

1968 American Iris Society Medals and Awards

Below you will find a picture gallery with links to the iris that have won 1968 AIS Medals and Awards or were runners up.

They are presented in the order that they were listed in, in the 1968 Bulletin.

The AIS Award of Merits and Honorable Mentions are broken out separately and presented via a link at the bottom of this page in a PDF listing with links to the awarded iris. The High Commendations and Exhibition Certificates listings are available on the main 1968 Awards page.

Return to 1968 Awards page.

Return to Main Awards page.

The American Iris Society hopes you enjoy scrolling through the gallery.

To provide you with additional information each iris is linked to its cultivar page in the encyclopedia, just click on the caption or photo.

Dykes Medal

The American Dykes Medal "The Best of the Best"

‘Stepping Out’, TB
272 Votes
Stepping Out
‘Ultrapoise’, TB
45 Votes
Luella Noyd
1st Runner Up
‘Skywatch’, TB
34 Votes
Clifford Benson
2nd Runner Up
‘Orange Parade’, TB
27 Votes
Melba Hamblen
3rd Runner Up
Orange Parade
‘Esther Fay’, TB
26 Votes
Orville Fay
4th Runner Up
Esther Fay

Cook-Lapham Award

The Cook-Lapham Award "Best Red Irises"

The Cook-Lapham Award was awarded from 1963 through 1972.

‘Jewel Tone’, TB
65 Votes
Jewel Tone
‘Bang, TB’
49 Votes
Tom Craig
1st Runner Up
‘Main Event’, TB
40 Votes
Les Peterson
2nd Runner Up
Blue Miller
‘Captain Gallant’, TB
25 Votes
Hazel Schmelzer
3rd Runner Up
Captain Gallant

Clara B. Rees Award

The Clara B. Rees Award "Best White Irises"

The Clara B. Rees Award was awarded from 1965 through 1972.

‘Celestial Snow’, TB
80 Votes
Bro. Charles Reckamp
Celestial Snow
‘Piety’, TB
67 Votes
Charles Branch
1st Runner Up
‘Arctic Fury’, TB
47 Votes
Clifford Benson
2nd Runner Up
Arctic Fury
‘Cup Race’, TB
38 Votes
Stedman Buttrick
3rd Runner Up
Cup Race
‘White Pride’, TB
34 Votes
Charles Branch
4th Runner Up
White Pride

Knowlton Medal

The Cook-Douglas Medal "Standard Dwarf Bearded Irises"

‘Green Spot’
65 Votes
Paul Cook
Green Spot
63 Votes
Bee Warburton
1st Runner Up
‘Easter Holiday’
57 Votes
John Durrance
2nd Runner Up
Easter Holiday
51 Votes
Mildred Brizendine
3rd Runner Up
45 Votes
Walter Welch
4th Runner Up

Hans and Jacob Sass Medal

The Hans and Jacob Sass Medal "Intermediate Bearded Irises"

99 Votes
Tom Craig
‘Lime Ripples’
74 Votes
Alta Brown
1st Runner Up
Lime Ripples
‘Drummer Boy’
70 Votes
2nd Runner Up
Drummer Boy
57 Votes
3rd Runner Up
‘Cloud Fluff’
43 Votes
Wilma Greenlee
4th Runner Up
Cloud Fluff

Knowlton Medal

The Knowlton Medal "Border Bearded Irises"

91 Votes
Bennett Jones
72 Votes
Opal Brown
1st Runner Up
‘Blue Miller’
64 Votes
Thomas M. Brown
2nd Runner Up
Blue Miller
‘Little Reb’
39 Votes
Mildred Brizendine
3rd Runner Up
Little Reb
‘Fairy Jewels’
36 Votes
Melba Hamblen
4th Runner Up
Fairy Jewels

The Caparne Award "Miniature Dwarf Bearded Irises"

The Caparne Award was awarded from 1950 to 1982, no award in 1983, an Awards of Merit for MDBs was established in 1983, with initiation of the upgraded Caparne-Welch Medal awarded in 1984.

‘Sky Caper’
30 Votes
Bee Warburton
Sky Caper
20 Votes
Walter Welch
1st Runner Up
‘Blue Whiskers’
15 Votes
Walter Welch
2nd Runner Up
Blue Whiskers
‘Heart's Content’
15 Votes
Walter Welch
3rd Runner Up

The Clarence G. White Award "Aril and Arilbred Irises with 1/2 or more aril content"

Aril and Arilbred (AR & AB) Irises with ½ or more aril content were recognized with the Clarence G. White Award from 1959 to 1991. No award in 1992. The Award of Merit for AR & ABs+ was established in 1993. Beginning in 1993, the Clarence G. White Medal was awarded to AR and ABs+.

‘Wee Scot’
58 Votes
Stanley Street
Wee Scot
‘Saffron Charm’
37 Votes
D. E. Benbow
1st Runner Up
Saffron Charm
‘Bethlehem Star’
26 Votes
Doris Foster
2nd Runner Up
Bethlehem Star
‘Rojo Grande’
26 Votes
Eugene Sundt
3rd Runner Up
Rojo Grande
25 Votes
Eugene Sundt
4th Runner Up

The Payne Award "Japanese Irises"

The Payne Award was awarded from 1966 to 1992, no award in 1993, an Awards of Merit for JIs was established, with initiation of the upgraded Payne Medal awarded in 1984.

‘Dancing Waves’
10 Votes
William Arlie Payne
Dancing Waves
‘Star At Midnight’
8 Votes
Rex Rich
1st Runner Up
Star At Midnight

The Mary Swords DeBallion Award "Louisiana Irises."

The Mary Sword Debaillon Award was awarded from 1948 to 1985, an Awards of Merit for LAs was established, with initiation of the upgraded Mary Swords DeBaillon Medal awarded in 1986.

‘Black Widow'
69 Votes
W. B. MacMillan
Black Widow
‘Katherine L. Cornay’
7 Votes
Charles W. Arny
1st Runner Up
Ktherine L. Cornay

The Morgan Award "Siberian Irises"

The Morgan Award was awarded from 1952 to 1984, no award in 1985, an Awards of Merit for SIBs was established, with initiation of the upgraded Morgan-Wood Medal awarded in 1986.

45 Votes
Fred Cassebeer
‘Mountain Lake’
35 Votes
Charles Gersdorff
1st Runner Up
Mountain Lake
‘Royal Ensign’
33 Votes
Harry Francis Hall-
Elizabeth Nesmith
2nd Runner Up
Royal Ensign
‘Velvet Night’
27 Votes
Peg Edwards
3rd Runner Up
Velvet Night

The Eric Nies Award "Spuria Irises."

The Eric Nies Award was awarded from 1956 to 1992, an Awards of Merit for SPUs was established, with initiation of the upgraded Eric Nies Medal awarded in 1993.

‘Dawn Candle'
25 Votes
Walker Ferguson
Dawn Candle
22 Votes
Walker Ferguson
1st Runner Up
‘Fluted Butterfly’
21 Votes
Tel Muhlestein
2nd Runner Up
Fluted Buttercup

The Williamson-White Award "Miniature Tall Bearded Irises"

The Williamson-White Award was awarded from 1968 to 1992, an Awards of Merit for MTBs was established, with initiation of the upgraded Williamson-White Medal awarded in 1993.

61 Votes
E. Bruce Williamson
‘Desert Quail’
58 Votes
Earl Roberts
1st Runner Up
Desert Quail
‘Dainty Dancer’
40 Votes
Alta Brown
2nd Runner Up
Dainty Dancer

The 1968 Award of Merit and Honorable Mention Irises with links to each awarded iris.

If you find errors in the information presented please contact the AIS Encyclopedia Manager at


-- DougChyz - May 2024
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
1968 AIS AM and HM Awards with Links.pdfpdf 1968 AIS AM and HM Awards with Links.pdf manage 274 K 14 May 2024 - 19:44 DougChyz 1968 AMs and HMs with Links
Clarence G White Award.jpgjpg Clarence G White Award.jpg manage 274 K 14 May 2024 - 16:59 DougChyz Clarence G. White Award
No Photo Available.jpgjpg No Photo Available.jpg manage 58 K 14 May 2024 - 15:30 DougChyz No Photo Available
Topic revision: r6 - 14 Jun 2024, DougChyz
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