

Hybridizer Pierre Anfosso (1928-2004)

France - La Crau, then Hyères (Var)PierreAnfosso93.jpg

Pierre Anfosso and his wife Monique created their garden Iris en Provence in the seventies; they retired at the end of nineties. Until october 2022, the nursery was owned by their daughter Laure.
Other members of the family: Pierre-Christian (son), Marin (grandson).
See Pierre Anfosso : l'aigle à deux têtes, IRIS et BULBEUSES n°159, p. 19-21.

See below:


Arilbreds Border Bearded Louisianas Standard Dwarf Bearded Spurias Tall Bearded

Not registered

Border Bearded Spurias Tall Bearded

Iris publications

Interested in French irises ? Please visit: Société Française des Iris et plantes Bulbeuses - SFIB | website (french language).

-- AlainFranco - 2011-07-10
Topic revision: r68 - 03 Nov 2022, AlainFranco
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