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Hybridizer Mrs. John C. Arbuckle

Columbus, Ohioart-mabel-arbuckle.jpg

Amateur gardener, Founder and First President, Columbus Iris Society. Had a large collection of Irises… Responsible for many public Iris plantings, shows, etc. Mrs. Arbuckle became a member of the American Iris Society in 1921, just one year after it was founded. (Alphebetical Iris Check List 1939) Mike Unser in an article in "Flags" (on-line publication of Historic Iris Preservation Society, July 2011 issue) reports that Mrs. Arbuckle was an outspoken opponent of the infomous "Black List," saying in a letter to the A.I.S. she thought "all irises disserved to live as long as anyone wanted to grow it." Mrs. Arbuckle had only one registered introduction, 'Lindbergh', named in honor of Aviator Charles Lindbergh.


Tall Bearded: 'Lindbergh'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
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art-mabel-arbuckle.jpgjpg art-mabel-arbuckle.jpg manage 71 K 03 Nov 2014 - 17:47 Main.mikeu Painting of Mrs. Arbuckle by noted Ohio artist Alice Schille
Topic revision: r5 - 22 Feb 2015, waynemesser
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