


Hybridizer Mrs. Lena Freudenburg (1894-1970)

Battle Creek, Nebraska, USA

From The Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 202(July 1971): Mrs. Lena Freudenburg, ardent iris lover and hybridizer for nearly thirty years, departed this life October 6, 1970, following a lingering illness. She began hybridizing in 1942, and introduced forty-one irises. The first six introductions were named for her grandchildren. What started as a hobby in 1942 mushroomed into a thriving little business-the Freudenburg Iris Garden. She grew between 1500 and 2000 named varieties, always including the latest iris introductions from all over the nation. She has left a heritage of beautiful irises, her own introductions, which are treasured by family and friends. She is survived by her husband, Walter, a son Arland, a daughter, Adelaide (Mrs. Alvin Scheve), six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.


Border Bearded: 'Angel Child', 'Brown Pixie', 'Dainty Jewel', 'Fleur De Lis', 'Jean Barry', 'Jimmy', 'Kay Scheve', 'Little Dickens', Mem-To-Mom', 'Missy', 'Mose', 'Pleasure Isle', 'Pretty Pauly', 'Ruffled Harmony'.

Intermediate Beaarded: 'Brown Pixie', 'Dainty Jewel',

Miniature Dwarf Bearded: 'Baby Kim',

Tall Bearded: 'Addie Scheve', 'Addivic', 'Adelaide Ruth', 'Al Scheve', 'Almira', 'Almira Elaine', 'Arland', 'Arland Freudenburg', 'Aurora Frills', 'Battle Creek Centennial', 'Bertha Scheer', 'Blue Glad', 'Captain Scheve', 'Centennial', 'Debra La Rae', 'Doug Barry', 'El Diable Deon', 'Ernie Hall', 'Frieda J.', 'Gary Dean', 'Geti', 'Gini Booher', 'Grandpa Freudenburg', Hulda Martin', 'James Booher', 'Jane Ellen', Jean Carolyn', 'Jeffrey Booher'', 'June Decker', 'Kathy Booher', 'Kathy Kay', 'Kimberly Barry', 'Li'L Red', 'Lilyann', 'Loujean', 'Marion's Wish', 'Matthew Hall', 'Michael Barry', 'Michele Lynn', 'Mom Darling', 'Parfait', 'Pink Bonny', 'Prairie Lilt', 'Roger Paul', 'Rose Kalmer', 'Royal Rose', 'Scott Scheve', 'Sparkling Sunshine', 'Stan Roewert', 'Sunday Girl', 'Susan Jean', 'Sweet Joy', 'Uranium Belle', 'Waltlen'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
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Topic revision: r16 - 04 Jan 2019, DavidPotembski
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