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Hybridizer Bobbink & Atkins

Rutherford, New Jersey, USA

Large nursery specializing in Evergreens, Trees, Azaleas, Roses. Began to list Iris in 1900. Had a fine Iris collection in the decade beginning 1910 and introduced a dozen or so seedlings, none of which, however, became widely distributed. (AIS Check List, 1939)


Japanese: 'Prince Camille DeRohan', 'Sinbad',

Tall Bearded: 'Acquackanonk' 'Ramapo', 'Wanague', 'Wawayanda', 'Weequahic', 'Wyoming', 'Yountaka',

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r2 - 21 Jul 2015, Harloiris
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