

Adding an image to a library Page

Each piece of literature in the Library has its own page. Often on that page only a link to the pdf of the document is provided. For Items not available from other Libraries, a pdf may be found in the attachment section. Because it is easy to loose track of items the page is created with one of the above links and is included in the library.

But seeing a link is often dissappointing so in many cases such as catalogs or Newsletters an image of the cover can be displayed and when you click on it the pdf for the document opens. This page tells you how to make this image and its link to its pdf.


We must have a code for the image of the cover. This is achieved by attaching an image file to the page. Simply go to ATTACH on the top of the page and choose the file that you have on your computer for that image. Once the image file is in the attachment section we are ready to proceed.
If you Do not have a file of the cover image on your computer than it it is easy to create one. Simply open the pdf that is attached or the link to an outside source. With the document viewed on your screen do a screen shot. (on my computer the button for a screen shot is at the top of the Keyboard, to the right and labeled PrtScn. This then puts an image copy of your screen in your memory. You can pull it up in photoshop, crop the extraneous screen parts and save as the cover file


When creating any link in the wiki it always follows the format [[Destination][Link Name]]. In the case of a newsletter for example we will want [[destination PDF][Image of cover]]. Both the Destination code and the Image code can be found by right clicking on their respective attachments and choosing "copy short cut". The Destination The destination file if it is an external file will start with http. If it is from a pdf it should start with /PUB and end in pdf. The image file code from the attachment needs to be edited to the point that it begins with Hist// and ends in jpg" or JPEG" this is the inserted in the following code at the Hist//.........jpg". This is all done in the edit wiki text tab at the bottom of the page. And so you can only see the code in Edit wiki text view, (see Example in the view.)


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ %TABLE{ sort="on" tableborder="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="3" cellborder="0" headerbg="#3ee277" headercolor="#666666" databg="#FAF0D4, #F3DFA8" headerrows="0" footerrows="0" }%
Spuria Newsletter 2010 Summer

-- BobPries - 01 Sep 2017

-- BobPries - 24 Dec 2018
Topic revision: r2 - 24 Dec 2018, BobPries
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