Sioux City, Iowa, USA
E. A. EMERY - "Ernie" Emery had been a longtime member of AIS. He became a garden judge in 1950, and was elevated to the position of senior judge in 1965. He did extensive hybridizing in irises, and his last releases were MONKSHOOD, SILVER PALOMINO, MISTY ORCHID, VALETTA, SUZANNE MINNICK and EVELYN MINNICK. One of his goals was to produce a pink amoena. He and his wife, Alma, have one of the loveliest gardens in Region 21, and it has been a highlight of many spring tours. [A.I.S. Bulletin #182, July 1966] LARRY L. HARDER
(1949) We stopped at the Sioux City home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Emery. They have taken a steep hillside that might have been a liability and made it an asset. The garden is made at different levels, reached by rock steps. The steps have high walls on each side of huge red rocks. The effect is wonderful. The seedling garden is like Mr. Carl Schirmer's-in terraces. Does that make a display counter for iris? [Reynolds, Mrs. Leo F., Tennessee (1949). Coming Events Cast Their Shadows, American Iris Society Bulletin 116(January 1950), 28.]