

Hybridizer V. H. Hallock, Son & Thorpe

Queens, New York, USA

Note: Hallock, Son & Thorpe of Queens, Long Island, New York, were one of the earliest importers of Japanese Irises.


Japanese: 'Apollo', 'Beth Hallock', 'Blue Bird', 'Blue Danube', 'Blue Jay', 'Chameleon', 'Charmer', 'Como', 'Crimson Tuft', 'Crystal', 'Dinah', 'Eclair', 'Excelsior', 'Frate', 'Gold Bound', 'Granite', 'Hannibal', 'Hyde Park', 'Mahogany', 'Malmaison', 'Mars', 'Mirage', 'Navarre', 'Neptune', 'New York', 'Ondine', 'Oriole', 'Orion', 'Pyramid', 'Quakeress', 'Red Riding Hood', 'Robert Craig', 'Saturn', 'Senator Lexow', 'Snowbound', 'Souvenir', 'Spotted Beauty', 'Templeton', 'Variabilis', 'Violet Cap', 'William Tell', 'Yomo-No-Umi', 'Zenobia'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r28 - 13 Dec 2016, BetsyHiggins
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