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Hybridizers Joseph C. Becherer (1897-1951) and George Becherer (1889-1955)

Mr. and Mrs. George(Ella) Becherer were selectors for Joseph C. after his death in 1951. George Becherer(1889-1955); Ella Becherer(1894-1963)

Chesterfield, Missouri, USA


Arilbred: 'Madam Mohr'.

Tall Bearded: 'Bernice Drizik', 'Better News', 'Castle Wood', 'Christie', 'Dixigem', 'Donna Schaan', 'El Morocco', 'Falstaff', 'Freckles', 'Frosted Glass', 'Grand Prize', 'Hiwassee', 'Honolulu Belle', 'June Appel', 'King Cotton', 'Legal Tender', 'Lonesome Pine', 'Lotowana', 'Midnight Magic', 'Montewees', Morning Melody', 'Pal-O-Mine', 'Pastel Supreme', 'Pennant Winner', 'Purple Ensign', 'Queen Aletha', 'Rose-Bo-K', 'Royal Welcome', 'Snow Goddess', 'Special Discount', 'Sporting News', 'Susabelle', 'Tapawingo', 'Virginia Topping', 'Windy Hill', 'Zulu'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r18 - 27 Nov 2017, Harloiris
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