom. Scarlet red (RHS 46B) self; darker red...
(LA) 'Eclipse' 1959, Davis 'Eclipse' ( Claude Davis, R. 1959). Seedling 54 15. Louisiana, 40" (102 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class V1M, Dahlia mauve sel...
(LA) 'Ecristata' 1931, Alexander 'Ecristata' (Edward Alexander, R. 1931) LA. Color Class B1D. Recorded as Vinie in 49 Checklist; Class renamed Louisiana Iris. ...
(LA) 'Edina' 1987, Taylor 'Edina' ( John C. Taylor, R. 1986). Seedling M9 1. LA, 31" (80 cm). Midseason bloom. Light blue (RHS l00C), yellow signal on Falls. Cam...
■(LA) 'Edith Dupre' 1945, Arceneaux 'Edith Dupre' (George Arceneaux, R. 1945) LA. Early bloom. Color Class S7D. 'Bazeti' x 'Maringouin Yellow'. Recorded as Vinie ...
r7 - 11 Apr 2020 - 14:52 by Harloiris
■(LA) 'Edith Fear' 1979, Taylor 'Edith Fear' ( John C. Taylor, R. 1979). Seedling GFL 59 1. LA, 40" (102 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards cream, suffused magenta...
r7 - 26 Apr 2021 - 17:04 by Harloiris
■(LA) 'Edmond Riggs' 2003, Sloan 'Edmond Riggs' (Richard Sloan, R. 2002). Seedling 98 L P. LA, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pastel lilac pink, reverse ...
■(LA) 'Edna Claunch' 2004, Wolford 'Edna Claunch' (Harry Wolford, R. 2004). Seedling 16/99/06. LA, 26" (66 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards lemon lime veined lime ...
■(LA) 'Edna Grace' 2008, Pryor 'Edna Grace' (Heather Pryor, R. 2006). Seedling 117/00 A. LA, 33" (84 cm), Midseason late bloom and rebloom. Standards and falls pa...
r19 - 16 Apr 2020 - 14:14 by Harloiris
(LA) 'Edward J. Alexander' 1944, Riggs 'Edward J. Alexander' (Edmond Riggs, R. 1944) LA. Color Class R4D. Collected wild. Recorded as Vinie in 49 Checklist; Class...
■(LA) 'Eileen Hollander' 2019, O'Connor 'Eileen Hollander' (Patrick O’Connor, R. 2017) Seedling 10 29. LA, 34 36" (86 91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards me...
■(LA) 'Elaine Bourque' 2008, Haymon 'Elaine Bourque' (Dorman Haymon, R. 2007). Seedling 21 01 1. LA, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards, style arms and Falls...
■(LA) 'Elaine Kelly' 2017, O'Connor 'Elaine Kelly' (Patrick O’Connor, R. 2017) Seedling 15 02. LA, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards medium pink; style ...
■(LA) 'Elaine's Charlie' 2014, Arny 'Elaine's Charlie' ( Charles W. Arny, deceased, by Elaine Bourque, R. 2007). LA, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards mediu...
■(LA) 'Elaine's Wedding' 1998, Pryor 'Elaine's Wedding' (Bernard Pryor, R. 1996). Seedling 34/92 B. LA, 30" (76 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards soft lavende...
■(LA) 'Electric Firefly' 2004, Pryor 'Electric Firefly' (Bernard Pryor, R. 2004). Seedling 171/96 B. LA, 35" (90 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards and falls de...
r8 - 27 Apr 2020 - 01:11 by bjsbaby
■(LA) 'Electric Storm' 2018, Jackson 'Electric Storm' (Peter Jackson, R. 2016). Seedling 12A 2. LA, 37" (94 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Standards burgundy; sty...
■(LA) 'Elegant Masquerade' 2021, Nichols 'Elegant Masquerade' (Hooker Nichols, R. 2021). Seedling HG 223. LA, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards and ...
(LA) 'Elephantina' 1931, Small 'Elephantina' (John Kunkel Small, 1931). Vinic; Color Class S1L; Ivory white, yellow signal patch. May not represent a single clone...
■(LA) 'Eliza De Burgh' 2000, Hutchinson 'Eliza De Burgh' (Janet Hutchinson, R. 2000) Seedling DJDD. LA, 34" (86 cm), Early midseason bloom. Ivory white, all petal...
(LA) 'Elizabeth Robertson' 1952, Robertson 'Elizabeth Robertson' ( Myrtle Robertson, R. 1952). Louisiana, 42" (107 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class RY1, Self, of...
■(LA) 'Elizabeth The Queen' 2001, Nelson 'Elizabeth The Queen' (Ira Nelson, deceased, by Barbara Nelson, R. 2001). LA, 36 40" (91 102 cm), Midseason late bloom. P...
r10 - 05 Jun 2021 - 17:54 by Harloiris
(LA) 'Elizabeth Washington' 1931, Washington 'Elizabeth Washington' ( Thomas Washington, 1931) LA. Color Class B1M. 'Dorothea K. Williamson' x I. foliosa . ELIZA...
(LA) 'Ella B. Davis' 1954, Conger 'Ella B. Davis' ( Sidney Conger, R. 1953). Seedling 49 55 2. Louisiana, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class RV3, Red viole...
(LA) 'Ella Donna Haslett 'Ella Donna Haslett' ( Mark Haslett, R. 2014) Seedling LA06/51. LA, 24" (61 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale lilac fading toward edge...
■(LA) 'Ellene Rockwell' 1973, Arny 'Ellene Rockwell' (Charles W. Arny, R. 1973). Seedling LBL 2 71. LA, 30" (76 cm), Late midseason bloom. Light blue self; orange...
■(LA) 'Ellen's Paparazzi' 2019, Trahan, Sr. 'Ellen's Paparazzi' (Benny Trahan, R. 2017) Seedling 14 BR/PK 04. LA, 30" (76 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Stand...
r4 - 17 Aug 2020 - 18:29 by Harloiris
■(LA) 'Elusive Butterfly' 1984, Ghio 'Elusive Butterfly' (Joseph Ghio, R. 1983). Seedling LU 79 283A. LA, 40" (102 cm), Early midseason bloom. Lavender violet wit...
■(LA) 'Elven Trove' 2010, Betts 'Elven Trove' ( T. J. Betts, R. 2010) Seedling 526B. LA, 36" (92 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards yellow, angled upward; style ar...
■(LA) 'Émigré' 1990, Dunn 'Émigré' (Mary Dunn, R. 1990). Seedling L108 2. LA, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards blue with lavender undertone, texture veined...
(LA) 'Emily Kimbrough' 1956, Conger 'Emily Kimbrough' (Sidney Conger, R. 1956). Louisiana, 30 36", Midseason bloom. Color Class RV3, Violet bitone. Standards deep...
(LA) 'Emily Strawn' 1996, Strawn 'Emily Strawn' ( Kirk Strawn, R. 1993). Seedling K 1985. LA, 37" (93 cm), Early bloom. Standards mimosa yellow (RHS 8C aging 8D);...
(LA) 'Emma Hansen' 1976, Raabe 'Emma Hansen' ( Robert Raabe, R. 1975). Seedling 71 T 22. LA, 54" (137 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white; Falls flax blue, fadi...
(LA) 'Emma Sample' 1951, Trichell 'Emma Sample' (Marvin Trichell, R. 1950) AH/LA, 38" (97 cm). Midseason bloom. Bright rose self, gold signal. ( 'Giganticaerulea ...
■(LA) 'Emory Smith' 1999, O'Connor 'Emory Smith' (Patrick O'Connor, R. 1999). Seedling 95 9. LA, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards blue lavender; style arms...
■(LA) 'Empress Josephine' 1990, Haymon 'Empress Josephine' (Dorman Haymon, R. 1989). Seedling 37 84 9. LA, 32" (81 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Ruffled velvety ...
(LA) 'Encarnado' 1935, Viosca, Jr. 'Encarnado' (Percy Viosca, Jr., R. 1935) LA. Color Class R7D. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
(LA) 'Encased Opal' 1983, Betts 'Encased Opal' ( T. J. Betts, R. 1983). Seedling 834F. LA, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards dark violet (RHS 88A); green st...
■(LA) 'Encounter Bay' 2002, Jackson 'Encounter Bay' (Peter Jackson, R. 2002) Seedling LMM4. LA, 39" (100 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white, washed and veined ...
■(LA) 'Endearing Thought' 2006, Pryor 'Endearing Thought' (Bernard Pryor, R. 2004). Seedling 160/96 A. LA, 34" (87 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards medium mul...
r8 - 28 Mar 2020 - 14:24 by Harloiris
(LA) 'Ending Balance' 2003, Dunn 'Ending Balance' ( Mary Dunn, deceased, by Joseph Ghio, R. 2002). Seedling L256 3. LA, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards gr...
■(LA) 'English Turn' 2013, O'Connor 'English Turn' (Patrick O'Connor, R. 2013) Seedling 08 04. LA, 34 (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards medium rose; style arms ...
r10 - 13 Nov 2023 - 22:37 by Harloiris
(LA) 'Ensign Blue' 2006, Murray 'Ensign Blue' ( Myrtle Murray, deceased, by David Murray, R. 2005). Seedling 81/5/10. LA, 33" (85 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards ...
(LA) 'Entree' 1985, Ghio 'Entree' ( Joseph Ghio, R. 1984). Seedling LU 78 O. LA, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards near white; falls light to mid yello...
r8 - 03 Jul 2021 - 14:29 by Harloiris
■(LA) 'Enviable' 2002, Faith 'Enviable' (M. D. Faith, R. 2002) Seedling S86A. LA, 42" (107 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards greyed translucent white, aging paler; ...
(LA) 'Envy In Gold' 1995, Hutchinson 'Envy In Gold' ( Janet Hutchinson, R. 1995). Seedling MSDWB/JH. LA, 43" (110 cm), Early midseason bloom. Rich yellow, edges d...
■(LA) 'Eolian' 1967, Arny 'Eolian' (Charles W. Arny, R. 1967). Seedling BLB 64. LA, 42" (107 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1Pcm, Blue (Wilson 649/3) self wit...
■(LA) 'Ephemeral Edge' 2024, Shamblin 'Ephemeral Edge' (Brian Shamblin, R. 2023) Seedling 17 031A, LA, 32" (81.5 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards ivory aging white...
(LA) 'Erika Joy' 2001, Matheny III 'Erika Joy' ( Ed Matheny III, R. 2000). Seedling L:03 02 97. LA, 27" (69 cm), Late bloom. Reddish purple, Falls with bright yel...
(LA) 'Ersel Lorraine' 2004, Wolford 'Ersel Lorraine' (Harry Wolford, R. 2004). Seedling 300 01B 03. LA, height 30" (76 cm), Early bloom. Bright yellow self, thin ...
■(LA) 'Eryldene' 2006, Hutchinson 'Eryldene' ( Janet Hutchinson, R. 2006). Seedling JB/SB3. LA, 38" (97 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards lavender blue, pa...
r6 - 19 Apr 2020 - 14:33 by Harloiris
(LA) 'Eska Holt' 1932, Washington 'Eska Holt' ( Thomas Washington, R. 1932) LA. Color Class B2L. ESKA HOLT (Washington 1932) Cobalt blue with clark blue stripe cl...
(LA) 'Esplanade' 1933, Nicholls, Jr. 'Esplanade' ( Jesse Nicholls, Jr, R. 1933) LA. Midseason late bloom. Color Class R8M. Royal Iris Gardens 1933. See below: *...
r4 - 10 Nov 2021 - 18:08 by Harloiris
■(LA) 'Esplanade Ridge' 2021, O'Connor 'Esplanade Ridge' (Patrick O’Connor, R. 2020). Seedling 16 07. LA, 29" (74 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards greyed yell...
■(LA) 'Estelle Egan' 2016, O'Connor 'Estelle Egan' ( Patrick O'Connor R. 2013) Seedling 09 35. LA, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale blue; style arms c...
■(LA) 'Eternal Son' 2020, Lively 'Eternal Son' (Scott Lively, R. 2020). Seedling 13 0 04. LA, 25" (64 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards medium purple pink; style a...
r5 - 07 Jul 2021 - 20:44 by Harloiris
(LA) 'Ethel' 1940, Riggs 'Ethel' (Edmond Riggs, R. 1940) LA. Color Class Y7M. Collected wild. Recorded as Vinie in 49 Checklist; Class renamed Louisiana Iris. ...
■(LA) 'Ethel Hutson' 2022, O'Connor 'Ethel Hutson' (Patrick O’Connor, R. 2020). Seedling 15 19. LA, 37" (94 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards thistle, narrow ...
■(LA) 'Ethereal Etchings' 2024, Shamblin 'Ethereal Etchings' (Brian Shamblin, R. 2023) Seedling 16 34A, LA, 28" (71 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards pale buf...
■(LA) 'Ethyl Sarah' 2007, McSparrin 'Ethyl Sarah' (Rusty McSparrin, R. 2007). Seedling RG7 6 o4. LA, 48" (122 cm), Early, midseason, late bloom. Standards blue vi...
(LA) 'Eudora' 1932, Washington 'Eudora' ( Thomas Washington, R. 1932) LA. Color Class B1M. EUDORA (Washington 1932) Light violet blue with dark line in center of ...
(LA) 'Eufaulee' 1936, Washington 'Eufaulee' ( Thomas Washington, R. 1936) LA. I. hexagona. EUFAULEE (Washington 1936) Large open cup shaped flower of Delft blue. ...
(LA) 'Eulette P. Francis' 1950, Conger 'Eulette P. Francis' (Sidney Conger, R. 1950) AH/LA, 30" (76 cm). Midseason bloom. Cream and carmine blend. 'New Orleans' X...
(LA) 'Europa' 1990, Taylor 'Europa' ( John C. Taylor, R. 1989). Seedling N63 2. LA, 39" (100 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards pale pink (RHS 36D) suffused rose pin...
(LA) 'Evangeline' 1944, Riggs 'Evangeline' (Edmond Riggs, R. 1939) LA. Color Class Y4D. Collected wild. Recorded as Vinie in 49 Checklist; Class renamed Louisiana...
■(LA) 'Evangeline's Legacy' 2015, Musacchia 'Evangeline's Legacy' ( Joseph Musacchia, R. 2015) Seedling BP 12 1. LA, 32 34" (81 86 cm), Midseason to late bloom. S...
(LA) 'Evangelist Billy Graham' 1989, Fabel Ward 'Evangelist Billy Graham' (Robert Fabel Ward, R. 1989). LA, 24" (61 cm), Early bloom. Ruffled white, orange signal...
■(LA) 'Evelyn Boon' 1977, Arny 'Evelyn Boon' ( Charles W. Arny, R. 1977). Seedling BiC Y B 1 75. LA, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale yellow, deep cr...
■(LA) 'Even Handed' 1994, Dunn 'Even Handed' (Mary Dunn, R. 1994). Seedling 169 1. LA, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Milky violet, small green spear signal. 'Plan...
■(LA) 'Evening Intrigue' 2019, Nichols 'Evening Intrigue' (Hooker Nichols, R. 2019). Seedling 14 16. LA, 34" (86 cm), Early to late bloom. Cyclamen purple self, ...
(LA) 'Eventide' 1952, Dormon 'Eventide' (Caroline Dormon, R. 1952). Louisiana, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class V1, Self, pale violet (Eventide, M P 42...
(LA) 'Ever More' 1978, Wyatt 'Ever More' ( Carl Wyatt, R. 1978). LA, 36" (91 cm), Late bloom. Light lemon cream self. 'Ila Nunn' X seedling. Main.BetsyHiggin...
(LA) 'Everett Caradine' 1971, Arny 'Everett Caradine' ( Charles W. Arny, R. 1970). LA, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards sea blue frequently with or...
■(LA) 'Everything That Rises' 2014, O'Connor 'Everything That Rises' (Patrick O'Connor, R. 2014) Seedling 10 26. LA, 34" (86 cm), Late bloom. Standards medium yel...
(LA) 'Excitement' 1951, Levingston 'Excitement' (William Levingston, R. 1951). Louisiana (giganticaerulea), 24" (61 cm), Midseason. Color Class W2, White, marked ...
r3 - 04 Aug 2015 - 13:21 by Harloiris
(LA) 'Exclusive Label' 1996, Taylor 'Exclusive Label' ( John C. Taylor, R. 1994). Seedling RL 58 1. LA, 60" (152 cm). Midseason late bloom. Ruffled burgundy edged...
■(LA) 'Exploding Star' 2007, Pryor 'Exploding Star' (Heather Pryor, R. 2002). Seedling 42/96 D. LA, 38" (97 cm), Early midseason bloom. Medium orange, lemon rim a...
■(LA) 'Exquisite Idea' 2006, Pryor 'Exquisite Idea' (Heather Pryor, R. 2006). Seedling 23/00 AA. LA, 40" (102 cm), Early bloom. Standards lemon, medium fuchsia pl...
r15 - 16 Apr 2020 - 01:08 by bjsbaby
■(LA) 'Exquisite Lady' 1987, Owen 'Exquisite Lady' (Archie Owen, R. 1986). Seedling AO 2. LA, 28" (71 cm), Early bloom. Medium lavender blue, yellow signal, 1/4" ...
■(LA) 'Exquisite Miss' 1996, Strawn 'Exquisite Miss' ( Kirk Strawn, R. 1993). Seedling 1983. LA, 45" (115 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards purple (RHS 78C); style ...
■(LA) 'Extra Dazzle' 2004, Pryor 'Extra Dazzle' (Heather Pryor, R. 2003). Seedling 54/96 A. LA, 40" (102 cm), Early bloom. Dark cyclamen rose rimmed white, lemon ...
■(LA) 'Extra Style' 2020, Lively 'Extra Style' (Scott Lively, R. 2020). Seedling 13 B 06. LA, 20" (51 cm), Late midseason bloom. standards pale orange yellow, mo...
r5 - 07 Jul 2021 - 21:11 by Harloiris
■(LA) 'Extraordinaire' 1992, Dunn 'Extraordinaire' (Mary Dunn, R. 1990). Seedling L122 2. LA, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled and serrate metallic purple, l...
(LA) 'Eyed Excitement' 1995, Faggard 'Eyed Excitement' ( Albert Faggard, R. 1994). Seedling FBL 10 88. LA, 37" (93 cm), Midseason late bloom. Ruffled medium blue ...
(LA) 'Eyes Of March' 2012, Trahan, Sr. 'Eyes Of March' ( Benny P. Trahan Sr., R. 2012) Seedling 04 YS 01. LA, 28 (71 cm). Late bloom. Standards pink purple (RHS 7...
■(LA) 'Eyes Wide Open' 2016, Pryor 'Eyes Wide Open' (Heather Pryor, R. 2006). Seedling 49/98 GHP. LA, 39" (99 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards creamy white, cyclam...
■(LA) 'Eysan' 2024, Egner 'Eysan' (Javier Tarillo Egner, R. 2024). Seedling 23N9, LA, 29" (73.5 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards coral with thin clear edges, round...
Number of topics: 97
Topic revision: r3 - 07 Jul 2012, AlainFranco
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